Part 29 (1/2)

Tom straightened, turned to Tessa. ”I'm sorry,” he said, his voice gruff.

Tessa nodded, reached out to touch his arm. ”I can get home on my own,” she said. ”You be careful.”

Call it a premonition, call it common sense. Whatever the feeling was, it washed over Melissa like ice-cold water.

For now, maybe forever, the fun was over.

STEVEN AND M MELISSA took Tessa home, pulling into the alley behind the Sunflower Cafe, where an outside stairway led to the apartment upstairs. took Tessa home, pulling into the alley behind the Sunflower Cafe, where an outside stairway led to the apartment upstairs.

Leaving Melissa in the truck, Steven saw Tessa to her door, waited while she worked the lock, leaned inside to switch on the living room lights. A visible shudder moved through her as she paused on the threshold.

”It's creepy,” she said. ”Knowing a criminal might be running loose in Stone Creek, I mean.”

”We could wait,” Steven offered. ”Until your brother and his wife get here, at least.”

”I'll be all right,” Tessa replied quietly. ”Olivia and Tanner won't be long-they just wanted to go by their place and make sure the kids were okay.”

Tessa might have been a lot of things, but ”all right” wasn't among them. She looked scared to death.

”We wouldn't mind hanging around for a while,” Steven reiterated.

Tears glimmered in Tessa's eyes. She sniffled and shook her head once, as though to fling away her fears. ”This guy threatened Martine with a gun. gun. What if-what if something happens to Tom-?” What if-what if something happens to Tom-?”

”He strikes me as the type who can take care of himself,” Steven said truthfully. ”And, besides, he has deputies to back him up.”

”If anything happened-” Tessa fretted, more to herself than to Steven.

Steven didn't answer. He wasn't about to throw out a flippant ”Don't worry, everything will be all right” experience had taught him that that wasn't necessarily so. Nor did he feel right about leaving quite yet.

”I've never told Tom that I love him,” Tessa said, looking directly into his eyes. ”What if I don't get a chance to tell him?”

Steven touched her arm. ”What if you do?” he countered gently.

Just then, another truck appeared in the alley below, sitting headlights-to-headlights with his own rig.

”Looks like Tanner and Olivia are here,” Tessa said, with obvious relief.

Melissa had gotten out of Steven's rig to speak to them. The two women were embracing, while Tanner took the stairs two at a time.

Steven nodded to him and stepped back, and Quinn pulled Tessa in for a quick, brotherly hug.

”I'm all right,” Tessa insisted. Then she made introductions, and the two men shook hands.

”Thanks for looking out for my sister,” Tanner said.

Steven merely nodded, then headed down the steps. At the bottom, he met Olivia, Melissa's sister, for the first time.

Not a word pa.s.sed between him and Melissa until they'd both gotten back into his truck and he'd backed out of the alley and onto a side street, coming to a stop at the only traffic light in Stone Creek.

A right turn, and they would be headed for her place. A left, for his.

Steven was torn. He didn't want to leave Melissa alone, but suggesting that she spend the night with him didn't seem right, either.

”Where to?” he finally asked.

”The courthouse,” Melissa said, not looking at him.

She didn't offer any further explanation, but Steven knew all too well why she wanted to go there. She meant to wait, either in her office or in Tom's, until there was some kind of news.

”Okay,” Steven agreed, and when the light finally changed, he turned neither left nor right, but drove straight through the intersection, headed for the parking lot behind the courthouse.

The whole building was blazing with light, and Tom's cruiser, along with two others, sat at angles from the main entrance, as though quickly abandoned. One of the motors was still making a ticking sound, in fact.

A group of onlookers stood watching.

”Showtime,” Melissa said, under her breath, without even a semblance of humor.

Steven kept pace with her, nodding to various locals as he pa.s.sed them.

They reached the large gla.s.s doors, and he opened one of them, then waited while Melissa crossed the threshold.

”You don't have to stay,” she told him, when they were inside the corridor.

Noise spilled from Tom's office at the other end of the hallway-a woman was alternately sobbing and shrieking, and a dog, probably Elvis, was barking.

Steven made no response.

Melissa gave a small sigh of apparent resignation, and they walked toward the sheriff's office.

VELDA C CAHILL REELED, wild-eyed, when Melissa stepped through the doorway, but the woman was looking past her, to Steven.

”You've got to help my boy!” she cried. Word that he was a defense attorney must have gotten around.

Melissa stiffened slightly, but that was the only outward indication she gave that she knew what was going to happen. In some strange way, she'd known it all along.

Byron Cahill hadn't lasted long on the outside. Most likely, she'd be filing charges of armed robbery against him by morning, if not before then.

Steven spoke quietly to Velda; Melissa didn't attempt to listen in. She exchanged glances with Tom Parker and then swung her gaze toward the old-fas.h.i.+oned cells at the back of the office.

Byron sat on the cot in one of them, his head down, his hands hanging between his knees, fingers loosely intertwined. Elvis peered in at him, through the bars, reminding Melissa momentarily of one of the scenes in the Pirates of the Caribbean ride at Disneyland.

”What happened?” Melissa asked, speaking to Tom but still watching Byron. She had a sinking feeling in her middle, and she knew the trouble went beyond the sure and certain knowledge that she and Steven would be on opposite sides of the coming fight.