Part 16 (1/2)

The woman in the red dress harrumphed, arms folded.

”Fair enough,” Tom said agreeably.

By then, Melissa was wondering why she'd come along on this mission, since Tom didn't seem to need her help. If asked, she would have said it had seemed like a good idea at the time.

She smiled apologetically at the croquet/tango team. Winced when Tom took a light grip on her arm.

”That does it,” he said to Melissa, as they walked away, Elvis ambling along behind them. ”I'm taking you over to the clinic in Indian Rock.”

Melissa sighed. ”I'm just fine,” she protested. ”In fact, I was thinking I might like to try the tango-”

Tom flashed her a grin as he opened the door of the squad car for her and helped her to ease inside. ”No way,” he said.

”Why not?”

”Because,” Tom said, with a wicked light in his eyes, ”it takes two to tango, and I'll have no part of it, thank you very much.”

Melissa groaned. ”That was such such a bad joke,” she said. a bad joke,” she said.

But then she laughed.

Tom turned serious. ”I still think you should see a doctor. I could run you over to the clinic in Indian Rock in no time-”

”I'm fine, fine, Tom,” she insisted. ”And I'm not going anywhere but back to the office.” Tom,” she insisted. ”And I'm not going anywhere but back to the office.”

Tom didn't answer until he'd gotten behind the wheel again. ”Not much going on there,” he observed. ”Andrea can probably hold down the fort. Why not stay home for the rest of the day, if you won't go to the doctor, and take it easy?” He indicated her purse with a nod of his head and another grin. ”You could take care of all those phone messages. Rea.s.sure Bea Brady that you won't allow the toilet-paper contingent to get out of hand when it comes time to decorate the floats for the big parade. Tell Steven Creed you're hot for him and he's welcome to come by for supper anytime.”

Melissa punched her old friend in the arm. ”I'm going back to work,” ”I'm going back to work,” she told her friend. ”If I have to feel lousy, I might as well do it at the office as at home and, besides, my car is there.” she told her friend. ”If I have to feel lousy, I might as well do it at the office as at home and, besides, my car is there.”

”Never argue with a lawyer,” Tom sighed, heading for the center of town.

”Maybe I will will invite Steven over for supper again, though,” she said, after musing a while. ”Care to join us?” invite Steven over for supper again, though,” she said, after musing a while. ”Care to join us?”

Tom pulled the cruiser into the usual parking spot behind the courthouse and looked over at her. ”I smell a setup,” he said.


MELISSA GOT OUT OF THE SQUAD car, opened the back door for Elvis, who leaped nimbly to the ground, and semi-hobbled toward the side entrance to the brick courthouse. Tom's words echoed in her brain. car, opened the back door for Elvis, who leaped nimbly to the ground, and semi-hobbled toward the side entrance to the brick courthouse. Tom's words echoed in her brain.

I smell a setup, he'd said, when she'd invited him to supper, moments before. he'd said, when she'd invited him to supper, moments before.

”You have a suspicious mind, Tom Parker,” she accused.

”Part of the job,” Tom admitted, holding open the heavy gla.s.s door for her.

It occurred to Melissa then, as it might have to Tom as well, that it was a shame their relations.h.i.+p had always been platonic. They'd have made a good couple, she guessed, but there was no spark on either side. Hanging out with Sheriff Parker was like being with her brother, Brad-easy, low-key and safe. safe.

Keeping company with Steven, on the other hand, had the same charge as bungee jumping off a high bridge or riding a unicycle across the Grand Canyon on a tightrope.

”Taking risks is a part of your job, too,” Melissa replied briskly, as they moved-man, woman and dog-along the corridor. ”But when it comes to romance, you're nothing but a coward.”

”So it was was a setup,” Tom said, with a note of triumph. ”I knew it.” a setup,” Tom said, with a note of triumph. ”I knew it.”

”I might have been thinking of asking Tessa Quinn to join us,” Melissa answered, as they reached the outer door of her offices.

Melissa O'Ballivan, Prosecutor, read the faux-metal sign affixed to it. read the faux-metal sign affixed to it.

She waited out a small rush of frustration. Once, she'd loved her work. Now, she was just marking time, it seemed, waiting for someone to break the law, so she could try them in court. Was that any way to live?

Tom frowned down at her, though there was a benevolent light in his eyes. ”I'm looking forward to a platterful of Ashley's spare ribs,” he said.

”You haven't won yet,” Melissa pointed out. ”In fact, the way you're dragging your feet-you've had plenty of time to ask Tessa out, it seems to me-you're looking more and more like the new chairman of the Parade Committee with every pa.s.sing moment.”

”I'll ask her,” Tom said.

”Fine,” Melissa retorted. ”Let's see some action here. I'm not going to let you drag this bet out until we're all old and gray.”

He huffed out a loud sigh. ”Here's an idea,” he said. ”Why don't you just run your your love life, O'Ballivan, and let me run mine?” love life, O'Ballivan, and let me run mine?”

Melissa didn't have a reply ready, since neither of them actually had a love life, so she pushed open the office door and stepped inside, leaving Tom and Elvis in the corridor.

”As far as I'm concerned, the bet is off,” Tom called after her.

”You wish,” Melissa called back.

Andrea, though puffy-eyed, looked as though she'd rallied while Melissa was away. She smiled, pushed back her chair and hurried into the tiny break room, returning moments later with a steaming cup of coffee.

The fragrance was tantalizing.

”I made it myself,” Andrea said, sweeping past her, into the inner office, and setting the cup down on Melissa's desk.

”I thought making coffee was against your principles,” Melissa said lightly, extracting the stack of messages from her purse before putting the bag away in its usual cubbyhole.

”You're the one who said it wasn't in my job description,” Andrea said.

Melissa smiled. ”Nevertheless, Andrea,” she replied, with a touch of irony that was probably lost on her a.s.sistant, ”thank you for making the coffee. Did anyone call or stop by while I was out?” for making the coffee. Did anyone call or stop by while I was out?”

For a fraction of a second, Andrea looked almost coy. ”Mr. Creed was here,” the girl responded. ”About fifteen or twenty minutes ago.”

Melissa's heart raced, though she was all-business on the outside.

Or so she hoped, anyway.

She sat down, reached for the cup, took a sip of coffee before saying anything at all. ”Oh? Did he say what he wanted?”

Be casual.