Part 4 (1/2)

Mine To Take Cynthia Eden 49570K 2022-07-22

Her smile was forced. It barely lifted her lips. ”Just a on the head. I'll be fine.”

Then the detective actually reached out to her and curled his hand around hers.

Trace tensed. What the h.e.l.l kind of police work was that? The detective was far too cozy with Skye, especially for a guy who hadn't believed her story about a stalker.

”The attack changes things,” Alex told her as his fingers skimmed over her knuckles. ”This is an a.s.sault. I can get a team at-”

”My team is already at her studio,” Trace said as he returned to Skye's side. The detective was still holding her hand. Still staring at Skye with far too much interest. Still p.i.s.sing Trace off to an alarming degree. ”But your officers are certainly welcome to join the hunt.”

”Your team?” Alex repeated as his brow furrowed. Then his stare-a muddy brown-was back on Trace. ”I didn't catch your name.”

Because he hadn't thrown it. He did now, with pleasure. ”Trace Weston.” Deliberately, he took Skye's hand from the detective.

Alex backed up a step. ”Weston Securities?”


Alex whistled and glanced back at Skye. ”You hired him to keep you safe?” Before Skye could answer, Alex continued, ”I don't get it. If Weston Securities was on the case, why the h.e.l.l did she get hurt? Aren't you supposed to be the best in the d.a.m.n area?”

His hold tightened on Skye. ”If we're asking questions, I've got a few of my why the h.e.l.l didn't you do your job sooner? Someone has been stalking Skye for weeks.” No, much longer if she'd been watched in New York.

”Because there was no evidence,” Alex gritted out. ”But I tried, okay? I sent extra patrols to her house. I dropped by whenever I could. I've been trying to keep an eye on her.”

The guy wanted to keep more than an eye on her. That much was obvious to Trace. The detective's expression was too intense when he glanced her way. ”Don't worry, detective,” Trace said, his voice flat, ”I'll keep an eye on her from now on.”

Skye looked between them. Her lips tightened. ”I just want this man caught, okay? I want him stopped!” She pulled away from Trace and slid from the exam table. When her feet hit the floor, Trace was there to brace her, just in case.

”Tell me everything that happened,” Alex told her, hunching his shoulders as he leaned in closer to her.

Back the h.e.l.l off. Skye didn't need the cop crowding her.

Skye had come to Trace because there hadn't been anyone else to help her. The detective didn't get to step in now and play hero.

”There isn't much to tell.” The hospital gown slipped off her right shoulder and she tried to quickly pull it back into place. ”I was working in my studio. The lights went off. I-I heard the creak of the floor and knew someone was there. I tried to run, but h-he caught me.”

Trace had locked his back teeth while she spoke. b.a.s.t.a.r.d, I'm going to make you pay.

”He?” Alex pounced on that word choice. ”You're sure it was a man?”

”I couldn't see him.” Her stare darted to Trace. ”But I could feel him. He was strong, and he was big...about Trace's height. His body curved over mine when he-he held me against him.” Her voice broke a little.

Trace wanted her out of that room. He wanted her in his home, where he could protect her.

”Did he say anything to you?” Alex pressed. ”Did you hear any kind of accent in his voice? Did he-”

”No accent.” She shook her head. Winced a little. ”He was just whispering to me.”

Alex stilled. ”What did he say?”

”He said, 'I will be the one,'” she told them, her voice husky. She blinked quickly, as if fighting tears. ”That's all he told me, okay?” Those words came out rushed. ”That he'd be the one. Then Trace's agent came rus.h.i.+ng in and-and the guy let me go.”

”After he slammed your head into the gla.s.s,” Trace added, the words tearing from him.

”No, actually, he slammed my head into the gla.s.s before he gave me his little promise.” She curled her arms around her stomach. Stared up at Trace. ”Please take me home,” she said. ”Take me home with you.”

h.e.l.l, yes.

The doctor and a nurse headed into the room then. The doc glanced Trace's way. He inclined his head. ”I'll make sure she's safe tonight.” Every night.

He and the detective headed out while the nurse helped Skye change. Trace would have been more than happy to do that job himself-seeing Skye nude was one of his favorite things-but he needed to clear the air with the detective.

And it seemed the guy wanted to clear the air with him, too. As soon as the door closed behind them, Alex spun toward Trace. ”What's your game?”

He let his brows rise. ”I'm not playing a game.”

”Two days ago, Skye told me that she wasn't involved with anyone. She didn't have any family in the city, no close friends...” Alex exhaled roughly as he glared at Trace. ”Now you're standing here, saying you're her 'old friend' and taking her home for the night.”

Yes, that was exactly what he was doing. Wasn't the detective observant? ”Skye doesn't like hospitals. After her accident in New York, I think that's understandable.” He didn't like to think about her accident. Didn't like to remember- ”I've heard about you, Weston.”

Good for the detective. ”Most people in Chicago know about me...”

”You've got money, a freaking ton of it from all accounts.”

Yes, yes, he did. He'd come a long way from being the poor kid on the streets.

”And you've got dangerous connections.”

”Safe connections aren't any fun,” he murmured.

Alex's eyes narrowed. ”You're high profile. You take the big cases. You don't sign on as some woman's bodyguard.”

If the detective kept pus.h.i.+ng, he'd find out just how hard Trace could push back. ”This isn't some woman,” Trace said. Time for his turn to talk. ”This is Skye, and, I a.s.sure you, where she is concerned, I am very involved.”

”You weren't two days ago,” Alex fired back.

”Two days ago...” Trace exhaled slowly and fought to chain his anger. ”That would have been back when you were patrolling, doing your circles around her place.”

”Yes,” Alex hissed. ”I've been trying to protect her-”

”And now I'm here to help you do that job.”

”You looked like you were here to f.u.c.k her.”

The words were low, hard. Jealous?

Trace stepped toward the detective. The fellow was close to his height, and even though he was a cop, he had a soft look to him that told Trace this man hadn't seen nearly enough darkness in his life.

I've seen plenty.