Part 10 (1/2)

”My boy, did you SEE all the various details of this strange conspiracy and tragedy that you've been describing?”

”No, your honor, I didn't see any of them.”

”Didn't see any of them! Why, you've told the whole history straight through, just the same as if you'd seen it with your eyes. How did you manage that?”

Tom says, kind of easy and comfortable:

”Oh, just noticing the evidence and piecing this and that together, your honor; just an ordinary little bit of detective work; anybody could 'a'

done it.”

”Nothing of the kind! Not two in a million could 'a' done it. You are a very remarkable boy.”

Then they let go and give Tom another smas.h.i.+ng round, and he--well, he wouldn't 'a' sold out for a silver mine. Then the judge says:

”But are you certain you've got this curious history straight?”

”Perfectly, your honor. Here is Brace Dunlap--let him deny his share of it if he wants to take the chance; I'll engage to make him wish he hadn't said anything...... Well, you see HE'S pretty quiet. And his brother's pretty quiet, and them four witnesses that lied so and got paid for it, they're pretty quiet. And as for Uncle Silas, it ain't any use for him to put in his oar, I wouldn't believe him under oath!”

Well, sir, that fairly made them shout; and even the judge he let go and laughed. Tom he was just feeling like a rainbow. When they was done laughing he looks up at the judge and says:

”Your honor, there's a thief in this house.”

”A thief?”

”Yes, sir. And he's got them twelve-thousand-dollar di'monds on him.”

By gracious, but it made a stir! Everybody went shouting:

”Which is him? which is him? p'int him out!”

And the judge says:

”Point him out, my lad. Sheriff, you will arrest him. Which one is it?”

Tom says:

”This late dead man here--Jubiter Dunlap.”

Then there was another thundering let-go of astonishment and excitement; but Jubiter, which was astonished enough before, was just fairly putrified with astonishment this time. And he spoke up, about half crying, and says:

”Now THAT'S a lie. Your honor, it ain't fair; I'm plenty bad enough without that. I done the other things--Brace he put me up to it, and persuaded me, and promised he'd make me rich, some day, and I done it, and I'm sorry I done it, and I wisht I hadn't; but I hain't stole no di'monds, and I hain't GOT no di'monds; I wisht I may never stir if it ain't so. The sheriff can search me and see.”