Chapter 13: Peek-A-Boo (1/2)

I have been walking in loops for hours.

I am not tired of walking. The walls keep shifting colours and patterns. Sometimes, there are even words in languages that I can't read. I guess that those are hints, but the person forgot to write them in Chinese or English.

I listen to the sound of ticking. With each tick, I feel heavier. I glance at my hands that have lost all colours. I am slowly dying.

How long have I been here?

I scratch the back of my neck and find it sweaty. When I look at my hand, I find blood.

Well...this is not good.

Someone is laughing at my situation.

I look up at the black ceiling to find the owner of the voice. I find two giant purple eyes painted on the ceiling. Those creepy eyes blink at me with surprise and laugh again.

”You can see me?” I hear a voice.

”Why I am here?” I ask nonchalantly.

”This is a prison.” The 'creepy eyes' snickers. I am sure that this thing has a bad habit of giggling non-stop.

”My master brought you here,” It speaks with expectant voice.

I have no idea who this master is. I have been walking around for hours. The maze keeps changing, but this is the first time that I find someone to talk to...though, this person doesn't have a mouth. It's not even a person. It doesn't matter. I will compromise.

At least, I can speak to this thing.

”So, what type of creature are you?” I sit down on the floor and lean on the wall. I rest my arm on my knees and wait for the 'creepy eyes' to answer.

It doesn't reply. The eyes shift to the right and left. It's strange. I am surprised that I didn't have a heart attack yet. It seems to be watching out for something. Is it afraid of its master?

”Why are you not asking about the master?”

”Your master isn't as interesting as you.” I smile at it. ”You have pretty eyes.”

”Really?” The 'creepy eyes' perks up. ”You are the first prisoner to say that. The others always scream when they see me.”

Can you blame them?

”They don't have good eyes.” I chuckle softly. ”It takes good eyes to measure the value of a beauty. You have beautiful eyes.”

I can lie to save my life.

”I know.” The 'creepy eyes' is proud.

”My master doesn't understand my value. I am the only one of my kind. I am the watcher and the guard of this prison. No prisoner ever escaped this prison under my eyes.”

I don't know whether it's trying to be funny. I am literally under its eyes.

”They tried so hard. Some of them even broke down the walls.” The 'creepy eyes' laughs like a maniac. ”They don't know.”