Part 15 (1/2)

”And why should he haunt that boathouse?” was Nan's further demand.

”Oh! we don't know that.”

”Ever been a murder committed there?”

”Why! how you talk! A murder at Lakeview Hall? The idea!”

”All the ghosts I ever heard of were supposed to be the disembodied spirits either of persons who met with some catastrophe, or who committed a capital crime. They usually haunt the spot where the tragedy occurred. Now, my dear, what did this poor, black ghost do in life that he has to haunt that boathouse?”

”Oh, you can laugh!” exclaimed May, rather offended. ”But if you ever see the ghost you won't be so light-minded about it.”

And, oddly enough, May Winslow was a true prophet in this case; but Nan Sherwood, at the time, only laughed.

She and Bess, on the morning following their arrival at the school, went down to the trunk room to get their possessions. Mrs. Cupp abrogated to herself the right of search for, and seizure of, all contraband goods brought to the school by the pupils. The trunks must be unpacked under her eye--and a watchful eye it was!

Many a foolish or unwise mother allowed her daughter to wear garments or articles of adornment that Mrs. Cupp did not approve. And, as has before been said, at Lakeview Hall Mrs. Cupp's will was law.

”No, Miss Annie, I told you last year that those low-cut garments were not fit for winter wear in this climate. You should have told your aunt that I disapproved.”

”I _did_,” snapped the black-eyed girl who was thus addressed. ”But auntie says she has worn them all her life, and there is no reason why I should not.”

”Oh, yes there is. I am the reason,” returned Mrs. Cupp, grimly. ”Leave those things in your trunk, or return them. And tell your aunt that if she does not send you suitable and warm under-garments for the winter, that I will buy them and the cost will appear upon your quarterly bill.

”Now, Lettie Roberts! you know very well that no girl can wear a heel on her shoes like that in this school. What would Miss Gleason say?” Miss Gleason was the physical instructor. ”If you wish to retain those shoes I will have the heels lowered.”

”Oh, mercy me, Mrs. Cupp!” remonstrated the victim this time. ”Those are my brand new dancing pumps!”

”You'll not dance in these pumps here,” responded the matron, firmly.

”Make up your mind quickly.”

”Heel 'em!” shot in Lettie, who knew of old that Mrs. Cupp was adamant.

”Oh, dear!”

”No use trying to balk Mrs. Cupp,” Laura Polk had warned Nan and Bess.

”It would be just as wise to b.u.t.t your heads against a brick wall to make an impression on the wall!”

Mrs. Cupp had a sharp eye for anything the girls desired to take out of their trunks. And that which went back into the trunks remained in her care, for she insisted upon keeping the trunk keys as well as the key of the trunk-room.

”What's this you have buried at the bottom of your trunk, Nancy?” she asked Nan, sharply, when she came to a long, narrow box, made very neatly of cabinet wood by the skilful fingers of Tom Sherwood.

”Mercy, Nan!” whispered Bess, peering over her chum's shoulder, ”it looks horribly like a baby's coffin.”

”I--I'd rather you didn't take that out, Mrs. Cupp,” said Nan, hastily.

”What?” repeated the lady, eyeing Nan suspiciously through her

”No, ma'am! please don't take it out,” fluttered Nan.