Part 23 (1/2)
She let go of Sam's hand. She'd heard guilt. ”Yeah. About that?”
”Look, this can really wait until tomorrow. You need to rest after today, honey.”
”Oh, no. Don't you go deflecting with concern for my battered soul, honey. Spill, McLean. After today, I can take whatever you got.”
”So. It happened like this ...”
”What happened like what?”
”How I got to O-Tech in the first place.”
Dread filled the pit of her belly. And then the conclusion jumping began. Oh, Jesus. He was somehow involved in this manufactured vampire thing. He was a maniac, too. A hot maniac, but a maniac. Oh, h.e.l.l. He was a maniac she'd wonked to within an inch of her undead-edness. And he was in this room with her. How could Wanda and Nina let her be in a room with a maniac? What the s.h.i.+t kind of got your back was that?
Wait. Maybe that was too much? Perspective. Phoebe fought for perspective.
She straightened her shoulders, pulling the comforter over her naked body as though it were a s.h.i.+eld she could use to protect herself from whatever Sam was going to say. ”So. How did Sam the Entomologist get to O-Tech?”
His eyes were clear and direct when he looked at her. ”He got there through the FBI.”
”Like some FBI bug-study program?” Oh. Well, then. What was the big deal about that? Relief flooded her.
Sam closed one eye and popped his lips, his hand through his hair. ”Um, no.”
Relief officially gone. ”Go in for the kill, Sam. Just say it.”
”I'm an undercover FBI agent. I work for a division of the FBI specializing in the investigation of suspicious paranormal activity.”
”You mean like Fringe?”
”Well. I prefer to think of myself categorized more Mulder from The X-Files than Olivia Dunham, but, yes. It's a very similar division,” he said. Calm. Organized. Due a punch in his stupid, handsome face.
Her hand went to her chest in a formerly human reaction. She was winded and she couldn't even breathe. ”Does Nina know about this?”
”She does. So do Wanda, Darnell, and Archibald.”
Nice. How very all in the family. ”And you still had your junk to work with in there? Nina didn't rip all your business off with her teeth?” she asked with disbelief as she thumbed over her shoulder in the direction of the bathroom.
”There was a moment I was sure that's where we were headed, but she let me explain.”
”Booyah for her.”
Sam sat silent, his eyes contrite.
He was good. But of course he was. Sam McLean was practiced at keeping everything under control, wasn't he? He was practiced at lots of things that had to do with the word under, now wasn't he? ”So you've been undercover all this time?”
”Investigating suspicious paranormal activity at O-Tech?”
”No. Not exactly.”
It all started to make sense. The caution he'd used about breaking into O-Tech. The way he'd made sure no one could find them on some unknown frequency by using walkie-talkies instead of their cell phones to communicate.
The hesitance he'd displayed at going into O-Tech despite their united vampiric strength and various powers. The way he'd covered all avenues when they had to break into Alice Goodwin's apartment by parking a couple of streets over. The way he'd led her to believe that he'd just watched a lot of detective shows in his time and that was why he always knew exactly what to do.
But Starsky had a secret, didn't he?
The. Motherf.u.c.ker.
So what did not exactly mean? Forget it. She didn't want to know. She'd been used up one side and down the other in all forms of the word.
That was the only exactly she was sure of. Rising from the bed, she pulled the comforter with her, yanking it so hard she knocked Sam over. ”You know what, Sam. I'm not sure I want to know what the word exactly means to you. In fact, I'm sure of it. Keep your exactly to yourself!”
Still, he remained calm, using words he purposely made distinct, probably hoping to penetrate her haze of anger with rationale. ”I'd like it if you'd let me explain to you what I meant by that, Phoebe.”
Then something else hit her. He'd been pretty Jackie Chan at O-Tech that night. He was an FBI agent trained in the use of force-or whatever they called it. He played with guns and he played at being something he more than likely wasn't. Like an entomologist. Winged things, her a.s.s!
But he hadn't just faked his job-he'd probably faked his feelings for her. She'd seen enough TV to know the things those spies did to keep their covers.
As the pieces of Sam's deception came together, she realized the worst thing of all. He'd put them all in serious danger. If Sam investigated people just like them-what would the FBI do when they found out about Nina and Wanda and everyone involved in this mess?
Her finger slashed the air and her eyes zeroed in on him. ”Hold up. Does the FBI know about us? Do they know about you?”
Sam's eyes were sheepish and full of supposed remorse. But who knew if that was really remorse, or he was just playing at remorse because it was his job? ”No, honey. They don't know about any of this. I took some leave.”
”You mean they don't know yet-that's what you mean, Sam! But what if they'd come looking for you? They would have found us, and then what? What happens when they do finally come looking for you?”
Sam held out his hand to her with more irritating-as-h.e.l.l calm. ”If you'll just let me finish explaining-”
She gawked at him, her eyes bulging. ”What could you possibly have to explain? The facts are simple. All this good-old-boy, goofy, down-home charm was a total act right from the start. You didn't have some desk job at the FBI, Sam, or you wouldn't have been karate chopping your way to that lab that night at O-Tech. You don't play with bugs, you play with guns and murderers and suspicious paranormal-activity makers!”
”No, Phoebe, that's not true. I do play with bugs. I mean, I am an entomologist, and if you'd just let me explain everything to you, you'd better understand what I've been doing at O-Tech.”
She shook her head, backing away from him when he rose to reach for her. ”Ohhh, no, pal. Don't you do the whole calm, rational, she's-the-crazy-one-here FBI bulls.h.i.+t with me! No. No. Not gonna fly. There's nothing to explain. I mean, how do you explain that you knew something was going on at O-Tech, Sam? How do you explain using me as your decoy today so you could get the job done? How do you explain pretending to be on our side when you investigate people just like us? People just like you, you lying, bulls.h.i.+tting, moth lover? How do you explain throwing down with me like we just did? All part of the paranormal investigation, Sam? So you can report back on paranormal nookie? f.u.c.k. You!” she screamed, grabbing for her clothes and flinging his bedroom door open.
As she stood in the doorway, she narrowed her eyes at him. ”You know what this is like, Sam? This is just like the time Leticia Rothwell on Sedona found out her brand-new husband Yanislov Bertowski was an international spy. Oh, he was good, too. Just like you. He was charming. Funny. Endearing himself to everyone around him. He had this goofball air about him just like you. But really, he was a cold-blooded killer who'd sack any chick he had to, kill anyone in order to get the job done. That's what this is like.”
Sam planted his hands on his still nakedly lying hips. ”And did Leticia Rothwell forgive Yanislov Bertowski, international spy, for lying to her and only sort of pretending to be something he really wasn't?”
She threw her head back and snorted a mocking laugh. ”Nope. You know what she did to him, Sam?”
”I'm all antic.i.p.atory.”
”She slit his throat!” Slamming the door shut behind her, she stalked off into the kitchen, ignoring the open mouths of her so-called got-your-back crew.
SAM rubbed temples that really didn't hurt with cool fingers that couldn't really ease something that wasn't there.
So. That had gone well.
He dug through his dresser drawers and located another pair of jeans. Sliding into them, he fought to keep himself from jamming the drawer through the wall.