17 Chapter 17 (1/2)

Castle of king Drakos:

The door of main hall opened with a noise which took the attention of all guests. A man entered wearing a black jeans & s.h.i.+rt with matched cape, furry on the top adding an evilness to his looks. His venomous eyes were staring towards king Drakos, standing in the middle of hall. Attending the guests who came for Ashton & Helena's marriage celebration.

Hatred in his resonant voice he yelled.

”My dear Drakos you forgot to invite your friend.”

He mocked at him with fingers lingering in beard.

”Ah well Snape ! My messenger went at yours but you're away.”

King Drakos lighted the atmosphere by replying laughing.

”Haha you wanted me to come, so here I am.”

The both men greeted each other hugging. After all they're sharing the whole kingdom. But Ashton was going to be the crowned prince.

Which set a fire in king Snape' heart and he planned & plotted every possible situation to kill Ashton, when everything didn't went according to him he asked his own master to prepare a potion in fact a poison to kill the prince but it worked the either way__an amnesia & turning him into a book spirit. When he find out about what happened he played his wild card and replaced the bride Helena (Saavi) with that human girl Lucia.

”Where is the bride then ?”

King Snape was really waiting for a dramatic situation.

”I'll just call them.”

King Drakos went high towards the throne with a wine gla.s.s and a silver spoon. Banged it to the gla.s.s twice which produced a loud voice. And grabbed the attention of the crowd, everyone turned their heads towards him. Stopped chattering, drinking and with eager eyes the people were waiting for the couple.

”My dear friends, ladies and gentlemen I'm grateful to for your coming & joining us in this celebration. Now I'd call my son Ashton Drakos & his bride Helena Salvatore to come up front. Along with this I want to make an important announcement that next week the crown ceremony of my son will be held. And I'll hand the whole Wizadary kingdom to him.”

As King Drakos finished the hall became noisy with claps and chattering again. Everyone was merry upon the news.

As this was supposed to happen and it was the custom that the son of first king will be crowned and the son of second king will only handle the internal affairs__being only a right hand to the crowned prince.

In case the first king is childless or doesn't have a son or the prince DIES, the son of second king will be crowned.

”There they're !”

The main door again opened and everyone turned their gaze backwards to see the newly wed couple.

Helena & Ashton hand in hands came in....both dressed in white & gold, were looking like a couple of ancient Greece !

Beautiful and Graceful.

They both entered with happy faces they strode towards the throne. Everyone clapped some gossiped but the atmosphere was happy.

The feast started__

Ashton attended the male guests along with his father but his eyes never left Helena. He was keenly observing her, behaviour and her gestures. While she was in the midst of a female crowd, who was praising her beauty, talking to her , offering her various fluids. She was happy and behaving well which gave relief to Ashton. Helena was ignoring Ashton as h.e.l.l !

King Snape knew she was that human girl Lucia so he went to king Drakos with an evil grin as his plan was going to be a success.

Standing close by to Drakos he asked for attention.

”Excuse me Duke can I have a word with my friend ?”

”Yes yes of course my lord.” The Duke went aside.

When Snape almost whispered in his ears.

”My master is here and he__”

He paused to see his expressions full of anxiety.

”He what ? Tell me Snape !”

King Drakos' voice got loud with an unknown fear pounding in heart.

”Uh ! He sensed that this girl isn't __ she's a human !”

Though his master wasn't there in the party as Snape killed him before. In order to hide every evidence.

But it didn't mattered at that time because Snape played along well to make Drakos worry about his reputation.

”Whaa....what are you saying ? Stop talking nonsense Snape ! My son wouldn't do such a thing ”

Drakos jumped in his place.

”Why don't we check ourselves ? After all we are expert in magic.”

He suggested.

”Ohk okey.”

King Drakos wasn't in the state to think anything so followed him towards the couple.

King Drakos reached his son __didn't knew what to  say. Before he'd say anything he heard Snape uttering something to the crowd !

He disclosed the conversation between him and Drakos, which fell like a lightning bolt upon the ears of king Drakos, Ashton and others.

Everyone started to shout, some felt disgust. Some yelled for the truth.