13 Chapter 13 (1/2)

*Not edited*

Though Lucia wanted to marry the prince, always dreamt of better lifestyle. With the aim of having a luxurious life she married Ashton in the greed of money. But didn't expected that Ashton wouldn't even see her !

He turned her down on the first night & the next day he didn't came neither him nor his parents. Only her maid servants attended her with food & other necessities. She pa.s.sed these days watching outside through the window high up which opened into a garden beautiful in true sense. She praised it's beauty by singing sitting along the window with legs close to chest and arms folded around, eyes focused down onto the flowers. Though she was a princess ( a duplicate one of course ) and married to the only son of king Drakos she wasn't allowed to go out , to wander along the corridors nor any far. King and queen knew that their son doesn't like her and left her on the first night but they wanted to keep their daughter in law happy as their HAPPY marriage was the only solution to end this war. So they planned to settle the things themselves.

The door creaked and a maid servant entered bowed and made her aware of her presence.

”Your highness, the king & queen is looking forward for you in the dining hall.”

”Oh ok I'm coming.”

With a strange sensation in heart she dashed towards mirror, looked & a.n.a.lysed her condition and sighed. She'd see her own true self but wondered how real princess Helena would look !

Followed the maid servant towards the hall, pa.s.sing through various corridors and stairs she reached the ground floor, turned to the right was dining hall. Finely decorated with portraits of ancestors and ancient paintings which presented the historical background. Walls painted in sky blue tainted with white at certain distances. A long table was in between the hall with variety of food items, candles and flowers settled in vases at certain distances. Fine cutlery was presented in front of every chair with napkins on side. The full wall window was lightening up the room with sun rays. Which were falling on the half of table cloth. The king was sitting on the master chair with queen on right and prince on left.

”Come here honey.”

The queen called with a sweet tone.

”Yes. Yes come & join us.”

The king added.

But the prince kept his gaze onto his plate & stood up, was about to leave when the king mocked.

”Would you mind have a look upon your bride !”

Lucia disguised as Helena reached the chair beside the queen when Ashton looked up.

A sweet tingling feeling crawled in his body when he saw his sweetheart as his BRIDE !

”How stupid I was ! But why didn't she stopped me that night ?”

He murmured to himself.

With a lot of questions that were rising in his mind he suppressed those thoughts. And kept staring at Helena. As he sat down again.

Ashton didn't knew what to say so kept quiet but the king understood that he liked princess. After all she was a beauty who could resist.

They all chatted for an hour when the king & queen headed to the garden  and Helena left for her chamber when Ashton ran after her and they stopped stopped at door steps.

”Saavi stop !”

He shouted.

Lucia stopped and was about to turn when Ashton grabbed her from shoulders & hugged. He squeezed her into himself. With a confusing heart Lucia hugged him back.

Maybe she succeeded in making her place in Princes' heart !

She was happy but then her castle of expectations crashed.

”Saavi you.....you're my wife ! I....I just can't imagine that you're here. We're together. Oh heavens I'm grateful !”

Ashton was speaking and Lucia was searching for his eyes__what was he saying ?

Her thoughts flashed back where her father told her  the scenario of proposal & told her to marry the prince.

What ?

Ashton was in love with real princess Helena  aka Saavi !

And he mistook her for Saavi !

Oh heavens what I've done !

If only I'd knew that Saavi was real princess & Ashton loves her I'd never said yes.

Oh father you've made me commit a sin !

If only I'd knew I was a replacement not the actual bride !

She didn't knew who was the real princess but at that moment her heart sank in despair. What she'd done !

Her memory flashed upon the potion her father made her to drink__that....that was for creating an illusion !

She looked back in Ashtons' eyes where she'd clearly saw love for her__ love for the person whose face she was having.