11 Chapter 11 (1/2)

Looking into mirror__a pale complexion, swollen eyes & a dull face, a perfect picture of sadness !

The voices of horse shoe clacked, the trumpets played loud & the music of flutes produced the sweetest sound that people danced happily in the narrow streets of city and the air got filled with gay laughter.

Everyone danced along some with rhythm some as they pleased. But one thing was common all were chattering merrily. Not only because it was a royal marriage ceremony but a peace treaty was going to be signed !

People uprooted the bud of hatred from their hearts. And floated with the rhythm of music.

Wearing a white plain s.h.i.+rt with skin fit jeans, cape with gold chains hung loose from second b.u.t.ton close to the chest, hair brushed well to side ways, Prince Ashton was looking probably the most handsome man in Wizardry Kingdom, indeed he was !

Only one thing was on his mind clearly that he loves Saavi. But the kings' order was echoing in his ears too !

The music outside was like a poison being poured into his ears. His gaze skimmed onto the mirror and he felt his body devoid of his soul.

Rosalind Realm :

The maid servant said to her partner in a low voice.

”Have you ever seen the princess ?”

Both were walking towards the chamber of princess, striding delicately with their black frocks slightly held up into fists.

”No ! I haven't, have you?”

She questioned her back.

The first one narrowed her eyes and twisted her face in disbelief.

”No ! Either me.”

After a pause she spoke again.

”I've never seen the princess. Not even anyone else ! It is said that princess is confined only to her chamber and is not allowed to get interact to outer world.”

”Yeah I've heard these types of gossips too.”

The second one tried to cut out.

”Maybe princess Helena is mad or reta__”

The second woman put her hand above her lips to make her quiet.

”Are you insane ? If anyone would hear us , we'll be hanged !”

She scolded.

The first one nodded and they took bigger steps towards the chamber.

After all they're going to see princess for the first time. In fact everyone else in the kingdom was !

Everyone knew in the kingdom that no one has ever seen the princess. But it is said that the princess is just as beautiful as her name, she's just Helenic Beauty.

The two women reached the chamber , slightly opened the door and with mixed feelings of hesitation and excitement stepped in.

The room was vast, decorated with maroon and gold theme. The walls were painted royal blue, lighten up with golden lights. Both women moved forward into the room__to the right was a big hall-type perhaps it was the bathing area of princess. In the middle of that hall was a bath tub filled with luke warm water and petals of roses were on the sides with perfumed soap put on the side. On the right side was a bed with silk gold sheets and to the forward was dressing room, the door was shut perhaps the princess was in.

The women began to ponder upon everything present in the room. And then the door of dressing room creaked. The beats of both women rose as they turned back ___

Their jaw dropped !

Princess Helena !

She came out wearing a white frock which fell to her knees, leaving legs bare. Her raven hair falling to her feet. Her complexion was presenting the picture of full moon in the night. Excellent facial features.

Her hair hung loose and wet. She was indeed a Helenic Beauty !

And yes !

She was not retarted.

And wasn't mad either

Or disabled !


The first maid commented.

”True to name !”

The second said instantly.

And princess giggled.

”Well thank you.”

The two women controlled their emotions and__

”With due respect princess we're sorry. ”

The second who was sensible said at once.

”Uh ! Don't worry about that. ”

Princess waved as she didn't bothered it.

”We're your maid servant, here to help you get ready.”