c4 (1/2)
Track No 02 – Twinkle (3)
When ere doing thein this seat Now that I recalled it, those earphones also remained inwas using
When I pulled out the earphones, a h it was a fareat state, since it was an old product that had been well-known since I was young It also had so many scratches here and there that it auto’s company would provide her with the newest product ination
What kind oflisten to?
It was a sudden curiosity Trending new songs like any other kids? Classical music from the influence of her s in it
I fiddled with the power button, which orn out to the point that even its touch on‘It’s just out of curiosity’, I turned on the mp3 player
An unexpected aggressive ti into my ears, which had been swollen with unknown anticipation, like that of a pri an encyclopedia full of pictures I pulled out the earphones right away, but the sound was already filling up the silent classroom
It was band music that could only be described as claht of the sky, and the dru the inside of my head I could only just make out that the vocal, whose voice was husky as if it was being squeezed out of the throat, was in English
There was no beautiful piano melody that could not seem to separate from her voice, nor any brilliant orchestra tunes that had been based on famous classical music There weren’t s The at itself was the only difference; they were all rock
I quit looking through herthat I had felt soah-noona’s laptop
Why were these people so obsessed?
“It’s Crimson Glory’s 『Red Shark』”
A girl’s voice reached ether with the sound of the classroo
Ki blonde hair fluttered as she entered the classrooh her face was flushed red and her breathing was jagged, her gaze was glued to my hand
It was the first tiaze
“Since you learned the na, I don’t think you need to keep it on”
As I hurriedly turned off the mp3 player at her quiet words, she approached me before I could notice and snatched it froh her earphones flew in a wide parabola and hit Kinored it and held her mp3 player to her chest
Shortly after putting it neatly away in her coat pocket, Ki took out her phone from her other pocket and contacted someone
“I found it”
After finishi+ng the short, one-sided call, she stretched her arm and closed the open door In the classroom where only the two of us re’s gaze No sound came from the outside
“No, er……”
Kiaze seem to turn even more fierce every time she blinked I tried my best to think of an excuse, but the words just scraed into a sentence that could be spoken Perhaps she felt sorry for me, as in a panic under the pressure of the athtly
“What was the first song that you heard?”
“……I don’t know”
Ki wiped the smile off her face at my answer
“At least you’re honest”
After etic voice
“I’ll get straight to the point What you have seen and heard in my mp3 player, do not tell anyone If you do open your mouth, at that moment,”
Ki her sentence When she was close enough that our fields of vision were filled with each other’s faces, her breath reachedthe height difference between her andeyelashes, captured me,
You’ll be finished
Her slightly dry lips moved silently
Tearing off her body, which had been glued againstmade a satisfied face It seemed that she had enjoyed my stiffened expression quite a bit
“I didn’t think that I’d be this stupid either I was thinking that studying while co and enjoyable, but it seems like I was stressed as well To think that I left this behind while thinking about toh it is unbelievable, what am I supposed to do when it has already happened? Of course, it is uess it doesn’t h it without per like this for such a s to some music But, I could also ruin your life, since that’s a sine how I could do that by yourself Though, you won’t need to if you’re always silent, like you are now”
“……You don’t really need to tell me all that”
“What’s that? So you can speak properly”
I cut off her speech withwell It was a rebellion that sprang out at her obvious threat Did they call this sort of thing useless pride? Sohed out loud
“What I could do right noould be,”
Kian to undo the buttons of her coat When the front hem of her uniform was revealed, this time she moved her hands to the buttons of her blouse
“What are you doing?”
Without even reacting toundid the buttons on her blouse just like that To htly averted aze