Part 37 (1/2)

He hurried them out and slammed the door behind him. He took Susie's hand.

'Now we must run. Come.'

She did not know what his haste signified, but her heart beat furiously.

He dragged her along. Dr Porhoet hurried on behind them. Arthur plunged into the wood. He would not leave them time to breathe.

'You must be quick,' he said.

At last they came to the opening in the fence, and he helped them to get through. Then he carefully replaced the wooden paling and, taking Susie's arm began to walk rapidly towards their inn.

'I'm frightfully tired,' she said. 'I simply can't go so fast.'

'You must. Presently you can rest as long as you like.'

They walked very quickly for a while. Now and then Arthur looked back.

The night was still quite dark, and the stars shone out in their myriads.

At last he slackened their pace.

'Now you can go more slowly,' he said.

Susie saw the smiling glance that he gave her. His eyes were full of tenderness. He put his arm affectionately round her shoulders to support her.

'I'm afraid you're quite exhausted, poor thing,' he said. 'I'm sorry to have had to hustle you so much.'

'It doesn't matter at all.'

She leaned against him comfortably. With that protecting arm about her, she felt capable of any fatigue. Dr Porhoet stopped.