Part 43 (1/2)

”It's too valuable to leave, and it won't take up much room. Come on, and pick up what we can. The fewer trips we make, the better it will be for us. Come on.”

The light flickered and the footsteps of the men died away.

”I say Jack!” called Walter, after a moment's pause.

”Yes, what is it?”

”What's the matter with our going outside and getting Cora's auto now.

It's got a lot of their stuff in it that will be fine for evidence against them. It's our best chance-just slip out now and get Cora's car.”

”That's right,” agreed Paul. ”If we let them get away with it again we may never see it.”

”All right,” agreed Jack. ”You two go out and capture the car. Do whatever you think best about it. I'll stay here and follow the men when they come out. If they have some of their machinery that will be additional evidence against them. Go ahead.”

Paul and Walter hurried out, leaving Jack alone in the dark cave. They left him the lantern, saying they could find their way out by means of matches. Jack felt a little apprehensive as he was left alone, knowing that at least three men, who might prove desperate criminals, were in the cave with him. And if they discovered him, and knew that he was one of those working against them-well, Jack did not altogether like to speculate on what might follow.

Those seeking to solve the mystery were now divided into three parties.

There was Jack, alone in the cave, waiting for the return of the three men. Walter and Paul were on their way outside to get the automobile.

While Cora and her chums were prisoners of the old man and his imbecile son.

Walter and Paul reached the outer end of the cave without incident, and just without the wooden shack found Cora's car standing unguarded and well-laden with packages and some small bits of machinery.

”Caught with the goods!” chuckled Paul. ”This game is coming right into our hands now. What shall we do?”

”Drive the car as near to the bungalow as we can,” decided Walter. ”The girls will be anxious about us, anyhow. We can leave the car with Mr.

Floyd and then come back to Jack.”

A quick examination showed that Cora's car, though it had been sadly misused, was in shape for running. It responded at once to the self-starter and Walter and Paul were soon chugging down the road, taking off the spoils of the ticket counterfeiters.

”Camp Surprise ahoy!” called Walter as he ran the car as near as he could to the bungalow. ”Girls, where are you? We've got great news!

We've solved the mystery!”

There was no answer to the hail, and Paul looked at his chum rather apprehensively as they alighted.

”They don't seem to be here,” he said.

”They must be,” Walter argued. ”There's Mrs. Floyd. We'll ask her.”

”Why, aren't the girls in the bungalow?” asked the chaperon, wonderingly. ”I have been away a little while, and just got back. They were here when I left.”

A quick search through the bungalow failed, of course, to disclose the presence of Cora and her chums. The entrance to the secret pa.s.sage was still open, but Walter, running down the steps, reported that the girls were not there, and that the blocking door was closed.

”But we'll soon have it open,” he said. ”We have permission from Mr.

Haight to tear down the obstruction.”

”Where is Mr. Kimball?” asked Mr. Floyd, who had been summoned by his wife from a bungalow not far away, where he was making some repairs.

”He's up in the cave, keeping watch on the counterfeiters,” said Paul.