Part 17 (1/2)

”This is Mr. Floyd,” explained the driver.

”Yes, we're here,” said Cora. ”Sorry to be so late, but we had engine trouble and--”

”Don't make no manner of difference at all. We're used to seeing people come early and late. I'll help set your things inside. Here comes Mrs.


”Is that them?” asked a woman's voice. ”The Kimball party?”

”They're here,” her husband answered while the boys helped the girls down from the wagon, and the driver and Mr. Floyd looked after the baggage.

”Glad to see you all!” went on Mrs. Floyd, who was the same genial sort of personage as her husband. ”I was afraid you'd give us another disappointment, and not get here.”

”Oh, we're here,” affirmed Cora, ”and we're sorry to give you so much trouble by being late.”

”No trouble at all!” the chaperon a.s.sured them. ”Come right in. Supper is all ready and--”


”Supper is my middle name!”

”Lead us to it!”

Thus in turn cried Jack, Walter and Paul.

Mrs. Floyd looked a bit startled as she stood revealed in the light of a lamp, the illumination streaming out of the door of a big bungalow.

”It's only the boys,” explained Cora.

”Only!” accented Bess with a resigned expression.

”Jack!” chided Cora. ”Why don't you behave? Hazel, say something to your brother, you and I have more responsibility than the twins.”

Hazel did not know what to say, and the girls could not help laughing, in spite of themselves at the antics of Jack and his two chums.

”Welcome to Camp Surprise,” said Mrs. Floyd as the girls followed her into the house, or rather, bungalow, for it was of that style of architecture, and was but a story and a half high. The boys followed the girls, Mr. Floyd and the driver bringing up the rear with the valises.

”Do we eat with the family, or at second table?” Jack demanded.

”You shan't eat with us if you don't behave,” his sister threatened him.

”Do quiet down, boys. Mrs. Floyd may not like--”

”Oh, don't worry about _me_, Miss Kimball,” the chaperon hastened to say. ”I've raised a family, and I know what _boys_ are.”

”If she doesn't she'll find out before those three leave,” observed Belle.

The buckboard rattled off in the darkness and the young people were thus thrown on their own responsibilities as far as getting away from the place was concerned, for it was near no railroad.

”Isn't he afraid to go home alone?” asked Belle.

”Who?” inquired Mr. Floyd.