Part 3 (1/2)
”Well, I'd have to say it if it were,” declared the practical Cora. ”And the sooner we find out the better, in order to get the police after the thieves.”
Wearily they trudged back to the tea room, which they had left so suddenly.
”Let's have some more ice cream while we're waiting,” suggested Bess.
They had nearly finished their second plates when the honking of a horn warned them of the approach of some one. Eagerly they looked out to see Jack and Walter returning.
”We lost the trail!” Jack called. ”I saw the tire marks, Cora, for a little way, then they disappeared. We'll have to notify the police. Your car's stolen all right.”
”Oh, Jack!”
”Might as well realize it first as last, Sis! Where's a telephone?” he asked the waitress.
”What are you going to do, Jack?” asked Cora.
”Notify the Chelton police, and also the authorities here. They will send out a general alarm better than we can. Now who saw these chaps, and how did they look?”
”Belle saw them.”
”Then, Belle, I'll have to call on your detective abilities. Describe these villainous characters.”
”I wouldn't call them particularly villainous looking,” said the tall girl. ”In fact we thought for a time it was you two, and--”
”I see,” interrupted Walter. ”Belle, I thank you for your good opinion.”
”Come on, get down to business!” exclaimed Jack Kimball. ”I want to know how these fellows looked so I can tell the police. Were they young or old?”
”Two young men,” answered Belle. ”They were about your age, Jack.”
”But, unfortunately, they did not have his angelic disposition,” mocked Walter. ”Bouquets are coming your way fast, Jack.”
”I'll dispense with them. Come on now, Belle. Anything else except that they were young?”
Belle thought for a moment. She had had such a momentary glimpse of the two that, really, it was hard to describe them adequately for the purposes of police detection.
”Why not describe the car?” asked Cora. ”No matter who is in my machine they haven't a right to it, and they should be arrested on sight.”
”Good idea!” agreed Jack. ”I can describe the car right enough.”
”And give the license numbers,” said Bess.
”Of course. Good girl. Let me have them, Cora.”
They were the only ones in the tea room at this time, and the excitement was only communicated to the help. The waitress showed Jack where the telephone booth was, and while Cora, Walter and the girls explained to the girl cas.h.i.+er at the desk what had happened, Jack got the Chelton police over the telephone and asked them to send out an alarm, and also to be on the lookout for the thieves.
The tea room was in Pepack, the towns.h.i.+p next to Chelton, and Jack also called up the town hall and notified the authorities there, who promised to do what they could.