Chapter 36 (1/2)

Translator(s): s.h.i.+mizuA    Editor(s): Merp-Merp    Proofreader(s): Pirates

Finally back to normal schedule. From now on, I will try to post at weekend, except if got IRL stuff to do.

2 more chapters until the next arc!

And so a few days have pa.s.sed.

―― In the end, Ludmilla failed to persuade the girl.

Even so, calling it failed was an understatement. It was already a failure on the level of utter defeat.

”Why would you want to take my mother from me!? I want to be with my mother!”

In the third day of her deal with s.h.i.+zuru. The girl's light green gaze looked at Ludmilla with hostility.

”I don't care what's right or wrong! I don't wanna know!”

A logical and persuasive words from the proper-upbring Ludmilla. All of that had opposite effect.

”I'm fine as long as I could stay with my mother!”

As she was still childish, it was easy for her to have a narrow vision and ignore it. If one asked decent man, all 10 from 10 would find that Ludmilla's word was right.

It was insane to choose a killer as a parent. It's as wrong as going to the bottomless swamp by yourself.

Ludmilla's words were extremely correct. But, there was one problem ―― the girl never wanted to be right from the start.

”So …… Please don't take away my mother from me…… !!”

The girl hid behind s.h.i.+zuru, and grasped his trousers tightly until it gets wrinkled. It was an absurd obsession. In a few days, s.h.i.+zuru has eroded the girl's heart with kindness and affection.

Also Ludmilla was consciously aware that she was also obsessed with revenge and has fallen deep into the darkness. At this point, she understood that she couldn't convince the girl any further with her persuasion.

In the end she hung her head in surrender, and reluctantly recognizes the girl's admission.

”I see, I understand the gist of it.”

Richelieu uninterestedly told him while burning the braille reports. A report for her was always decided to be presented in both of written and oral form. It was to prevent inconsistency in information arising from the report trivial omissions.

”I am sorry, Richelieu-san. The report came late.”

”Why are you apologizing? As long as a human as Ludmilla exists, such dispute happened was a given. If it were conflicts coming from different ideas rather than disagreements between members, there is nothing we can do about it. Instead your judgement was correct, to agree with Ludmilla's demand for the time being. I'm also haven't set the deadline, so you don't have any reason to apologize.”

Richelieu slowly stood from her chair while she said those words in order. She walked towards the girl who peeping behind s.h.i.+zuru with only her face showed, and then crouched to match her eye level. The girl widened her eyes to her gesture that made one wouldn't thought that she is blind.

”Anyways, is this girl the rumored slasher in the street? Isn't she quite adorable?”

Richelieu tried extended her hand to stroke her head. But the girl frightened and retreated.

” …… Oh, I'm being hated? It seems I have never been liked by children from long time ago. Only you get attached to me, s.h.i.+zu. Well, now you have become splendid adult.”