Chapter 25 (1/2)
Translator(s): DCThanatos, s.h.i.+mizuA Editor: (None) Proofreader(s): Merp-Merp
Note: Surprise!!! Since it’s Valentine’s Day(At least for us in the motherf.u.c.king U-S of A), I decided for all you lonely people that love reading AnBM, that you can read the first chapter I’ve translated since ch 19, which was admittedly horrendous, but I promise this is better. Also please check out the “Next Project” post to vote on what my next project should be unless all of you just really want me to only do this… .-.
Lastly, remember that we have a discord group on the contact/recruitment page(Plz join we’re lonely ;-;. You don’t even need to join to halp, we just need ppl to talk to)
Cough Cough Without further wasting your time on being desperate, enjoy~
Around the time s.h.i.+zuru finished drying the girl's hair, sunlight began to stream into the window.
s.h.i.+zuru decided to ask whether the girl wanted a snack or not.
”I have some cake, would you like to have some?”
It might have been possible that this was the first time she heard that word before.
The girl parroted his words with a sharp, subtle linguistic p.r.o.nunciation in a confused fas.h.i.+on.
It would be hard to explain to her, so s.h.i.+zuru decided to show her and left to retrieve the cake and then returned to the treatment room with a white box.
s.h.i.+zuru carefully opened the lid, revealing an array of beautiful colors spilling out from inside the box.
”……beautiful…… this, food?”
”Yeah, and I'll give you a plate to put yours on- which one do you want?”
”I…….get to choose?”
”Of course”
The girl's cheeks turned into a light shade of pink as he patted s.h.i.+zuru on the head.
The small white box had a large variety of cakes to choose from. With much thought, the girl pointed at the strawberry shortcake.
”This……this looks like a bubble bath.”
”You shouldn't try to eat those though or else you'll get a stomachache.”(DC: I think he's referring to the bath, but might also be talking about the cake?)
”What about this?”
The girl pointed to another shortcake inquiring whether she could eat it or not.
s.h.i.+zuru decided to help explain how to eat the cake.
He used a fork to cut a piece, and then offered it to her.
”Here you go”
This must be a first for her, being fed directly by someone else that is.
s.h.i.+zuru held out the fork and the girl hesitated for a moment before realizing what she was supposed to do, and readied herself. The girl readied herself and grabbed the fork and held it to her chest.
She ended up resembling a baby bird, causing s.h.i.+zuru to laugh.
”Ah……Ah, Ah-”
The girl's eyes opened wide as as she put the fork into her mouth.
It was sweet and soft.
It was like the tongue was being lightly caressed by the texture and taste.
The girl swallowed the cake unconsciously without noticing she did so.
”Delicious……up until now I have never had something so delicious!”
”Thank you, I'm glad you liked it”
The girl handed the fork back to s.h.i.+zuru.
In the blink of an eye, there was a lot of cream around the circ.u.mference of her mouth from the messy way she ate the cake.
But s.h.i.+zuru didn't have a problem with this and actually smiled and found it cute. (Merp: lolicon)
”Heh. Slow down there, there's no need to panic and eat it like that. No one here is going to take it from you.”
s.h.i.+zuru then took his handkerchief and wiped the cream from the girl's face, causing her face to redden again.
She then became quiet and then took piece on using the fork, although she was having a hard time holding it correctly.
s.h.i.+zuru decided he couldn't remain indifferent anymore and went over and sat behind her and gently took her hand.
”There is a easy way to eat it. Would you like to know how?
He had a calm and gentle voice, and a warm hand.
If one holds their fork the correct way, then it becomes easier to eat with.
”There, that's right. You're a good child.”(DC: I don't know if it's how I translated it, but s.h.i.+zuru seems like a pedo) (Merp: you know he is… lolicon)(s.h.i.+mi: Do you two never taken care of a toddler? They are cute you know)
He then began to praise her, as well as stroke her head while still sitting behind her, causing her to face to boil red like an octopus.
Her spinal column began to shudder.
The girl then thought,
――What is this?
I wonder why it feel so warm.
I do not understand.
Mother was never like this with me.