c14 (1/2)
Elizabeth had gone after Casca like s.h.i.+zuru told her to, but was already cut off.
“Auuu …”
She had her back against a wall.
Looking around, there were over twenty armed men surrounding her.
Due to a slight misunderstading she had pushed into the syndicate’s headquarters and killed about this many men.
They were enraged that their friend were killed by this young girl.
Even though they were bandits, the feeling of fellows.h.i.+p was there. Also, since their organization had expanded its scale recently and they became able to throw their weight around, their sense of pride had heightened.
That pride was wounded by the fact that the definitely weak looking Elizabeth had attacked them.
They approached her with angry looks as if saying they will be getting their revenge, weapons in hand. If the caught her she wouldn’t merely be cut clean.
Due to Elizabeth’s excessive powers of useless imagination, a picture of what would happen to her if she were captured came to her in detail, making her face cramp in a smile.
“A, ahaha … if I say sorry, you, won’t forgive me … right, thought so …”
She tried imitating s.h.i.+zuru trying to smooth things over with a smile, but the situation being what it was, it didn’t work.
Do I really have to face this many people straight from the front, though Elizabeth, sinking into a gloomy mood.
Elizabeth — Eliza, was an a.s.sa.s.sin specializing in surprise attacks.
She was pet.i.te and quick on her feet, specializing in the use of short swords coated with fast-acting poison, and due to her nimble fingers she had vastly superior abilities to aim for the vitals like the neck or heart.
However, that was all.
Her ability to swing the sword itself could not be called masterful, just barely on the level of professional.
She also wasn’t inclined to trickery like s.h.i.+zuru was; intelligence-wise, she was according to Casca “a bit of a s.p.a.ce case”
In other words, an airhead that even Casca thought unfortunate.
To begin with, Eliza was born to a merchant house running a shop in the west ward.
She was the only child, raised without want, a young girl with a promising future.
But how did such an Elizabeth, Eliza, win Richelieu’s favor and joined Black Maria?
The cause was a certain peculiar trait of hers.
“… Beth! You’re up now!”
She couldn’t solve the situation on her own.
As soon as she recognized it, she lightly tapped her forehead twice with her fingertip.
It was an action that worked as a switch.
With that, she s.h.i.+fted
“——— the worst”
Flop, Eliza’s stance abruptly dropped.
As she stepped up half a step forward she stumbled but kept her balance, raising her head as she was in a stooped over posture.
“Seriously, the worst. Like today might be the lowest and the worst day of my life worst”
The look on her big, round, friendly eyes, excepting the color of her right, turned into a half closed look that made her seem somehow hard to approach.
In a complete and sudden change from before, Elizabeth looked suspiciously around her with cynical eyes.
“Why do I have to deal with the results of that idiot Eliza’s blockheaded acts. I want to kill her”
Disgusted and annoyed, she clicked her tongue.
Sensing the strangeness of the change of the person they cornered to the wall, the bandits faltered.
— There were two reasons why Elizabeth caught Richelieu’s eye.
One of them was this phenomenon that just happened now.
Namely, multiple personalities.
Sociable, mild-mannered, polite Eliza.
Gloomy, bad-mannered, rough-mouthed Beth.
The girl had two completely opposite personalities.
But how did that relate to being an a.s.sa.s.sin?