Part 10 (1/2)

He stumbled. She tried to catch him as he fell toward the floor, but missed.

He spent the better part of a week in bed. The bruise on his head swelled and he developed a fever. He had burns on his hands and his face and the back of shoulders, where falling cinders had burned through his s.h.i.+rt. His moustache was mostly gone. His friend Waugh, the medical student, came to help move him from Josephine's bed to his own, at the other end of the street, and gave a lot of advice about draining this and elevating that and compresses and not being such a b.l.o.o.d.y fool as to walk into a burning building in the first place. Then Waugh a.s.sured Josephine that if Arthur had walked into a burning building, it was no doubt for good reason, and that he had probably acquitted himself heroically. She thought perhaps Waugh was a little drunk. He kept winking at her.

She nursed him for a few days. He could hardly stand. She was no Lady of the Lamp but she managed to feed him soup and dab his burns with hot water and apply all the compresses and ointments that the housekeeping magazines recommended. She tried not to upset him with questions, or to wake him when he moaned in his sleep. He wouldn't say anything more about the fire than that it had been an awful accident, and that the worst part was that he thought his job was gone. She read him the newspapers. It really was remarkable, they agreed, how a clever newspaper writer could make DUKE'S KILLER STILL NOT FOUND into a new story every day for a week, or at least into something that seemed like a new story long enough that you were half-way through it before you noticed. She said nothing about Atwood or the events of his seance. At first she didn't want to frighten him; then after a while the secret grew too big to be released. She was afraid of what he might say, or do. She was afraid he wouldn't believe her; she was afraid he would.

Arthur's condition improved. On Wednesday afternoon he asked what day it was (the answer made him groan). By Thursday he was well enough to sit up and take her hand as she sat beside his bed reading him the newspapers. He said that she looked troubled. She said that she wasn't; then she said that of course she was, of course, of course. She fell against him, suddenly tearful, frightened but overjoyed to be alive. He winced-his ribs. She laughed. He was solid, sane, apparently indestructible. He laughed too, and kissed her. She kicked the newspaper away. Then the bristly remains of his moustache were tickling her neck, while she traced the bruises on his ribs with one hand under his nights.h.i.+rt-the other hand fumbled with the sheets. The bed was too small for the both of them. He was suddenly on top of her. He still smelled faintly of smoke-not unpleasantly. They both breathed heavily, as if from the sheer joy of being alive and breathing. She could hear her heart beating like a metronome, its rhythm alternating with his. She closed her eyes and remembered Atwood's words: our souls, made of star-stuff, burning bright. Arthur tugged urgently at b.u.t.tons. His fingers on her skin were electric. That spark might, Atwood had said, be mistaken for something carnal. Good, she thought; she was happy to be mistaken, then.

It was silly, she thought afterwards, but his bruises and burns had made it all seem rather-well, chivalrous, as if he were a wounded knight or a lost explorer, and that made it all rather less alarming than it might have been, and sweeter. She lay awake listening to him snore, studying the red scars on his back with a mixture of trepidation and excitement, as if they were a map of some unexplored and dangerous territory.

There would be consequences, she supposed. Well, so be it. She felt that nothing in the world could scare her; not after what she'd seen.

It was a fine, warm night, and the moon shone brightly through the window and across the floorboards. She wondered what Atwood and Jupiter were up to.





Chapter Ten.

Arthur was up on his feet again in no time. Sooner than Waugh had predicted. He should have bet money on it! Well, he had the best nurse in London, and the best medicine, and no time to waste.

After thinking on it for a day or two, he decided that the only decent thing was to tell Josephine everything. A clean sweep of all his secrets. He considered his oath to Mr Gracewell to have been cancelled-if not by fire, then by Dimmick's attempt to murder him. He told her about the numbers, the instructions, the ledgers, Vaz and Simon and Harriot and Malone and Dimmick. He told her about the headaches, and the nightmares, and the other unpleasant side-effects of the Work. He edited the confrontation with Dimmick a little, so as not to worry her unduly-and hadn't it just been a misunderstanding, after all? He left out the Irving Incident entirely, having half-convinced himself that it had been a hallucination brought on by the smoke.

She was appalled to hear that he intended to go in search of Mr Gracewell, to try to get his job back.

”Look, Josephine-a little while longer, that's all. That's all we need.”

”I don't like Gracewell; I don't like Atwood. We don't need the money that badly.”

”It won't be long; and it will make all the difference in the world.”

”Arthur-what if ... What if they pay so much because what they're doing is...” She seemed to be struggling for the right word. ”... something wrong somehow?”

”Then I'll find out what it is, and go to the police. But first I must find out. I'll be careful, I promise.”

She stared down at her feet and said nothing. She looked angry.

”But I don't even know where Gracewell's got to, that's the thing. What about Atwood? Atwood must know. But how do I get ahold of Atwood? Does he still come to meetings of the, what were they called, the Order V.V. whatever it was?”

”Oh no-he was far too fas.h.i.+onable to stay there long. Men of his sort get bored very quickly.”

”Hah. Yes, that would be altogether too easy, wouldn't it? Where's the challenge in that? What rotten luck. Oh well.”

Mr Gracewell's enterprise lay in ruins. The fire had spread to some nearby buildings, too, and caused G.o.d only knows what expense and waste and loss of life.

The building's walls were mostly gone now, so that one could see the whole structure of the thing laid out as if in a diagram. The second storey had fallen in. White gulls perched on black timbers and dogs nosed among the ashes. Otherwise it was abandoned. There wasn't even enough left for vagrants to take shelter in. Arthur entered carefully, alert for the warning sounds of further collapse, and even more alert for the sounds of Dimmick. He heard only gulls taking flight, the wind from the river whistling through the building's bones, and the usual noises of s.h.i.+ps.

In two places, he came across wrecked machines. These were large columns of steel and bra.s.s and wood that once had intricate parts, levers and cylinders, like typewriters or telegraphs, but were now ruined-melted and broken and fused. They lay like fallen asteroids. He thought they had been on the upper floor, and had dropped through when it collapsed. They were in the heart of the ruins, which was perhaps why no thief had scavenged them. Or perhaps they were just too heavy to move.

No bodies. No bones.

What little paper had survived the fire had been ruined by rain. Arthur found what he thought were the filing cabinets from Gracewell's office, but someone else had already emptied them. Dimmick, perhaps; creeping back at dawn, streaked with soot like a savage, to steal away the evidence under the very noses of the police ...

Probably the police had already been and gone. No trail, no clues. He poked around until it started to rain, then went home.

He asked at Guy's Hospital and at St. Thomas's after a student by the name of Simon, nervous fellow, recently unwell. No luck.

He went out to Shadwell, in search of Mr Vaz. It was a fool's errand. He was lost at once. He asked after Vaz in half a dozen pubs. Never heard of him, the landlords said, or I know a dozen by that name. Sailors come and go. But if you want to hire some men, there's a load of 'em out in the garden playing skittles ... In the bleak concrete garden around the back of the Sovereign, a dozen dark young men halted their game, froze stiff as their skittles, glaring at him. He made them uneasy. It was possible that they thought he was a policeman, or an agent of the s.h.i.+pping companies.

Mr Vaz had very probably saved his life, and for all Arthur knew the man was dead; dead, and London had already quite forgotten him.

He asked at the docks after the Viceroy, on which Vaz said he'd once sailed. It had departed London. n.o.body could tell him about its crew.

The Registrar of Companies had no record of a Gracewell & Co., or any other company of similar name.

He went with Josephine to a Theosophical lecture in Hampstead. A very tall American woman by the name of Mrs Bloom talked for an hour. Perhaps it was interesting, but Arthur didn't listen to a word of it; he was busy scanning the packed hall for Mr Atwood. No luck. Afterwards he struck up conversations with some likely looking people and tried to steer them round to the subject of Atwood, but n.o.body seemed eager to gossip.

Dear Mr Sidgwick, My name is Arthur Archibald Shaw. I am a writer, lately employed by The Monthly Mammoth, and I have lately taken an interest in some of the goings-on among the spiritualist & occultist fraternities of London. I have read in the newspapers that your Society for Psychical Research has done sterling work exposing some of the fraud & humbug of that world. I write to you, in hope of your confidence, to inquire if, in the course of your invaluable investigations, the name of a ”Mr Gracewell” has come to your attention. I hope you will forgive me if at present I can say no more.

Yours in confidence, A. A. Shaw Dear Mr Shaw, The name ”Gracewell” is not one with which Mr Sidgwick is familiar, nor is it found in the records of the S.P.R. If you believe that the S.P.R. should open an investigation into this person's activities, all I can suggest is that you offer a fuller account of them.

Yours sincerely, Roger M. Morley, Secretary to Mr Sidgwick, President of the S.P.R.

P.S. I regret the demise of The Monthly Mammoth.

He missed the Work. That was the truth. He hardly understood what it was, yet it had been the biggest and most important thing that had ever entered his life-well, apart from Josephine, of course, he reminded himself. He performed the operations in his sleep; he muttered them to Josephine when she was trying to talk about something else. He couldn't help it. At dinner with his uncle George and George's wife, Agnes, when George tried to talk to him about work (there were a mult.i.tude of magazines that would employ him, George promised, a mult.i.tude!) he couldn't listen; instead, he traced the symbols of the Work with his soup-spoon. Out at dinner with his friends Waugh and Heath, Arthur fell silent in a corner and let the conversation drift away from him, until Waugh reached out and snapped his fingers in front of Arthur's eyes.

”Hypnotised, Shaw? Mesmerised? The sweet sleep of the poppy?”

”I was thinking, Waugh.”

”Thinking, is it? Day-dreaming, more like it. Heath, you bored him into a coma, poor chap.”