Part 2 (1/2)

The courts.h.i.+p of Arthur Shaw and Josephine Bradman began conventionally enough-if one didn't count the storm-with an exchange of New Year's gifts. Arthur bought Josephine a pair of gloves that he couldn't afford; she sent him a card that was so forward that as soon as she dropped it in the post she blushed to think of him reading it, and immediately decided to refuse to recall what it had said; indeed, it hardly seemed that it was her hand that had written it. He appeared at her office the next afternoon wearing his least-bad suit. She glanced at him only long enough to decide that he looked very handsome in it; then, as she stared down fixedly at her typewriter in something of an uncharacteristic panic, he started to speak. He was-she could tell-inwardly praying for another storm, so that he could strike a properly heroic figure; while outwardly suggesting-as if the idea had just occurred to him as he happened to be walking past-that from time to time he had a little typing he needed done, this or that, and he was thinking of writing a book, as a matter of fact, possibly about Darwin, or a sort of detective thing; but in any case it wasn't just a question of typing, but rather, since, as she could surely see, words weren't his strong suit, the eye of a poet might ... Almost without thinking she stood, and suggested that they go for a walk to discuss the matter.

The park was full of toppled trees and strewn debris. They didn't mind. As they navigated the treacherous paths her panic evaporated, replaced by a sort of elation. When evening came she pretended not to notice the cold. They talked about everything except business. They talked about nothing. He came again the next day and they took a different route around the lake, and again the day after.

Pa.s.sions that could not be acted upon or even uttered aloud expressed themselves instead through signs and codes. She ill.u.s.trated for him the various meanings that could be found in the folding of gloves, the tip of a hat-brim, flowers. The tapping of gloves on the left hand like so meant: Come walk with me. She'd read it in newspapers and manuals of etiquette. The placing of the folded glove against the left cheek for an instant meant: I consider you handsome. To run one's finger around one's hat-brim this way meant yes, and the other way no. To take off the hat and hold it like so was a sign that was not to be invoked even in jest, except after the most careful consideration. When she ran out of signs she could remember she started making them up, and soon they both dissolved into laughter.

That night she wrote a letter to a friend in Cambridge, asking if perhaps she was going a little mad.

There was no one to tell them to stop, no one to disapprove; no one in all of London, or anywhere else for that matter. Miss Bradman's father was deceased, and her mother had rarely left her bed for the past three years, laid low by nightmares and waking visions of h.e.l.l-fire; she predicted doom and catastrophe so reliably and monotonously that Josephine had long since stopped asking her opinion on most things, and she did not ask her opinion on Arthur.

They walked together in Regent's Park, or along the Embankment, arm in arm, for hours. He cajoled her to read him one of her poems. It was mostly about Plato, and about the soul, and about visions of variously brightly coloured heavens; walking through the white forests of the moon, disputing philosophy with the Cyclops in his cave in a red desert. Arthur had always considered philosophers prior to Newton to be more or less bunk, and Heaven as he imagined it was not very different from the Reading Room of the British Museum, or a holiday in Brighton, or a well-equipped transatlantic liner. The words were good, though. It made him wish he hadn't been such an idler at school. Miss Bradman was actually rather relieved that he didn't know what to say; she didn't trust men with opinions about poetry.

They exchanged letters-mostly about nothing at all, expressed in the most florid and fervent terms that convention and the English language allowed. He addressed her, tentatively, as Josephine. She didn't object. Her friend from Cambridge wrote back to say that it did perhaps sound as if she were acting a little hastily, and Josephine wrote angrily to tell her that it was none of her business after all. They each woke, night after night, thinking of the other, and-as if by some telepathy-knowing that the other was thinking of them.

”Animal magnetism,” Arthur explained to his friend Waugh.

”Magnetism, now, is it?”

”Man is a part of nature, from a scientific point of view, and subject to the animal pa.s.sions-”

”Pa.s.sions! Now, that's more like it.”

(Waugh spent his father's money fortnightly on a particular prost.i.tute, and called it love).

”I swear to G.o.d, Waugh. It's quite uncanny.”

They had dinner with Arthur's rich uncle George, the writer, who p.r.o.nounced Josephine to be a good egg. Arthur's friend Waugh, who thought of himself as poetic-solely, so far as anyone could tell, on the grounds of a fifty per cent admixture of Celtic blood-declared that she was a muse. (She rather resented this.) She told her sister about Arthur, in a letter. Her sister told their mother, who sent a letter, in a scarcely legible hand, warning her of terrible consequences if she didn't repent and leave London at once. h.e.l.l-fire and d.a.m.nation and et cetera; but she was always saying that sort of thing.

”I wouldn't worry about h.e.l.l-fire,” said her friend Mrs Sedgley, who had modern views, and believed in the Spirit World, but not in h.e.l.l.

They sat in Mrs Sedgley's parlour, in the big empty house in Kensington she had once occupied with her late husband. Rain pattered on the windows, and Mrs Sedgley's cat Gautama rubbed curiously against Josephine's leg.

”Though a touch of caution might, perhaps, if you don't mind my saying-”

”I have always preserved my independence, Esther.”

”Of course.”

”Esther,” Josephine said. ”Do you believe that two people can ... well, that they can share certain thoughts, or dreams, or...” She fell silent, and to cover her sudden embarra.s.sment she reached down to scratch Gautama's ears.

”Am I to understand,” Mrs Sedgley said, carefully pouring more tea, ”that you and the young man-Arthur-have experienced such a ... phenomenon?”

”I don't mean it in a vulgar sense-that is, a literal sense.”

”Certainly not.”

”What-colour-am-I-thinking-of, what-card-am-I-holding, and so forth. But rather...”

”In a spiritual sense.”

”Yes. Well-yes.”

She was in the habit-Mrs Sedgley had introduced her to it-of keeping a journal of her dreams, at least in so far as they had poetic or spiritual significance. Since the night of the storm, she and Arthur had both been visited by dreams of stars, rus.h.i.+ng water, roses, and distant mountains-though not always on the same nights-and Josephine had woken on several mornings with ideas for detective stories.

”I don't know.” She sighed. ”I shouldn't like you to think I'm being foolish.”

”Oh, my dear-never!”

They listened to the rain for a moment.

”Certainly”-Mrs Sedgley sipped her tea-”there may be such a thing.” She sounded a little sceptical. ”Between two sensitive souls, who knows what might be possible? I remember when Thomas and I were young.... What does the young man think?”

”Telepathy, he says, or thought-transference.”

”Hmm. He's ... educated in these matters?”

”Not at all. Not until a few weeks ago. But he's taken an interest now. As soon as they reopened the Reading Room he began studying the journals-the Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research and so on. It's rather flattering.”

In a matter of weeks he'd become conversant in the lingo of psychical research, and could happily discuss-scratching his head, puzzled, as if hoping that some rearrangement of the terms might spell out the answer to a question he could not quite define-such arcane subjects as telepathy, and telekinesis, and hyperpromethia (which referred to a supernatural power of foresight), and psychorrhagy (which referred to the breaking free of the soul from the confines of the body).

”A scholar,” Mrs Sedgley said.

”He writes detective stories.”

”Oh? Does he have a good income?”

She had to admit that he did not, and that it was a source of some concern. The prospect of a literary sort of marriage rather appealed to her; poverty did not; yet the two seemed inextricable from each other.

Mrs Sedgley frowned.

”Is he...” Mrs Sedgley sought with difficulty for the right word. She liked to consider herself forward-thinking and somewhat bohemian, and was reluctant to utter such a conventional thought. ”Is he a solid sort of person?”

”Oh, my dear-yes. I can't quite explain it, but I feel he is the most solid person I've ever met; as if nothing else since I came to London has been quite real.”

”I see.” Gautama jumped up into Mrs Sedgley's lap. ”Yes, h.e.l.lo, boy; h.e.l.lo.”

”Does it seem hasty? Not to me. It seems that the storm was six months of ordinary life in one night. I think that I love him, Esther.”

”Yes, Gautama, yes; there's a handsome boy. Josephine, I think I should like to meet this young man.”

London in general was in something of an excitable mood. The flood of fas.h.i.+onable mourning for the late Duke carried an undercurrent of morbid-frankly paranoid-speculation. Though rivers of ink had been spilled on the subject of the Duke's death, the cause remained somewhat unclear. He left no heirs or family. Influenza, the doctors said, but this was widely considered an unsatisfactory explanation. A well-known East End medium declared that the spirits had revealed to her that he'd been murdered-she couldn't say how. She wasn't the first or the last. Fortune-tellers (who were ten a penny in London) unanimously held the Duke's death to be a bad omen. The stars were very bad in general for the coming year.

The police denied foul play. The Duke had been elderly, after all, and frail. Yet rumours persisted. Bombs, a shooting, a poisoning. The body was not displayed. Political motives for the crime-if it was a crime-were hinted at in Parliament, whispered in pubs. The news got out that the police were seeking persons in connection with an investigation; of what, they wouldn't say. The newspapers recalled the deceased's various lifelong occult interests, his fraternization with spiritualists and fortune-tellers and pract.i.tioners of Eastern religions and-well, you never knew with those sort of people, did you? No doubt the great man had been taken advantage of. A man of his breeding had no defences against the low cunning of common frauds. Was there perhaps blackmail involved, or something worse, something the criminal law didn't precisely have a word for? High time to s.h.i.+ne a light on that netherworld (said the Bishop of Manchester, in a letter to the Times).

The Prime Minister spoke in Parliament, calling for calm. The Times criticised the failure of officials to make arrests, and hinted at conspiracy so vaguely and with such discretion that no one was quite sure what they were saying. Some American and Parisian newspapers, less circ.u.mspect, called it murder, though they couldn't get their story straight as to method or suspects or motive.

A New York newspaper reported that Dr Arthur Conan Doyle had been invited by the police to lend his expertise to their investigation of whatever it was they were investigating, or weren't investigating. Arthur read it in Mr Borel's shop one afternoon when he went to call on Josephine.