Part 21 (1/2)

2. Name some of the duties of this board.

3. What is meant by nomination being subject to confirmation by the Senate?

4. What are school funds?

5. What are by-laws?

6. What are claims payable out of State Funds?

7. What important work is done at the meetings of teachers arranged by the State board of Education?

8. What very important duty has the State Board to perform in reference to books?

9. What are the general duties of the board?

10. How is the superintendent of public instruction chosen?

11. What is his salary?

12. What are his duties?

13. What is the public free school system?

14. What is the extent of the power of the superintendent of public instruction?

15. How often does the superintendent report to the General a.s.sembly, and what information does his report contain?

16. Who appoints county and city superintendents, and what is their term of office?

17. Name some of the duties of these officers.

18. Who compose the School Trustee Electoral Board?

19. What are their duties?

20. Who compose the County School Board?

21. Name some of the duties of this board.

22. How are school districts laid out?

23. How are school trustees chosen, and what is their terra of office?

24. Of whom is the District Board of School Trustees composed?

25. Name some of the powers of this board.