Part 16 (1/2)
Duties. To hold inquest over the dead bodies of those supposed to have been killed by violence; may act as sheriff in certain cases.
Every county must have at least one CORONER, but a county may have more than one, if the circuit court thinks it necessary. In such case the court recommends the appointment of a second coroner and nominates two persons for the office. The governor appoints one of them.
The business of the CORONER is to hold an INQUEST or inquiry into every case of death supposed to have been caused by violence. The coroner's inquest is conducted much after the manner of a jury trial. There is a jury of six persons, summoned by the sheriff or sergeant or constable, and sworn ”to diligently inquire, and true presentment make, when, how, and by what means the person came by his death.”
After witnesses have been examined and the whole case has been thoroughly investigated, the jury gives its verdict. If the jury should find that murder or a.s.sault was committed on the deceased, and should charge any person with the crime, the coroner issues his warrant for the arrest of the person, and if found he is arrested and held in prison until he is tried by a judge and jury.
1. By whom are counties organized?
2. What is the advantage of a division of a State into counties?
3. What inst.i.tutions must each county maintain?
4. What is the COUNTY SEAT?
5. What are county officers?
6. For how long is the sheriff elected, and how is he paid?
7. Mention some of the duties of the sheriff.
8. What is a SENTENCE?
9. Define PROCESS and LEVIES.
10. What are the duties of the county clerk?
11. What is the term of the treasurer, and how is he paid?
12. Name some of the duties of the treasurer.
13. What are the STATE REVENUES?
14. How does the treasurer dispose of the moneys he receives?
15. What do you understand by a DELINQUENT LIST?
16. What are the revenue laws?
17. For how long is the commissioner of the revenue elected?
18. How is he paid?
19. What do you understand by ASCERTAINING all the property, real and personal?
20. What does SUBJECTS OF TAXATION mean?
21. What is a license?