Part 12 (1/2)

17. What is revenue?

18. Define TARIFF.

19. What is the code?

20. What is a misdemeanor?

21. How long is the term of office of the judge of the Hustings Court of the City of Richmond, and what salary does he receive?

22. What are the qualifications of the judge of the Hustings Court?

23. How often are terms of this court held?

24. What are corporate limits?

25. What do you understand by prosecutions against convicts in the penitentiary?

26. What does condemnation of land mean?

27. What is an a.s.sessment?

28. What does correcting erroneous a.s.sessments mean?

29. For how long does the judge of the Chancery Court of the City of Richmond hold office, and what salary does he receive?

30. What are the qualifications of the judge of this court?

31. How often does the court meet?

32. Mention some of cases in which the Chancery Court has jurisdiction.

33. What does the recordation of wills mean?

34. What are fiduciaries?

35. What does docketing of judgments mean?

36. Define JUDGMENT.

37. What is common law?

38. For how long does a judge of the Law and Equity Court of the City of Richmond hold office, and what is his salary?

39. What are the qualifications of a judge of this court?

40. How often and for how long does the Equity Court sit?

41. Tell of the jurisdiction of this court.