Part 4 (1/2)

25. What officers does it elect?

26. What is legislation?

27. What are contests in elections of governor and lieutenant- governor, and who decides them?

28. What is meant by each house being judge of the election, qualifications, and returns of its members?

29. What are election returns?

30. Define civil process.

31. What is perjury?

32. What is contempt of court?

33. What are the salaries of the officers and members of the a.s.sembly?

34. What is mileage?

35. What is a bill?

36. Tell how a bill becomes a law.

37. What is a committee?

38. Define amendment.




Elected. By the people for four years. Must reside at the seat of government during his term of office; not eligible for the next succeeding term. Salary, $5,000 a year. He shall receive no other emolument from this or any other government.

The seat of government is the city or town in which the Legislature holds its sessions. Richmond is the seat of government of the State of Virginia. Term is the period of time for which a public officer is elected. The term of the governor is four years.

He is not eligible--that is, he cannot be elected--for the next succeeding term--that is, he cannot be governor for two terms, one immediately following the other. Emolument is salary or compensation or pay.

Qualifications. Must be at least thirty years of age; must be a citizen of the United States; must have been for the five years next preceding his election a resident of the State. If of foreign birth, he must have been a citizen of the United States for the ten years next preceding his election.

Foreign birth means birth in any country outside the United States. But the children of American citizens are citizens of the United States, even though they have been born in another country.

Powers and Duties. The chief executive officer of the commonwealth; shall take care that the laws are faithfully executed; shall communicate to the General a.s.sembly, at every session, the condition of the commonwealth, and recommend such measures as he may deem expedient; may call special sessions of the General a.s.sembly; shall be Commander-in-Chief of the Land and Naval Forces of the State; may embody the militia to repel invasion, suppress insurrection, and enforce, the execution of the laws; shall conduct all intercourse with other and foreign states; may fill temporarily, during the recess of the General a.s.sembly, all vacancies in those offices for which the const.i.tution and laws make no provision; may remit fines and penalties, grant reprieves and pardons, remove political disabilities, and commute capital punishment; shall attest all commissions and grants; signs or vetoes bills pa.s.sed by the General a.s.sembly.

The governor is the chief executive officer. He is called chief because he is the highest public officer of the State, and executive because it is his duty to execute or carry out the laws.

It is also his duty to send what is called a message to each session of the General a.s.sembly. The message is a letter or statement in which he communicates to the a.s.sembly full information as to the condition of the State, and recommends such measures--that is, such new laws--as he thinks necessary.

Militia is a body composed of citizens enrolled and trained as soldiers for the defence of the State. All able-bodied male persons between the ages of eighteen and forty-five years may be called to serve in the militia. Naval forces are military forces or militia that serve on sea.