Part 73 (1/2)
(1-2) Gen. 1:18-19.
Weeds: (1) Curse; (2) Quick growing and energy-soaking issues/individuals that block out the light; (3) Enemy plant; (4) People that choke others; (5) The result of the enemy's words; (6) Sin.
(1) Gen. 3:18; (2-3) Matt. 13:25; (4) Matt. 13:7; (5) Matt. 13:25 (sowing = words); (6) Gal. 6:8.
Weevils: (1) Hidden destruction of the Word of G.o.d.
Also see Wheat and Termites.
(1) 2 Cor. 2:17a.
Weighing: (1) Thinking something through (weighing up); (2) Judging a prophetic word.
Also see Scales (Weight) and Weight.
(1) 2 Tim. 2:15; (2) 1 Cor. 14:29; 1 Thess. 5:20-21.
Weight: (1) Glory; (2) Power; (3) Sin (that which holds us back); (4) Hearts/ spirits and actions are weighed; (5) Measured; (6) More important (weightier); (7) Responsibility.
Also see Balances, Heavy, Weighing, and Weight Loss.
(1) 2 Cor. 4:17; (2) 2 Cor. 10:10; (3) Heb. 12:1; (4) 1 Sam. 2:3; Ps. 58:2; Prov. 16:2; Isa. 26:7; Dan. 5:27; (5) Job 6:2; 31:6; (6) Matt. 23:23; (7) As in, ”feeling the weight of responsibility.”
Weightlifting: (1) Building your faith; (2) Burden-bearing; (3) Taking on someone's sin or burden (spotting weights for someone); (4) Sinning; (5) Taking on more than you can handle.
(1) Jude 1:20; (2) Matt. 11:30; (3) Matt. 11:30; Heb. 12:1; (4) Heb. 12:1; (5) Matt. 11:28; 17:16-17.
Weight Loss: (1) Sin dealt with; (2) Loss of glory/anointing; (3) Loss of importance.
Also see Fat, Scales (Weight), Weighing, and Weight.
(1) Heb. 12:1; (2) 2 Cor. 4:17; (3) As in, ”Weightier matters are more important.”
Welding: (1) Joining (strong bond); (2) Manufacturing/fabricating; (3) Repairing. Also see Steel.
(1) Exod.28:7; 1 Chron. 22:3 (KJV); (2) 2 Kings 15:35; (3) Neh. 3:6.
Well: (1) G.o.d; (2) Heart; (3) G.o.d's Word; (4) Jesus Christ; (5) Salvation or eternal life; (6) The Holy Spirit.
Also see Fountain.
(1) Gen. 21:27-32 (well of covenant); Gen. 49:22; Num. 21:16-17 (They sang to the well!); (2 Sam. 17:17-19 & Col. 3:3); (2) Prov. 5:15; 18:4; John 7:37-38; (3) Gen. 29:2 (flock watered from this well); (4-5) Isa. 12:2-3; (6) John 7:37-38.
Stopped-up Well: (1) Things dumped on the spirit to spoil it; (2) Attempt to stop salvation.
(1-2) Gen 26:15, 18; 2 Kings 3:19, 25.
West: (1) Glory departing; (2) Departure from G.o.d or G.o.d departing; (3) Place of sunset; (4) A setting down or end; (5) From the west may mean unG.o.dly/ unbeliever; (6) Consider aspects in your own environment relating to west.
Also see East.
(1-2) The sun sets in the west. A setting sun ushers in night (unG.o.dliness); John 9:4; 12:30; (3) Isa. 59:19; (4) Ps. 103:12; Matt. 8:11; (4) Dan. 8:5; John 3:2 (by night).
Wet: See Water.
Wet Suit: (1) An anointing/mantle (having put on Christ); (2) Protected by the Holy Spirit (wet suit); (3) The old self (coming out of sea and taking off the wet suit).
Also see Surfing and Waves.
(1) Exod. 29:7; Lev. 8:12; 1 Sam. 10:1; 2 Kings 2:8; (cf. Gal. 3:27 & 2 Cor.3:18 (AMP)); (2) 2 Kings 2:13-14; Isa. 61:1-2; (3) Col. 2:11-12; (Here a black wet-suit may represent putting off the old self).
Whale: (1) Prophetic ministry (leader who is sensitive to the Spirit); (2) Great fish; (3) Big fish; (4) Influential believer.
(1) As the whale is an extremely sensitive creature communicating over long distances, so is the prophet sensitive to the Spirit; (2-3) Matt. 12:40 (cf. KJ & NKJ); (4) As believers are as fish, a big fish is seen as one of significance.
Wheat: (1) The Word of G.o.d; (2) Believers; (3) Believers that lay down their lives (death to self); (4) Purified hearts (threshed/sifted); (5) Related to the main harvest (favor of G.o.d); (6) Fruitfulness and provision.
Also see Barley, Chaff, and Seed.
(1) Matt. 13:20; Mark 4:14; (2) Matt. 3:12 (contrasted with chaff); Matt. 13:25, 29-30 (contrasted with tares); Luke 3:17; (3) John 12:24-25; (4) 1 Chron. 21:20; Luke 22:31; (5) Exod. 34:22; Ruth 2:23 (wheat harvest followed barley harvest); 1 Sam. 6:13; (6) Deut. 8:8, 32:14; 2 Sam. 17:28; Ps. 81:16 147:14; Song. 7:2.
Wheel/s: (1) Holy Spirit; (2) Spirit; (3) Progress; (4) Movable; (5) Repeat; (6) Roll; (7) Transport.
Also see Automobile, Bicycle, Circle, Rollerblades, and Scooter.
(1) (Job 33:4 & Jer. 18:3); Heb. 9:14 (eternal = never ending); (2) Eccl. 12:6; Ezek.1:20; (3) Exod. 14:25; (4) 1 Kings 7:30-33; (5-6) The Hebrew for ”wheel” is ghalghal ; (7) Gen. 45:27.
Wheelbarrow: (1) Carrying burdens; (2) Sinful journey; (3) Deliverance; (4) Vessel of sin; (5) Carrying sinful burdens; (6) Walking in the flesh.
(1) Jer. 17:22; Matt. 11:28; (2) 1 Kings 15:26; Isa. 30:1 (NIV); (3) Zech. 3:9 (as in removing sin); (4) Luke 11:39; (5) Luke 11:46; (6) Gal. 5:16-21; Ps. 38:4.
Wheelchair: (1) Incapacitated/infirmity; (2) Not walking by faith; (3) Dependence (on the person pus.h.i.+ng the chair); (4) Healing (coming out of the chair); (5) Wholeness (coming out of the chair).
Also see Polio.
(1) 2 Sam. 4:4; (2) 2 Cor. 5:7; (3) Acts 3:2; (4) Matt. 21:14; Acts 3:6-8; (5) Acts 4:10.
Whip: (1) Harsh chastis.e.m.e.nt, discipline, or punishment; (2) Correction; (3) Purging; (4) Authority (cracking the whip); (5) Being driven rather than led.
Also see Cowboy.
(1) 1 Kings 12:11, 14; 2 Chron. 10:11; (2) Prov. 26:3; (3) Prov. 20:30; Isa. 53:5; (4) John 2:15, 18 (NIV); (5) cf. Ps. 23:2-3.
Whirlpool: (1) Being drawn or sucked into something; (2) Path to h.e.l.l; (3) Troubled heart.
Also see Tornado.
(1) Prov. 7:22-23; 9:13-18; (2) Ezek. 31:14b; Matt. 8:32; (3) Ps. 46:3; 77:16; Isa. 57:20.
Whirlwind: Open Heaven bringing: (1) Rapture; (2) Revelation (hearing the Word of G.o.d); (3) Resurrection; (4) Destruction; (5) Judgment.