Part 69 (1/2)

Trailer (Caravan): (1) Temporary home; (2) Itinerant ministry; (3) Mobile; (4) Holiday; (5) Contract work.

(1) 2 Cor. 5:1; 2 Pet. 1:14; (2-3) Gen. 13:18; Heb. 11:9.

Trailer: (Goods): (1) Burden (extra baggage you are carrying); (2) Something/ one in tow; (3) Followers; (4) May represent a family, congregation, or ministry group; (5) Without leaders.h.i.+p (no auto pulling the trailer); (6) Under the influence of the vehicle doing the towing.

(1) Isa. 46:1; Matt. 11:28; (2) See Towing; (3-4) Matt. 8:19, 23; 10:38; (5) Matt. 9:36b; 1 Pet. 2:25; (6) 2 Pet. 2:19.

Train: (1) Ministry with clout; (2) Large (continuous) ministry; (3) Vehicle to destiny; (4) The Church; (5) Vehicle of the flesh (ministry with an agenda. i.e. ”rail-roading”); (6) Lucrative endeavor or money; (7) Nothing gets in its way; (8) Trying to stop the course of a train can be dangerous.

Also see Freight, Railway Station, Railroad Platform, Railroad Tracks, and Train (Ride-on Model).

(1) Acts 5:12; (2) Acts 2:42; (3) Jer. 29:11; (4) Acts 2:42; (5) John 3:8; (6) As in, ”gravy train”; (7-8) 1 Kings 19:1-3.

Train (Ride-on Model): (1) Church playing games; (2) Not spiritually effective (Going around in circles); (3) Taking people for a ride; (4) Spiritually immature; (5) Small church.

Also see Train.

(1-2) Rev. 3:1; (3) Acts 5:37; (4) 1 Cor. 13:11; (5) Acts 2:46.

Train (Freight): See Freight.

Train (Off the Rails): (1) (any of the above) derailed; (2) Individual or church not on track for G.o.d's destiny.

(1) Job 12:24; Ps. 107:40; (2) Isa. 53:6.

Train Running Without Rails: (1) Holy Spirit led ministry.

(1) John 3:8.

Trample/d: (1) Taking authority over the enemy; (2) Sharing revelation with unbelievers; (3) Anger.

(1) Ps. 91:13; (cf. Luke 10:19); (2) Matt. 7:6; (3) Isa. 63:3.

Trampoline: (1) In the Spirit; (2) Launching in the Spirit.

(1-2) Isa. 40:31.

Transmission: (1) Spirit (good or evil).

(1) Mark 1:12; Luke 8:29; (Acts 27:15, 17; cf. John 3:8).

Transparent (Crystal): (1) River of life (water); (2) Glory of G.o.d (light); (3) Spirit; (4) Sea of gla.s.s before the throne; (5) Honest and open (revealing one's heart).

(1) Rev. 22:1; (2) Rev. 21:11; (3) Ezek. 1:22; (4) Rev. 4:6; (5) John 1:47.

Transparent: (1) The revealing of one's heart.

(1) John 1:47; Acts 1:24.

Trap: (1) Warning of danger; (2) Deceit and deception; (3) Sudden destruction; (4) Stronghold; (5) Sign of backsliding; (6) Sin.

Also see Snare.

(1) 2 Kings 6:9; 2 Cor. 2:11; 2 Tim. 2:26; (2) Jer. 5:26-27; (3) Eccl. 9:12; (4) Prov. 11:6, 12:13; (5) Josh. 23:13; (6) Prov. 5:22.

Trash: See Garbage, Garbage Truck, Rubbish, and Rubbish Bag/Bin.

Treasure: (1) Heart; (2) The Holy Spirit; (3) G.o.d's people; (4) G.o.d's (Heaven's) provision or storehouse; (5) G.o.dly wisdom, understanding and knowledge; (6) Spiritual gifts; (7) Suffering reproach for Christ; (8) Earthly wealth; (9) Foolishness (bragging or showing all your treasure); (10) Intricate secrets; (11) May indicate a righteous or wise person; (12) May come with trouble; (13) Beware gaining it by lying; (14) Fear of the Lord; (15) Wickedness.

Also see Precious Stones.

(1) Matt. 6:21; Luke 2:19; (2) (1 Cor. 2:4-5 & 2 Cor. 4:7); (3) Exod. 19:5; Ps. 135:4; (4) Deut. 28:12a; Ps. 135:7; Isa. 45:3; Jer. 10:13; (5) Prov. 2:3-5; 8:21; Col. 2:3; (6) Prov. 8:10-11; 2:3-4; 20:15; 24:4; (cf. 1 Cor. 12:8); (7) Heb. 11:25-26; (8) James 5:3; (9) 2 Kings 20:15-18; (10) Job 38:22; (11) Prov. 15:6; 21:20; (12) Prov. 15:16; (13) Prov. 21:6; (14) Isa. 33:6b; (15) Prov. 10:2; Mic. 6:10.

Tree: (1) Person; (2) Righteous believer; (3) Jesus Christ; (4) Country or nation; (5) The Cross; (6) Life; (7) The Kingdom; (8) Family; (9) Company (of people); (10) If planted by a stream, it means prosperity; (11) Hanging on a tree means judgment or cursed; (12) Beside still waters means peace/rest; (13) Under a green tree can mean idolatry or spiritual adultery; (14) Cursed (stuck in a tree); (15) Believer choked by cares of world/riches (tree of thorns); (16) People trusting in people, not in G.o.d (stunted tree).

Also see Big Tree, Bush, Evergreen, Thorns, and individual tree names.

(1-2) Ps. 1:3; Isa. 7:2; 61:3; Jer. 17:8; (3) See Big Tree; (4) 1 Kings 4:33; Ps. 29:5; (5) 1 Pet. 2:24; Acts 5:30; 10:39; Gal. 3:13; (6) Rev. 2:7; 22:2, 14; (7) Luke 13:18-19; (8) John 15:5 (cf. John 1:12); Rom. 11:17; As in, ”family tree”; (9) Isa. 7:2; 24:13; 65:22; (10) Num. 24:6; Ps. 1:3; (11) Esther 2:23; Gal. 3:13; (12) Ps. 23:2; (13) Jer. 3:6; (14) Gal. 3:13; (15) Matt. 13:22; (16) Jer. 17:5-6.

Tree (Big Tree): (1) Jesus; (2) Church or leader; (3) Corporation; (4) Business or country leader; (5) Kingdom of G.o.d; (6) Longevity; (7) Pride and arrogance (tall tree); (8) Flouris.h.i.+ng prosperity (tall tree); (9) Believer with strong foundation.

Also see Oak and Tree.

(1) Isa. 11:1; Jer. 23:5; 33:15-16; (2) Ps. 37:35; Luke 13:18-19; (3) As in, a hierarchy; (4) Dan. 4:10-11, 20-22; (5) Matt. 13:31-32; (6) Gen. 21:33; (7) Ezek. 31:3-10; (8) Ps. 92:12; (9) Isa. 61:3 (NIV).

Tree House: (1) Cursed individual; (2) You in Christ; (3) You in the Kingdom. Also see House and Tree.

(1) Gal. 3:13; (2) Eph. 1:1; (3) Matt. 12:28; 13:31-32.

Tree Uprooted/Cut Down: (1) Warning of judgment; (2) Collapse of a ministry; (3) Not ordained of G.o.d; (4) Death or destruction.

(1) Dan. 4:14-15, 24-26; Luke 13:6-9; Matt. 3:10; (2) Dan. 4:14-15; (3) Matt. 15:13; (4) Luke 13:6-9.

Trellis: (1) Supportive framework; (2) The Word of G.o.d; (3) G.o.d.

Also see Scaffold.

(1) John 15:5 & 1 Thess. 5:14; (2) Job 4:4; Ps. 119:28; (3) Isa. 40:31 (the word wait can mean ”to entwine”).

Trench: (1) Heart; (2) Depression; (3) Path for the Holy Spirit; (4) Pathway of the mind (soul-tie [G.o.dly or unG.o.dly]).

Also see Gutter/s, Pipe, Plowing, and Plumber.

(1) Matt. 13:19; Mark 4:15; (cf. Gen. 2:7 & 2 Cor. 4:7); (2) Ps. 42:5; (3) John 1:33; Acts 9:17; (4) Ps. 119:59; Isa. 55:7.

Trench Coat: (1) Someone stuck in a rut; (2) Stronghold (dug in); (3) Stronghold of depression.

Also see Coat.

(1) Ps. 40:2; 69:2; (2) 2 Chron. 11:11a; Ps. 89:40; 2 Cor. 10:4-5; (3) Ps. 43:5; Gal. 5:1.