Part 67 (1/2)
Also see Terrorism.
(1-3) John 8:44; Acts 13:10; 1 John 3:10; (4) Prov. 6:14; (5) 1 Sam. 30:3. See Genitals.
Theater: See Stage (Theater).
Theft: See Thief.
Theme Park: (1) Representation of a believer's life; (2) Scenario or episode in one's life; (3) Entertainment; (4) Excitement; (5) The Kingdom of G.o.d.
(1) Deut. 32:13a; Rev. 20:12; (2) 2 Cor. 11:26; (3) Exod. 32:6b; Luke 8:14; 2 Tim. 3:4; (4) Ps. 68:4; (5) Mark 10:14.
Thick: (1) Fat; (2) Insensitive to G.o.d; (3) Insensitive; (4) Dull or insensitive heart.
Also see Fat and Thin.
(1-2) Deut. 32:15; (3) As in, ”thick-skinned”; (4) Matt. 15:16 (Understanding relates to heart receptivity, Matt. 13:19).
Thief: (1) Warning; (2) Potential to have somethinga”possession, virtue, spiritual gift, etc.a”stolen; (3) Devil; (4) Destroyer; (5) Murderer; (6) Non-believer; (7) Doubt; (8) Sevenfold return (thief caught); (9) Dangerous partners.h.i.+p; (10) Shame; (11) Scorn; (12) Cursed; (13) A heart centered on earthly treasures; (14) Evil heart; (15) Profiteer in church; (16) Sign of prayerlessness; (17) Mocker; (18) Not caring; (19) Without warning; (20) Adulterer.
Also see Robbery and Steal.
(1-5) John 10:1, 10; (5) Job 24:14; (6) Ps. 50:17-18; 1 Cor. 6:9-10; (7) James 1:6; (8) Prov. 6:30-31; (9) Prov. 29:24; Isa. 1:23; (10) Jer. 2:26; (11) Jer. 48:27; (12) Zech. 5:3-4; (13) Matt. 6:19-21; (14) Matt. 15:19; Mark 7:21-22; (15) Matt. 21:12-13; (16) Matt. 24:43; Rev. 16:15; (17) Matt. 27:44; (18) John 12:6; (19) 1 Thess. 5:2-4; 2 Pet. 3:10; Rev. 3:3; 16:15; (20) 2 Sam. 12:4, 7-9; Prov. 6:26-32.
Thigh: (1) Oath; (2) Strength.
Also see Leg and s.h.i.+n.
(1) Gen. 24: 2-3; 47:29; (2) Ps. 147:10.
Thin: (1) Famine; (2) Fine; (3) Lean.
Also see Emaciated, Fat, and Skinny.
(1) Gen. 41:6-7, 27; (2) Exod. 39:3; Lev. 13:30; 1 Kings 7:29 (KJV); (3) Isa. 17:4.
Thirsty: (1) Desire for G.o.d; (2) Desire for eternal fulfillment; (3) Dry and barren believer; (4) Desire to be filled; (5) In a wilderness; (6) It appears that thirst generally relates to a need for the Spirit whereas hunger relates to the Word.
Also see Hunger and Throat.
(1-3) Ps. 42:1-2; 69:3; (cf. Ps. 69:21; John 19:28); John 7:37-39; (4) Matt. 5:6; (5) Neh. 9:15; (6) Neh. 9:15; John 6:35; 7:38-39.
Thirteen: (1) Rebellion; (2) Sin; (3) Apostasy; (4) Defection; (5) Corruption; (6) Backsliding.
(1) Gen. 14:4; (2) The ”sixth” prime number (1, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13); (3-6) Gen. 10:8, Nimrod 13th generation from Adam (beginning of Babylon); Gen 16:12, of Ishmael it was foretold he would be ”a wild man, his hand against every man”; Gen. 17:25, Ishmael (son of the flesh) was circ.u.mcised at 13 years of age; 1 Kings 7:1, Solomon was 13 years building his own house, compared to seven building the Temple (1 Kings 6:38).
Thirty: (1) Right timing/moment to reign or minister; (2) 3 x 10 = 30 as such it carries the meaning of perfection or fullness [3] of Divine order [10] which marks the right moment.
(1-2) Gen. 41:46; 2 Sam. 5:4; Luke 3:23.
Thistle: See Thorn.
Thorns: (1) Sin; (2) Curse; (3) Deceitfulness of wealth/cares of the world; (4) Evil men; (5) Choker of the Word/Life; (6) Hedged in; (7) Fleshly weakness; (8) Face judgment.
Also see Tree.
(1-2) Gen. 3:17-18; (cf. Gen. 22:13; John 19:2); (3) Matt. 13:22; (4) Matt. 13:25 (false grain); Luke 6:44-45; (5) Luke 8:14; (6) Hos. 2:6; (7) 2 Cor. 12:7, 9; (8) Heb. 6:8.
Thousand: (1) Ever increasing (or More); (2) Amplification of the number; (3) Literal thousands; (4) Day; (5) Ankles (1,000); (6) Knees (2,000); (7) Waist (3,000); (8) Must swim (4,000); (9) Ever-increasing grace (5,000).
You may also use the meaning of the numbers 1-17 to interpret these thousands (With the exception of ten thousand, which is listed above).
If the number involves a figure such as 34,000, consider 30 (if there is an entry for the tens) and 4, e.g. Ever increasing dominion after the fullness of waiting.
You might also consider 3 and 4; in this case a possible meaning would be ever increasing fullness of dominion. If the number is a product (two numbers multiplied) or a sum (two numbers added) consider each number that make up these equations, e.g. 66,000 = 6 x 11 x 1000 = Ever increasing disorganization/disintegration of humanity. Another example might be 19,000 = 10 + 9 x 1,000 = Complete judgment for ever or ever increasing and complete fruitfulness. Allow the witness of the Spirit and the context of the dream to confirm which interpretation is more likely.
(1) Gen. 20:16 (Ever increasing redemption); Exod. 20:6, 34:7 (ever increasing mercy); (2) Exod. 32:28 (a full complement of humanity); (4) Ps. 90:4; 2 Pet. 3:8; (5) Ezek. 47:3; (7) Ezek. 47:4; (8) Ezek. 47:4; (9) Ezek. 47:5; (9) Matt. 14:21; John 6:10.
Thread (Scarlet Thread): (1) The story of redemption throughout G.o.d's Word; (2) Word of G.o.d; (3) The Blood of Jesus; (4) Thin or fine line; (5) Love.
(1-2) Song. 4:3a; (3-4) Josh. 2:18-19 (speaks of the Blood of Christ); (5) Song. 4:3a.
Three: (1) G.o.d/The G.o.dhead (2) Complete; (3) Resurrection; (4) Perfect; (5) Divine fullness; (6) The Holy Spirit; (7) Three items may = three days or three years; (8) Witness; (9) Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; (10) Spirit, soul, and body; (11) Third Heaven.
Also see Hundred (i.e. 300), Three Story Building, and Two.
(1) Isa.6:3; Matt. 28:19; 1 John 5:7; (2) Exod. 5:3 (complete separation); Mark 14:30, 66-72 (complete denial); John 21:15-17 (complete confession); (3) Gen. 1:13; Josh. 1:11; Matt. 12:39-40; (4) Luke 13:32; (5) Eph. 3:19 (Father); 4:13 (Son), Col. 2:9 (Holy Spirit); (6) Matt. 28:19; (7) Gen. 40:10, 12, 16, 18; 41:1; (8) Deut. 19:15; Matt. 18:16; (9) Matt. 28:19; 1 John 5:7 (KJV); (10) 1 Thess. 5:23; (11) 2 Cor. 12:2.
Three Story Building: (1) Fullness of the Spirit; (2) Maturity in Christ; (3) Ill.u.s.tration of the first, second, and third heaven (which heaven [1-3] relates to the level in the building you are on).
Also see House, Individual Numbers, and Three.
(1-3) Col. 2:9-10; 1 John 5:8; Rev. 12:11; (cf. Gen. 6:16); 2 Cor. 12:2.
.357 Magnum: (1) Powerful words; (2) Threat; (3) Fear.
Also see Bow and Bullets.
(1) 1 Sam. 17:43-44; (2-3) 1 Sam. 17:7.
Throat: (1) Pa.s.sage to the heart; (2) Open grave; (3) Infers that one's words reflect the state of the heart; (4) Threat of death (knife to throat); (5) Without G.o.d or missing G.o.d (thirsty or dry throat); (6) Heart unforgiveness (grabbed by the throat); (7) Threat.
Also see Jugular Vein, Neck, Thirsty, Throat (Cut), and Tongue.
(1-3) Ps. 5:9; Rom. 3:13; (4) Prov. 23:2; (5) Ps. 69:3 (cf. John 19:28); (6-7) Matt. 18:28.
Throat (Cut): (1) Death; (2) Ruthlessly killing someone with words; (3) Threat; (4) Warning; (5) Stop (as in ”kill” what you are doing).
Also see Decapitation, Kill/Killing, Murder, Neck, Jugular Vein, and Throat.