Part 50 (2/2)
Also see Painting (verb) and Photographs.
(1-3) Matt. 13:3 (a word picture); (4) Gen. 5:3; (5) Num. 33:52 (KJV); (6-7) Hab. 2:2; (8) 1 Cor. 2:10.
Painting (verb): (1) Interior painting speaks of inner renewal or refurbishment; (2) Refres.h.i.+ng of the Spirit; (3) Exterior painting may refer to an outward show or hypocrisy; (4) Cover up; (5) Mere outward adornment; (6) Moving in faith (ad libbing); (7) Prophesying (inspired painting); (8) Preparation.
Also see Artist and Painting (noun).
(1-2) 2 Kings 12:14; 2 Kings 22:5; 2 Chron. 24:4, 12; 29:3; 34:8-10; (3-4) Matt. 23:25-27; Luke 11:39; (5) 2 Kings 9:30; (6) Rom. 4:17; (7) 1 Sam. 9:9; Rom. 12:6; (8) Matt. 3:3 & Luke 7:28.
Pajamas: (1) Unprepared; (2) Spiritually unaware; (3) Sleeping on the job.
Also see Dressing Gown and Sleeping.
(1-3) Matt. 26:40-41; Luke 12:35-38.
Palace: (1) Spiritually rich Christian; (2) The place of the Presence of the King (G.o.d); (3) The place of the throne (authority); (4) The place of feasting; (5) The place of audience before the king; (6) The place of decrees; (7) The place of glories; (8) The place of rejoicing; (9) The place of prosperity; (10) The place to flourish; (11) The place of pride and judgment.
(1) 2 Cor. 5:1; (2) Ps. 45:8-9; 48:3; (3) Esther 1:2; (4) Esther 1:5; (5) Esther 2:3 (KJV); (6) Esther 3:15 (KJV); 8:14 (KJV); (7) Ps. 45:13-14; (8) Ps. 45:15; (9) Ps. 122:7; (10) Dan. 4:4; (11) Amos 6:8.
Palm (Hand): (1) Be buffeted; (2) Struck by words; (3) Heart (left palm); (4) Powerless (no hands); (5) Remembered (inscribed palms).
Also see Hand.
(1) Matt. 26:67; Mark 14:65 (struck by palm); (2) 2 Chron. 18:23; John 18:22; (3) Lev. 14:15-16, 26-27 (left palm represents the heart while the right finger its application, cf. Rom. 10:9-10); (4) 1 Sam. 5:4; (5) Isa. 49:16.
Palm (Tree): (1) Victory; (2) Salvation; (3) Believer; (4) Flourish; (5) Righteous (upright believer); (6) Leader (palm branch).
(1-2) Deut. 34:3; Judg. 4:5ff; John 12:13; Rev.7:9-10; (3-4) 1 Kings 6:29, 32; Ps. 92:12; (5) Song. 7:7 (upright); (cf. Jer. 10:5a); (6) Isa. 9:14-15.
Palsy: (1) Bedridden; (2) Spiritually lying down due to sin.
Also see Bed.
(1) Matt. 8:6 (KJV); 9:2 (KJV); (2) Ps. 51:9-10 (KJV); Mark 2:3-5 (KJV).
Pant: (1) Long for; (2) Birthing.
Also see Birthing and Thirsty.
(1) Ps. 42:1; (2) Ps. 48:6.
Pants (Underwear): (1) Self-righteous.
Also see Genitals, Legs, Trousers, and Underwear.
(1) Gen. 3:7.
Pantry: (1) Heart full of resources (The Word of G.o.d).
(1) 1 Kings 17:16; Matt. 14:14-21.
Paper/s: (1) Doc.u.ments; (2) Record; (3) Certificate; (4) Deeds; (5) Account or debt; (6) Plans.
Also see Pad (Paper).
(1-2) Ezra 4:15; Esther 2:23; 61; 10:2; (3) Jer. 3:8; (4) Gen. 23:17-18; (5) Matt. 18:23-24; (6) 1 Chron. 28:11-12.
Paper/s (Scrunched-Up Paper): (1) Debt or contract cancellation; (2) Failed plans.
(1-2) Col. 2:14-15.
Paper/s (Torn Paper): (1) Division; (2) Divorce; (3) Loss.
(1) Matt. 5:32; (3) 1 Sam. 15:27-28.
Paper Bag: (1) Temporary issue; (2) Hiding/cover up something.
(1) Matt. 5:25a; (2) Matt. 5:15.
Paper Cut: (1) Doc.u.ment, certificate, or deed that afflicts you.
(1) Ezra 4:18-19, 21.
Paper Plane: (1) Rhema word (words carried by the Spirit); (2) Words carried by a spirit (-); (3) Prayer requests (thrown into the air); (4) Someone trying to get your attention by sending you a message (someone throwing a paper plane at you).
Also see Aeroplane and Paper.
(1) 1 Sam. 3:19; 1 Cor. 2:4; (2) Eph. 6:16 (-); (3) Jon. 2:7; (4) 1 Kings 19:2; Luke 7:22.
Parachute: (1) Bringing Heaven to earth by the Spirit; (2) Leap of faith (no parachute); (3) Escape plan; (4) Way out; (5) Safety net; (6) Survival mentality; (7) Self-preservation; (8) Love.
(1) Matt. 6:10; John 5:36; (2) Matt. 14:29; (3) Josh. 2:15, 18; (4) Acts 9:25; (5) Acts 5:1-2; (6) Num. 13:31; Mark 14:50; (7) Luke 22:54-60; (8) Song. 2:4; 6:4; Rom. 8:38-39; 2 Cor. 5:14a (KJV).
Paramedic: (1) Evangelist (someone who brings people to meet the Physician/ Healer [Christ]); (2) Ministering angels.
(1) Mark 2:3-11; John 1:40-42; (2) 1 Kings 19:5-6; Dan. 10:10-11; John 5:4.
Parasite/s: (1) Someone who lives by stealing the spiritual life of another; (2) Someone who is just along for the rideaā€¯for what they can get out of it.
Also see Flea, Leech, and Maggot.
(1) (Lev. 17:11 & Prov. 30:15); 2 Tim. 3:4-7; (2) John 12:6.
Parents: (1) Past; (2) Guardians; (3) Careers or guides; (4) Forebears; (5) Leaders.h.i.+p or management; (6) Spiritual parents; (7) Jesus and the Church; (8) The Father and Holy Spirit; (9) Literal parents.
Also see Father and Mother.