Part 49 (1/2)
Also see Lice.
(1) Matt. 7:2-6; 23:24; (2) Mark 3:2; (3) Matt. 22:15-17.
Noise: (1) Distraction; (2) Interference; (3) Busyness; (4) Annoying interference; (5) G.o.d's voice (loud trumpet noise); (6) A mult.i.tude.
(1) Matt. 13:22; Mark 10:21; Luke 9:59-62; Rev. 2:4; (2) Matt. 23:13; (3) Luke 10:40-42; (4) 1 John 2:15-17; (5) Exod. 19:19; (6) Isa. 13:4; 17:12.
Non-Deciduous: See Evergreen.
North: (1) Place of G.o.d's throne; (2) Place of judgment; (3) Location of the enemy; (4) Moving into your spiritual inheritance (turning northward); (5) Literally going somewhere north of your current location (turning northward); (6) Consider aspects in your own environment relating to north.
Also see South.
(1) Lev. 1:11; Ps. 75:6-7; Isa. 14:13-14; (2) Jer. 1:13-14; (3) Ezek. 38:6; (4-5) Deut. 2:3.
Nose: (1) Spiritual senses; (2) Spirit; (3) Led; (4) Insensitive; (5) Pride; (6) Offense (smoke in nostrils); (7) Offended; (8) Broken spirit (broken nose); (9) Unrelenting (hard-nosed); (10) Proud and insensitive to the Spirit (hardnosed); (11) Unapproachable (hard-nosed); (12) Spiritually insensitive (no nose).
Also see Nosebleed.
(1) Ezek. 23:25; Ps. 45:7-8; (2) Job 27:3 (KJV); (3) 2 Kings 19:28; Isa. 37:29; (4) Ps. 115:6; (5-6) Isa. 65:5; (7) As in, ”who put their nose out of joint?”; (8) Ps. 51:17; (cf. Gen. 2:7 & Isa. 42:5); (9-10) Job 41:2; (11) Job 41:2; Ps. 115:6; (12) Ezek. 23:25.
Nosebleed: (1) Strife; (2) Possible family anger issue; (3) Damaged sensitivity. Also see Blood and Nose.
(1-2) Prov. 30:33.
Nudity: See Naked.
Numbers: See individual entries.
Number Plate: See License Plate.
Nun: (1) Purity.
(1) 2 Tim. 5:2.
Nurse: (1) Christ; (2) Holy Spirit; (3) Caring church; (4) Gentle nurturer of young Christians; (5) Ministers who affectionately impart the Word; (6) Feeder and provider of the young; (7) Carer; (8) Male or female servants; (9) Angels; (10) Healing angel (messenger of G.o.d ushering in the healing power of G.o.d).
Also see Doctor and Hospital.
(1) Isa. 40:11; (2) John 14:26; 15:26 (KJV); (3) Acts 4:35; (4) Exod. 2:7, 9; 1 Thess. 2:7; (5) 1 Thess. 2:7-8; (4) Num. 11:12; (5) Ruth 4:16; (6) Isa. 49:23; (7) Matt. 18:10; Heb. 1:14; (10) John 5:4.
Nuts (Fruit): (1) G.o.d's Word; (2) Words of promise; (3) Someone distorting G.o.d's Word (sugar-coated nuts).
Also see Seed.
(1-2) Matt. 13:19-23; Luke 8:11; 1 Pet. 1:23; (3) Matt. 4:6.
Nuts and Bolts: (1) Underpinning truths.
Also see Bolts.
(1) Heb. 6:1-2.
Oak: (1) Longevity; (2) Stable (deeply rooted); (3) Kingdom pillar (landmark); (4) The Cross; (5) Place to shelter; (6) Place to bury the past; (7) Idolatry; (8) Represents a proud enemy; (9) Durable (used for oars); (10) Strong.
(1) Zech. 11:2 (KJV); (2) Amos 2:9; (3) Josh. 24:26; (4) 2 Sam. 18:9-10, 14 (KJV); (5) 1 Kings 13:14; (6) Gen. 35:4, 8 (KJV); 1 Chron. 10:12 (KJV); (7) Isa. 1:29 (KJV); 44:14-15; Ezek. 6:13; Hos. 4:13; (8) Isa. 2:12-13; (9) Ezek. 27:6; (10) Amos 2:9.
Oath: (1) Promise; (2) Pledge; (3) Allegiance; (4) Covenant.
(1-4) Gen. 21:22-31; 24:2-3, 8; Eccl. 8:2.
Ocean: See Sea.
Octopus: (1) Fleshly control or influence (tentacles); (2) Controlling spirit; (3) Soul-tie stronghold (octopus on head).
Also see Eight and Squid.
(1) Exod. 2:14; Prov. 6:5; Gal. 2:4; (2) 1 Kings 21:7-10; (3) 2 Cor. 10:4-5.
Odor (Bad): (1) Foolishness; (2) Monstrous deeds; (3) Demons; (4) Deception; (5) Wrong spirit; (6) Offensive.
Also see Incense and Perfume.
(1) Eccl. 10:1; (2) Joel 2:20; (3) Eccl. 10:1 (see Flies); (4) Mark 9:25; Eph. 4:14; Also as in, ”something is off” or ”I smell a rat”; (5) Ps. 32:2; Mark 1:23-24; (6) Matt. 13:21; 16:23.
Office: (1) Business; (2) Kingdom office or position; (3) Pastor, teacher, evangelist, prophet, and apostle; (4) The heart (as the place where we do business with G.o.d); (5) Heaven (place where G.o.d sits running everything).
(1) 1 Sam. 21:2; (2-3) Eph. 4:11-12; (4) Ps. 91:1; (5) Gen. 28:12; Heb. 12:22-23.
Offspring: (1) Future; (2) Fruits of faith.
(1) Job 21:8; (2) Rom. 4:13.
Oil (Dirty): (1) Unclean spirit; (2) Foolishness.
(1) Eccl. 10:1; (2) Eccl. 10:1.
Oil (Olive): (1) Anointing; (2) Crowned by G.o.d; (3) The Holy Spirit; (4) Light; (5) Spiritual strength; (6) The Glory of G.o.d.
Also see Olive.
(1) Exod. 29:7, 21; 30:24-31; Lev. 8:12; Ps. 23:5; 133:2; (2) Lev. 21:12 (KJV); 1 Sam. 10:1; 16:13; 1 Kings 1:39; 2 Kings 9:3; Ps. 45:7; 89:20; (3) 1 Sam. 16:13; Isa. 61:3; Eph. 1:13; 4:30; (4) Exod. 25:6; 35:8, 28; (5) Ps. 92:10; (6) Zech. 4:12.
Oil Rig: (1) Church in the Spirit; (2) Anointed ministry.
Also see Gasoline and Gas Station.
(1-2) Matt. 25:9; 1 Sam. 16:13 & John 7:38-39.
Oil Slick: (1) Wrong spirit (slick on a road/path); (2) Someone causing others to backslide; (3) Slippery character; (4) Out of control (positive or negative).