Part 42 (2/2)

Jumping: (1) Joining (jumping on something); (2) To a.s.sail someone (jumping on someone); (3) Overcoming; (4) Without patience or taking the shortcut; (5) Sudden discipline (being jumped on); (6) Sudden response to a command.

Also see Leaping.

(1) As in, ”jumping on the band wagon”; (2) Luke 10:30; (3) Ps. 18:29; John 16:33; (4) As in, ”jumping the queue”; (5) As in, ”they jumped on her straight away”; (6) Matt. 8:9.

Junction (T or Y): See T-Junction.

Jungle: (1) World; (2) Trials; (3) Complicated journey; (4) Lush growth.

Also see Forest and Rainforest.

(1) John 13:31 & 1 Pet. 5:8; 16:11; (2) Jer. 6:21; (3) Isa. 57:14; (4) Prov. 11:28.

Junk Food: (1) Wrong doctrine; (2) Not doctrinally sound; (3) Convenient food.

(1) 1 Tim.1:3-4; 4:1, 6-7; 2 Tim. 4:3-4; (3) 2 Tim. 4:3.

Kaleidoscope: (1) Turmoil in relations.h.i.+p and emotions (possible nightmare as a child); (2) Receiving the glory of G.o.d as a child; (3) Confusion.

(1) Matt. 19:14; (2) Matt. 18:10; Rom. 8:17; (3) 1 Cor. 14:33; James 3:16.

Kangaroo: (1) Jump; (2) Bounce; (3) Boxing; (4) Australia; (5) Pouch; (6) Someone who has energy (bounce); (7) In the wilderness; (8) Someone who doesn't respect boundaries (fence jumper); (9) Australian church/es.

(3) 1 Cor. 9:26; (6) 1 Kings 18:44b-46; (7) Luke 1:80; (8) Exod. 20:17; Luke 12:39; John 10:1; (9) By a.s.sociation.

Kayak: See Canoe.

Kebab: (1) Mixed diet [G.o.d's Word and world's word inter-mixed] (i.e. meat, onions, capsic.u.m, meat, etc).

(1) Job 12:11; Heb. 5:14; 13:9.

Kerb (Curb): (1) Boundary on G.o.d's path; (2) The Love of G.o.d; (3) The Fear of G.o.d.

Also see Gutter/s.

(1) Num. 22:24; (2) 2 Cor. 5:14a (The love of G.o.d keeps us from legalism); (3) Ps. 36:1 (The fear of G.o.d keeps us from lasciviousness [fleshly lifestyle]).

Key/s: (1) Authority; (2) Opportunity; (3) Access; (4) The rhema word (off your tongue); (5) Control; (6) Way out; (7) Heart; (8) G.o.d's will; (9) Prayer; (10) Faith; (11) Unity; (12) Praise; (13) Revelation; (14) Prophecy; (15) Knowledge; (16) Pivotal or indispensable person (i.e. ”key player”); (17) Love; (18) The Gifts of the Spirit; (19) Signs and wonders; (20) The Divinity Code to Understanding Your Dreams and Visions.

Also see Door.

(1) Isa. 22:22; Matt. 16:19; (2) Luke 11:52; (3) Judg. 3:25; Rev. 9:1; 20:1; (4) Matt. 16:18-19 (tongue: small instrument that opens your destiny); (5) Matt. 16:19; Rev. 9:1; (6) Rev. 9:1-3; (7) Song. 5:2-6; Acts 16:14; Acts 13:22 & Rev.

3:7; (8) Isa. 22:22; 45:1; Luke 22:42; Col. 4:3; (9) Matt. 16:16-19; (cf. 1 Kings 18:1, 41-45); (10) Rom. 5:2a; 2 Cor. 5:7; Gal. 3:5; 5:6; Eph. 2:8; Heb. 11:5, 8, 29, 30; (11) Ps. 133: 1-3; 1 Pet. 3:7; (12) Ps. 100:4; (13-14) Matt. 16:16-19; (15) Luke 11:52; (16) Mark 12:28, 30; Rom. 2:4b; (17) John 3:16; (18) Matt. 16:19 (give = gift); (19) Deut. 6:22-23; (20) Prov. 25:2.

Kicking: (1) Resisting; (2) Aggression; (3) Using strength, power, or force.

Also see Ball.

(1) Acts 9:5; (2) Num. 22:23-25; Ps. 36:11; (3) Ps. 147:10.

Kidnap/ped: (1) Take/n away; (2) The devil holding someone for ransom.

(1) Gen. 30:15; (2) Tim. 2:25-26.

Kill/ed/ing: (1) Crucifying the flesh; (2) Stopping something; (3) Getting rid of; (4) Slandering or speaking against.

Also see, Mafia, Murder, and Strangle/d.

(1) Gal. 2:20; (2) John 19:30; (3) 2 Sam. 12:9; (4) Matt. 5:21-22.

Killer Whale: (1) Prophetic warrior; (2) Familiar spirit (appears friendly, but is dangerous); (3) Church leader who is a predator; (4) Spiritual predator.

Also see Dolphin, Walrus, and Whale.

(1) 1 Sam. 15:32-33; 1 Kings 18:40; (2) Matt. 7:15; (3) John 12:6; (4) Acts 8:18-19.

King: (1) J esus Christ; (2) Authority; (3) Dominion.

(1-3) Rev. 1:5.

King Cobra: (1) The devil.

Also see Snake.

(1) Eph. 6:12 & Rev. 12:9.

King Kong: (1) Stronghold (defiant); (2) Strong person; (3) Stronghold of affluence; (4) Strength.

Also see Monkey.

(1) 1 Sam. 17:4, 23-25; (2) Matt. 12:29; (3) 1 Kings 10:22; 2 Chron. 9:21.

Kiss: (1) Empty promises; (2) Affection or embrace; (3) Seduction; (4) Betrayal; (5) Departure/farewell; (6) Welcome/greeting; (7) Deception; (8) Enticement; (9) Wors.h.i.+p; (10) Union (joined).

(1) Ps. 12:2b; 55:21; (2) Gen. 29:11; 48:10; 1 Sam. 10:1; 1 Kings 19:18; Ps. 2:12; 85:10; Prov. 24:26; Hos. 13:2; Song. 1:2; 8:1; 1 Pet. 5:14; (3) 2 Sam. 15:5; Prov. 7:13; (4) 2 Sam. 15:5-6; Matt. 26:48-49; Mark 14:44-45; (5) Gen. 31:28, 55; 50:1; Ruth 1:9, 14; (6) Exod. 4:27; 18:7; 2 Sam. 14:33; 1 Kings 19:20; Luke 7:45; 15:20; Acts 20:37-38; Rom. 16:16; 1 Cor. 16:20; (7) Gen. 27:26-27; 2 Sam. 20:9; Prov. 27:6; (8) Job 31:27; (9) Luke 7:38; (10) Ps. 85:10.

Kitchen: (1) Heart; (2) The human spirit; (3) The place of preparation; (4) The Church (especially a commercial kitchen); (5) The place of storage; (5) Mind (upstairs kitchen); (7) Under pressure (turning up the heat).

Also see House.

(1) Hos. 7:6; Neh. 13:5; The kitchen is the heart of the house and the house is a temple; (3) Gen. 18:6; 27:17; Exod. 12:39; Judg. 6:19; 2 Kings 6:23; Neh. 5:18; Ps. 23:5; Matt. 22:4; 26:17-19; Luke 14:17; Acts 10:10; (4) Acts 6:1 (as a distribution center); (Matt. 16:18 & John 21:17b); (5) Neh. 13:5; (6) As the place where we ”cook up” ideas; (7) Dan. 3:19; Luke 10:40.

Kite Flying: See Flying Kite.

Kitten: See Cat (Domestic).
