Part 22 (1/2)
Camel's Hair: (1) Prophet's mantle or calling of a prophet (as burden-bearer). Also see Camel.
(1) 2 Kings 8:9 (shows camels as burden-bearers); Matt. 3:4 & 11:9.
Camera: (1) Focusing; (2) Publicity; (3) Memories; (4) Fame; (5) Revealed (made public); (6) Seeking recognition (posing in front of camera); (7) Mind (as the place of memories); (8) Heart (as the place of the promises of G.o.d); (9) Seeing in the Spirit.
Also see Cameraman, Movie Camera, and Photograph.
(1) Acts 3:4; Heb. 12:2; (2) Mark 1:45; 5:20; 7:36; (3) Matt. 26:13; Mark 14:9; (4) Matt. 9:26, 31; 14:1; (5) Dan. 2:19; (6) Matt. 20:21; Mark 10:37; (7) Rom. 12:2; (8) 1 Cor. 2:9; (9) See Window.
Cameraman: (1) Seer; (2) Prophet; (3) Focused individual.
(1-2) Num. 24:4, 16; (3) 2 Sam. 18:24.
Camp: (1) Temporary location; (2) The army of G.o.d; (3) Army of angels; (4) Church (multiple tents); (5) Gathering of spiritual forces (good or evil); (6) Wilderness experience (refugee camp); (7) Church led by the Spirit.
(1) Exod. 19:2; Josh. 10:15; (2) Exod. 14:19-20; Josh. 6:18; Ps. 34:7; (3) Gen. 32:1-2. (4) Exod. 33:7; Num. 2:16-17 (KJV); 15:35-36; (5) Gen. 32:1-2; Joel 2:11; Judg. 7:11; (6) As a place of refuge from persecution in your own land, but not yet having moved into a new homeland (like Israel); (7) Exod. 13:21; John 3:8.
Canaan: (1) The Promised Land; (2) The land of G.o.d's promises; (3) The Kingdom of G.o.d within (the infilling of the Holy Spirit).
(1) Exod. 13:5, 11; (2) Luke 24:49; (3) Luke 17:21.
Canaanites: (1) Spiritual princ.i.p.alities/powers/spirits; (2) Bring low by traffic or trade (convenience, greed, materialism, and possessions); (3) They also remove spiritual uprightness (they ”unwall” you).
(1) Exod. 3:8; (2) This is the meaning of the root of the name; Gen. 13:7; (3) Ps. 51:10; 2 Sam 12:1-7.
Cancer: (1) Sin; (2) Sin within the Church (Body of Christ); (3) Destructive selfconsuming words; (4) Literal cancer/disease; (5) Doubt (eats away faith in one's heart); (6) Fear (eats away faith); (7) Bitterness; (8) Unforgiveness; (9) Stress.
Also see Tumor.
(1) Isa. 1:4; Hos. 9:9; (2-3) 2 Tim. 2:16-17; (5) Matt. 14:30-31; 21:21; (6) Matt. 8:26; Mark 4:40; (7) Job 21:25; (8) Num. 12:11-12; (9) Job 2:4-5.
Candle/stick: (1) Believer; (2) The Holy Spirit; (3) G.o.d's Word; (4) Church; (5) Wickedness (lamp put out).
Also see Lampstand, Light, and Wax.
(1) Matt. 5:14-15; (2) Rev. 4:5; (3) Ps. 119:105; (4) Rev. 1:20; (5) Prov. 24:20.
Candy (Sweets): (1) Words (often G.o.d's Words); (2) Treat; (3) Pleasurable to the flesh, but without spiritual nutrition; (4) Appealing to children or immature believers; (5) Temptation (tempting treats); (6) Without substance.
(1) Ps. 119:103; 141:6; Prov. 16:24; (2) Prov. 27:7b; (3) 1 Cor. 14:20; 2 Tim. 4:3-4; Rev. 10:9-10; (4) Rom. 16:18; (5) Eph. 4:14; (6) Heb. 5:14.
Cane Toad: (1) Plague/curse; (2) Plague of false religion; (3) Solution that becomes a bigger problem (in Australia); Also see Frog and Toad.
(1-2) Exod. 8:2; (3) Gen. 16:1-2.
Cankerworm: (1) Subtle destruction; (2) Gangrene; (3) Rotting; (4) Corrosion. Also see Locust.
(1) Joel 1:4; James 5:3.
Cannibals: (1) Something eating at you (issue not dealt with); (2) Church devouring one another; (3) Partaking/communing with Christ; (4) Communing with demons.
(1) Matt. 18:34; (2) Lev. 26:27-29; Gal. 5:15; (3) John 6:53; (4) Lev. 26:28; 1 Cor. 10:20-21.
Cannon: (1) Powerful voice; (2) Impacting words (unrelenting heart); (3) Very persuasive words; (4) Leader; (5) Anger; (6) Unbridled tongue/heart.
(1) Luke 4:32; Acts 7:22; Heb. 12:26; (2) 1 Kings 19:2-3; (3) Rom. 16:18; Col. 2:4; (4) Eccl. 8:4; (5) Dan. 2:12-13; (6) Ps. 32:9; James 3:5-6 (loose cannon).
Canoe: (1) Undeveloped (primitive) ministry or person; (2) The flesh (our ”self”-propelled old vessel); (3) Ministry in own strength (paddling canoe); (4) Ministry without the Holy Spirit; (5) Holy Spirit-led individual (canoe/ kayak moving without paddle in running water).
Also see Boat, Rowing, and Underwater.
(1) Acts 19:2b; (2) Deut. 12:8; Judg. 21:25 (doing your own thing); (3-5) Zech. 4:6.
Canteen: See Restaurant.
Cap: (1) Casual or familiar authority; (2) Weak authority.
Also see Hat.
(1) 1 Cor. 11:10.
Cape: See Mantle.
Captain: (1) Jesus; (2) Authority gained through suffering; (3) Leader; (4) Pastor. (1-2) Heb. 2:10; (3) Rev. 6:15; (4) Jer. 51:23; Acts 20:28; 1 Pet. 5:2.
Captive: (1) Fallen into sin; (2) Bound by iniquity; (3) Under demonic oppression; (4) Under the influence of a dominant personality.
Also see Chains, Prisoners, and Yoke.
(1) Lam. 1:5; Amos 1:6; (2) Acts 8:23; (3) Matt. 12:29; Mark. 3:22-27; (4) Matt. 20:25.
Car: See Automobile.
Caravan (Camel): (1) Gifts; (2) Enduring trip; (3) Gathering the Church (bride).
Also see Camel.
(1-3) Gen. 24:10.
Caravan: See Trailer.
Carburetor: (1) Door to the heart; (2) Fueling the heart/ministry.
Also see Automobile.
(1) Prov. 4:23; Matt. 6:6; Rev. 3:20; (2) Gen. 4:7; 1 Kings 10:24; Ezra 7:27; Neh. 2:12.
Car-Carrier/Transport: (1) Riding on someone else's ministry; (2) Big ministry about to release other ministries (new cars).
(1) 2 Kings 5:20; (2) Matt.28:19-20; Luke 9:1-2.