Part 20 (1/2)

Also see Crumbs, Crusty Bread (directly below), Loaf, Toast, and Wine.

(1) 1 Cor. 10:16; 11:27; (2) Deut. 8:3; Amos 8:11; Matt. 4:4; Luke 4:4; (3) Matt. 26:26; Luke 24:35; Acts 2:42; (4-5) Mark 14:1; 1 Cor. 11:26; (6) Amos 8:11; Matt. 4:4; (7) Deut. 16:3; (8) John 6:33, 35, 48, 51, 58.

Bread (Crusty Bread): (1) Old words; (2) Deception; (3) Thoughts and words from a fleshly heart (wood oven loaves).

(1-3) Josh. 9:4-6, 12.

Bread (Moldy Bread): (1) Old manna/revelation; (2) Not exercising faith; (3) Need for daily bread.

(1-2) Exod. 16:20-21, 26; (3) Matt. 6:11.

Breakfast: (1) It's a new day; (2) New beginning; (3) Breaking your fast.

(1-2) John 21:12; (3) 2 Sam. 12:21.

Breaking: (1) Violating; (2) Stealing; (3) Destroying; (4) Brokenness; (5) Dying to self; (6) Repenting; (7) Desperate faith; (8) Cut short/nullified/without effect; (9) Physically broken; (10) Dispersing; (11) Pruning; (12) Giving the heart expression vocally (breaking forth).

(I) Matt. 5:19; John 5:18; 7:23; Rom. 2:23; (2) Matt. 6:19-20; 24:43; (3) Matt. 12:20; Mark 5:4; Luke 5:6; John 21:11; Acts 27:41; Eph. 2:14; Rev. 2:27; (4) Matt. 21:44; Luke 20:18; Acts 2:42, 46; 21:13; 1 Cor. 10:16; 11:24; (5) Matt. 14:19; 15:36-37; 26:26; Mark 14:3; Luke 24:35; (6) Judg. 21:15; Joel 2:13; (7) Mark 2:4-5; (8) John 10:35; (9) John 19:31-32, 36; (10) Acts 13:43; (II) Rom. 11:17, 19; (12) Gal. 4:27.

Breast: (1) Nurtured; (2) Spiritual pioneer (i.e. Martin Luther); (3) Repentance (beating breast); (4) Embrace; (5) s.e.xually perverse spirit or spirit of l.u.s.t (grabbing breast); (6) Close to the heart (love).

Also see Bra, Harlot, Jezebel (in Name and Place Dictionary), Naked, and Woman.

(1) Job 3:12; Song. 8:1; Isa. 60:16; (2) Someone who distributes the milk of the Word that the Body may grow thereby; (3) Jer. 31:19; Luke 18:13; (4) Ruth 4:16; Prov. 5:20; (5) Matt. 5:28; (6) John 13:23; 21:20.

Breath: (1) Spirit; (2) Spiritual life; (3) Offensive (bad breath); (4) Unclean spirit (bad breath); (5) G.o.d's Spoken Word (rhema).

Also see Belch.

(1-2) Gen. 2:7; (3) Job 19:17; (4) Mark 1:26; (5) Ps. 33:6.

Breath a.n.a.lysis/Testing: (1) Testing/measuring the Spirit.

(1) 1 John 4:1.

Breathing: (1) Impartation of life; (2) Spiritual infilling; (3) Breath of life.

Also see Blowing.

(1-3) Gen. 2:7; Ezek. 37:9.

Brewery: (1) Because it utilizes fermentation, it infers a process of corruption and evil; (2) Worldly church.

Also see Yeast.

(1) Exod. 34:25; Lev. 2:11 (leaven and honey were excluded from offerings because they symbolize people seeking their own glory, i.e. corrupt wors.h.i.+p); (2) 1 Pet. 1:23-25; Rev. 2:15-18; 18:2.

Bricks: The Scriptural use of the word portrays: (1) people's attempt to reach Heaven; (2) People attempting to make a name for themselves; (3) Human-made empires; (4) Rebellion against G.o.d; (5) Bondage of the world (Egypt); (6) A works-based service of people; (7) Keeping people busy so that they do not have time to truly wors.h.i.+p G.o.d; (8) Pride; (9) Human-made altars; (10) Human-made words (bricks instead of stone).

Also see Stone/s.

(1-3) Gen. 11:3-4; (4) Gen. 9:1 & 11:4; (5-6) Exod. 1:14; (7) Exod. 5:7-8ff; (8) Isa. 9:9-11; (9) Isa. 65:3; (10) Gen. 11:3-4.

Bride: (1) Church; (2) Heavenly Jerusalem; (3) Israel; (4) United with (union); (5) Relations.h.i.+p; (6) Spotless and ready for Christ's return (bride in white dress); (7) Martyrdom (b.l.o.o.d.y bride).

Also see Best Man, Blood, Groom, and Marriage.

(1) Eph. 5:25; (2) Rev. 21:9b-10; (3) Isa. 54:5; (4-5) Gen. 2:24; (6) Rev. 19:7; (7) Rev. 17:6.

Bridegroom: See Groom.

Bridesmaid: (1) Loss of first love (should be the bride); (2) Getting others ready to meet Christ; (3) Pastor/leader.

(1) Rom. 7:4; Rev. 2:4; (2) Matt. 25:10; Rev. 21:2; (3) Matt. 23:11; Eph. 5:26-27.

Bridle: (1) Control the tongue.

(1) Job 30:11; Ps. 32:9; 39:1; James 1:26; 3:2.

Bridge: (1) The Cross; (2) Jesus Christ; (3) The Church; (4) Filling the gap; (5) Means to an end; (6) Human-made destiny; (7) Human-made efforts; (8) Life's pa.s.sage or journey; (9) A link; (10) Salvation ministry (working on bridge); (11) Relations.h.i.+p or communication; (12) Human-made structure.

(1) 2 Sam. 18:9 (see Oak); (2) John 1:51; 1 Pet. 3:18; (3) John 1:41-42; 2 Cor. 5:20; (4) Ezek. 22:30; (10) By virtue of the fact that the bridge is the cross of Christ; (11) Ps. 133:1; Also, as in, ”building bridges”; (12) Gen. 11:4.

Briefcase: (1) Business; (2) Financial management; (3) Business transaction; (4) Teacher or teaching.

(1) John 12:6 & Acts 1:18a; (2-3) Prov. 7:20; John 12:6; (4) Eph. 4:11.

Broad: (1) Destruction (road/gate); (2) All encompa.s.sing; (3) Easy (road/gate); (4) Made to impress; (5) Deep (river).

(1-3) Matt. 7:13-14; (4) Matt. 23:5 (adornments); (5) Eph. 3:18; Ezek. 47:3-5.

Broken: (1) Broken spirit; (2) Broken heart; (3) Ineffective work (broken hand); (4) Bad walk (broken foot); (5) Interrupted walk (broken feet).

(1) Job 17:1; (2) Prov. 15:13; (3) Job 22:9 (KJV); (4) Heb. 12:13; (5) 2 Sam. 4:4.

Broken Gla.s.s: (1) Disappointment; (2) Reproach; (3) Illegal entry into your spirit (breaking your spiritual window); (4) Cutting words.

Also see Gla.s.s, Water (water reflects like gla.s.s), and Window.

(1) Job 17:11; Ps. 38:8 (cf. Prov. 27:19 & 20:5); also as in ”shattered dreams”; (2) Ps. 69:20; (3) Matt. 6:19; (4) Ps. 22:13a.

Bronze: (1) Strength; (2) Righteousness; (3) Boldness; (4) Third place.

Also see Bra.s.s, Gold, Pewter, and Silver.

(1-3) Rev. 1:15; 2:18 (NIV); (4) Num. 31:22 (NIV); also as in Olympic medals.

Brook: (1) Resting place; (2) A defining moment; (3) A dividing place; (4) Hiding place; (5) A place of trees; (6) A place of harvest; (7) A place of blessing; (8) The Word of G.o.d; (9) A place of sustenance; (10) A place of judgment; (11) A place of pa.s.sage; (12) Deceitful; (13) A place of stones; (14) A place of refres.h.i.+ng and honor; (15) The human spirit; (16) A place of mourning; (17) Defense; (18) Border; (19) The words from a person's mouth.

Also see River and Stream.