Part 18 (2/2)
(1) Rev. 12:2, 4-5; John 16:20-21; (2) Jer. 31:8; Mic. 4:10; (3) 1 Kings 18:1, 41-45; (4) 1 Sam. 1:10-18; Rom. 8:25-29; (5) John 3:3; (6-7) Isa. 47:9; (8) Matt. 2:16.
Birthday: (1) Born again; (2) Start of something new; (3) Celebration; (4) Memorial; (5) Death (a woman goes through a death before birth).
(1) John 3:3; (2) Exod. 12:2; 2 Cor. 5:17; (3-4) Exod. 12:2-14; (5) John 12:24; 19:34; Rom. 6:4; 8:22; 1 Cor. 15:21-22.
Biscuit: See Bread.
Bishop: (1) Overseer (to watch over); (2) Covering; (3) Spiritual authority. Also see Pastor and Priest.
(1-3) 1 Tim. 3:1-2; 1 Pet. 5:2.
Bite/Bitten: (1) Infected (affected) by words; (2) Poisoned by words; (3) Destructive (devouring) words; (4) Falling to temptation; (5) Addicted (as in bitten by the gambling bug); (6) Test of faith; (7) Back-biting or slander (bite on back).
Also see Eating, Snake, and Spider.
(1) Matt. 27:20; (2) Gen. 3:1-6; Acts 13:8-10; (3) Ps. 52:4; (4) Gen. 3:1-6; (5) Prov. 23:2-3; (6) Mark 16:17-18 & Acts 28:3-6; (7) Num. 21:5-6.
Bitter: See Lemon.
Bitumen: (1) Hard; (2) Traffic or commerce; (3) Busyness; (4) Sealant; (5) Preventing growth.
(1-3) Matt. 13: 4, 19; (4) Gen. 6:14; (5) Deut. 29:23.
Black: (1) Without light or life; (2) Without the Spirit (operating in the soul); (3) Wicked; (4) Sin; (5) Deceitful; (6) Mourning; (7) Dead or unclean; (8) Burned; (9) Famine; (10) h.e.l.l; (11) Death; (11) Financially sound (in the ”black”) Also see Black Man, Black and White, and Woman (black widow).
(1) Gen. 1:2-3; Lam. 4:8; (2) John 13:30b; James 2:26a; Matt. 25:8; (1 John 1:5b & Rom. 8:9); 1 Cor. 2:14; (3) Song. 5:11 & Gen 8:7 & Isa. 48:22; (4) Lam. 4:8; (5) Prov. 7:9; (6) Jer. 8:21 (cf. NKJV & KJV); (7) Lam. 4:8; Matt. 23:27 (contrasted with white); (8) Jer. 14:2, 8; (9) Rev. 6:5-6; (10) 2 Pet. 2:17; (11) Job 3:5.
Black Eye: (1) Persecuted prophet; (2) Domestic violence; (3) Abuse (physical, emotional, or spiritual); (4) Darkness around the heart; (5) Wounded heart.
(1) 1 Kings 19; (2) 1 Sam. 22:19; Jer. 4:31; (3) Luke 22:63-64; (4) Rom. 1:21; Eph. 4:18; (5) Ps. 109:22; 147:3.
Black Man: Note: The meaning of an African-American/First Nations (indigenous) person or Caucasian person in a dream may change dependent on the ethnicity (racial/cultural background) of the dreamer. An African-American/ First Nations person may see Caucasians as the fleshly self (due to their past inclination to exploit, enslave, and be soulish). To a Caucasian, a First Nations person may represent the fleshly self due to their color or order in the land (see 1 Cor. 15:46). A person of a different race is generally interpreted as ”Foreign.” (Also see First Nations Peoples, Foreign, Foreigner, and Native/s).
Black and White: (1) Judgment/al; (2) Double-minded; (3) Religious; (4) Lukewarm.
(1) John 8:5-6; Acts 23:3; (2) James 1:6-8; (3) Matt. 23:5-7; (4) Rev. 3:16.
Blanket: (1) Covering; (2) Authority; (3) Smothering (wet blanket).
(1) 1 Kings 19:13; (2) 2 Kings 2:14; (3) Ezek. 32:7.
Bleeding: (1) Losing spiritual life; (2) Hurting; (3) Suffering; (4) Wounded; (5) Dying; (6) Purification; (7) Atonement; (8) Martyr.
Also see Blood.
(1) Acts 22:20; Lev. 17:11; (2-3) Isa. 53:4-5, 7; (4) 1 Kings 22:35; Ezek. 28:23; (6) Lev. 12:4; (7) Lev. 17:11; (8) Acts 2:20; Gen. 4:10.
Blimp: (1) High profiled Holy Spirit ministry; (2) Very discerning prophetic ministry.
Also see Hot Air Balloon.
(1) Ezek. 8:3; Acts 8:39; (2) Num. 22:41 (by virtue of the view).
Blind: (1) Spiritually blind; (2) In the dark spiritually or spiritually ignorant; (3) Unbeliever; (4) Received a bribe; (5) Hardened heart; (6) Lacking faith or love; (7) Hatred.
(1) Isa. 42:18; 56:10; Matt. 15:14; Luke 4:18; John 9:39; (2) 1 Cor. 12;1; Isa. 42:7, 16; Matt. 23:16-17; 23:26; Rev. 3:17; (3) Isa. 29:18; (4) 1 Sam. 12:3: Deut. 16:19; (5) John 12:40; 2 Cor. 3:14-15; 4:4; (6) 2 Pet. 1:9; (7) 1 John 2:11.
Blindfold: See Blind and Veil.
Blinds (Awning): See Shutters.
Blister: (1) Experiencing friction because of the Gospel; (2) Friction affecting your work (hand blister) or walk (foot blister); (3) Trouble adjusting to a new role (filling someone else's shoes).
Also see Pimple.
(1) Matt. 5:10; (Matt. 10:35 & Eph. 6:15); (2) Matt. 13:20-21; (3) Mark 9:33-34.
Block of Units (Flats/Apartments): (1) Sub-culture or group; (2) Spiritually undeveloped individual (one unit/flat).
(1) Acts 16:3 (KJV); (2) 2 Cor. 5:1.
Blood: (1) Life (of the flesh); (2) Spirit (spirit parallels blood); (3) Family; (4) Atonement; (5) Redemption or redeemed; (6) Judgment; (7) Strife; (8) Guilt/ blame; (9) Money; (10) Sacrifice; (11) Murder; (12) Drunk; (13) Earnest search for repentance (tears of blood); (14) Anxiety (sweating blood); (15) Christ or His offspring (b.l.o.o.d.y husband); (16) Martyrdom (b.l.o.o.d.y bride).
Also see Bleeding.
(1) Lev. 17:11; (2) Job 33:4; Ezek. 37:14; 1 Pet. 4:6; Rev. 11:11 (the Life of G.o.d is the Spirit); (3) Num. 35:21; Deut. 19:6; Josh. 20:5 (avenger of blood = kinsman); (4) Lev. 17:11; (5) 1 Pet. 1:18-19; (6) Gen. 4:10; Exod. 4:9; (7) Prov. 30:33; (8) Matt. 27:24; (9) Matt. 27:6 (blood-money); (10) Exod. 34:25; Ps. 106:38; Isa. 1:11; Ezek. 39:19; (11) Gen. 4:10; (12) Jer. 46:10; (13) Heb. 12:17; (14) Luke 22:44; (15) Exod. 4:26 & 1 Cor. 10:16; (16) Rev. 17:6.
Blood Bank: (1) Church.
(1) John 6:53-56; Lev. 17:11; As in, the place where Spiritual life is renewed.
Blood Pressure: (1) Resistance to the Holy Spirit (high b.p.); (2) Lacking spiritual intimacy (low b.p.); (3) Lacking spiritual fort.i.tude (low b.p.).
(1) Lev. 17:11 & (Job 33:4; Ezek. 37:14); Acts 6:10; (2) Isa. 40:30-31; (3) Heb. 12:3-4.
b.l.o.o.d.y Nose: See Nose Bleed.
Blood Transfusion: (1) Salvation/conversion; (2) Spiritual life renewed.
(1) Heb. 9:14; 1 Pet. 1:18-19; 1 John 1:7; (2) Lev. 17:11.
Blossom: (1) Potential fruitfulness; (2) Chosen by G.o.d; (3) Abundance; (4) Joy and rejoicing; (5) Beauty; (6) Pride; (7) a.s.sociated with spring (summer is harvest time).
(1) Gen. 40:10; Num. 17:8; (2) Num. 17:5; (3) Isa. 27:6, 35:2; (4) Isa. 35:2; Hab. 3:17-18; (5) Isa. 35:1; (6) Ezek. 7:10; (7) Song. 2:11-12.
Blowing: (1) Opposition; (2) Testing; (3) Spirit; (4) a.s.sisting a fire.