Part 1 (1/2)



Adam F. Thompson & Adrian Beale.


We would like to dedicate this book to all those who have gone before us, having heard G.o.d's voice through dreams and visions, who have been mocked and scorned for their belief.

Thanks to all those involved in proofreading this text: Andrew, Rhonda, Paula, Todd, Steve, Lesley, John, Vicki, Paul, Maureen, Jenny, Josie, and Karen.

Thanks to all those who made contributions through their dreams and visions, without which this text would not exist: Shane, Paula, Gretel, Lesley, Michael, Kirrily, Cathy, Katie, Jan, Rachel, Lois, and Casey.

Our greatest praise to the Holy Spirit for revealing and teaching us that which we are simply pa.s.sing on.


The realm of seeing into the mysteries of the Kingdom of G.o.d through dreams, visions, and revelations has been accelerated by the Holy Spirit in this generation. Although the aspect of G.o.d speaking to His people through dreams has been found all throughout Church and biblical history and is nothing new, we are witnessing an increase of individuals receiving G.o.d-inspired dreams. The Lord is definitely speaking through dreams today, and child and adult alike are enjoying profound insights into the heart of G.o.d, prophetic glimpses into the future, and clear direction for their lives through this avenue of revelation.

In The Divinity Code To Understanding Your Dreams and Visions, you will find practical teaching and understanding on the subject of dreams, their interpretation, and their possible applications. The Divinity Code To Understanding Your Dreams and Visions is not only a great book on the subject that offers knowledge, instruction, and encouragement to the reader, but it is an encyclopedia of knowledge and a handbook for symbolism that will benefit dreamers tremendously as they seek to accurately interpret and apply their dreams.

I met both Adrian and Adam while ministering at their church in Australia. They are humble and sincere men who long to see dreamers gain the understanding they need to accurately work with their dreams. They have helped many grow in dream interpretation. Through their teaching seminars and workshops, they have taught church congregations and hungry believers on the subject and have prayed for many to receive an increase of dreams, visions, and revelations. When I met Adam and discerned the authentic call on his life in the area of dreams, I had him pray for me. As a result, I am dreaming more and understanding more. He shared with me how many who attend their workshops or who read The Divinity Code To Understanding Your Dreams and Visions begin to dream and have supernatural interpretation after receiving instruction.

If you desire to dream or increase in your ability to interpret and apply them, I highly recommend The Divinity Code To Understanding Your Dreams and Visions. It is a reference book that you will want to keep in your study or library. It is a gift. So dream on dreamer; may you discover the voice of the Lord and the seer dimension in clearer ways than ever before.

Patricia King.

Part I.

Discovering Dreams and Visions.

Chapter One.

Dreams: a Controversial Subject.

By Adrian Beale.

Before writing this book I had the following dream: I was wearing a blue s.h.i.+rt with a pen in the s.h.i.+rt pocket. The pen had leaked out dark-blue ink, causing a stain about the size of a quarter. A male friend pointed the stain out. The pen had leaked because the nib had not been retracted.

The interpretation of this dream was that I was going to write material that will offend some people because the subject would be highly controversial, and in writing, I would not hold back. The stain speaks of that offense. The dark blue coloration speaks of the inspiration of the Holy Spirit in what was to be written.

The book you are now holding in your hands is the result of that dream and four years of weekly fellows.h.i.+p with the co-author, Adam Thompson. The same dream was repeated six months later. In repeating the dream, G.o.d was reminding me of the importance of this message.

(An explanation of the metaphors used to interpret this dream is found in the sample dream and vision section of this book. See dream 34.) An Important Preface Before we endeavor to explore the subject of dreams and visions, I would like to preface our journey with a Scripture that was never more relevant, ”He who answers a matter before he hears it, it is folly and shame to him” (Prov. 18:13).

If until this time you have held some preconceived opinions about the nature of dreams and visions, I would ask that you put these on hold and openly and humbly come to see what the Word of G.o.d has to say on the matter (see James 1:21) before you pa.s.s judgment. All of us need to be honest enough to admit that our different backgrounds and upbringings have built within us preconceptions and prejudices that potentially will keep us from moving into all that G.o.d has for us. This is why the apostle Paul pleads with us to be transformed by the renewing of our minds (see Rom. 12:2).

The Last Days On the day of Pentecost, Peter aligned the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in Jerusalem with an earlier prophecy made by Joel the prophet (see Joel 2:28-32). In the midst of quoting Joel's words, Peter declared, And it shall come to pa.s.s in the last days, says G.o.d, that I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your young men shall see visions, your old men shall dream dreams (Acts 2:17; See Joel 2:28).

This verse proclaims that in the last days G.o.d will pour out His Spirit on all of humanity, and the result will be dreams, visions, and prophecy. In quoting Joel, Peter not only a.s.sociated the events of Pentecost with Joel's earlier prophecy, he also confirmed it to be the fulfillment of Joel's prophecy. In doing that, he also indirectly announced that the ”last days” commenced from that moment and will be completed when Christ returns. What that means is that we are in the last days. And we cannot get more last days than these days, right? And yet, if we are honest, as a whole the Body of Christ struggles with dreams (particularly) and visions as being from G.o.d and for us today. The message of this book is that G.o.d is speaking; He is speaking to believers and unbelievers alike by His Spirit, and this book is a wholesale call by the Spirit of G.o.d for the Body of Christ to awaken spiritually and tune in to what He is saying.

The Gospels record that Jesus came to the nation of Israela”who was to be G.o.d's chosen vessel to the worlda”and presented truths from the Father. He was G.o.d's representative, and His credentials of signs and wonders affirmed His amba.s.sadorial authority. However, the scribes and Pharisees who claimed to have a relations.h.i.+p with G.o.d did not want anything to do with G.o.d the Son. Regardless of the signs that confirmed His message, they remained hard-hearted and missed the message He brought to the nation. For the scribes and Pharisees, Jesus was a thorn in their sides because He interfered with their political and selfish agendas and exposed their religious facades. So when they could ignore Him no longer, they killed Him.

Some of us today are like the Pharisees of Jesus' day. We claim to have a relations.h.i.+p with Jesus, yet ignore the current amba.s.sador, the Holy Spirit. Just as they ignored Jesus, claiming to know the Father, we claim to know Jesus and ignore the Spirit!

Others are opting out of the spotlight of what G.o.d wants to do in this generation by choosing to live in the past or the future. It is an amazing thing that we can believe for yesterday, we can believe for tomorrow, yet we struggle with faith for today, and yet that is what faith is, ”Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen” (Heb.11:1). And further, it is meant to be our everyday experience, ”. . . The just shall live by faith” (Rom. 1:17).

However, if the truth were known, we do not like to live by faith. We would much prefer to have our security in front of us or in the bank. As a consequence, on the one hand, we have become like Gideon (see Judg. 6:13), looking at past events of the Bible and somehow accepting what happened in those times, but, so that it does not interfere with our reality today, we deal with it by putting it into some dispensational phase of what G.o.d was doing ”back then.” And on the other hand, we are also like Pharaoh who, when asked, ”When do you want G.o.d to move?” said, ”How about tomorrow” (see Exod. 8:9-10). In distancing ourselves in this way, we deny that we have ignored the Spirit of G.o.d, and we also pacify our consciences with the fact that some day in the future G.o.d will again move in power. For the most part, we don't deny G.o.d did what He did in the Bible, but what we struggle with is what He is doing today.

Therefore, unfortunately, we have positioned ourselves to be in much the same place as the Pharisees, who were not privy to the meanings behind Jesus' teachings through parables. We, like them, are missing truth from the Spirit of G.o.d through discrediting our dreams as not from G.o.d. We think, Surely, G.o.d would speak more clearly and precisely than through those hazy ramblings we experience. In doing so, we have shut ourselves off to G.o.d's voice through dreams and have become like hardened waysides, and as a consequence, ” . . . the wicked one comes and s.n.a.t.c.hes away what was sown . . .” in our hearts (Matt. 13:19). A simple test to see whether this is the case would be to ask ourselves whether we can personally remember the last three dreams we have had?

In comparison, the proponents of the New Age and some schools of psychoa.n.a.lysis have embraced dreams in their hunger for answers to life's questions. However, being without the Holy Spirit, who is the author (see Acts 2:17) and interpreter (see Gen. 40:8) of dreams, they are nonetheless still in the darka” blind leaders of the blind. Today, some churches are not even aware that G.o.d speaks through dreams. We obviously don't know the importance of dreams in the plans and purposes of G.o.d, and we have forgotten that the promise of the Holy Spirit brings with it G.o.d's prophetic guidance through dreams and visions. Sadly, we look at the equivalent of Nebuchadnezzar's magicians today and see them dabbling with dreams and interpretation and are turned off. We have thrown the baby out with the bathwater when G.o.d is calling for an army of Daniels to arise!

Listen to what the Bible says about prophets in the Old Testament, Hear now My words: If there is a prophet among you, I, the Lord, make Myself known to him in a vision; I speak to him in a dream. Not so with My servant Moses; he is faithful in all My house. I speak with him face to face, even plainly, and not in dark sayings . . . (Numbers 12:6-8).

In these verses G.o.d is making a point to Aaron and Miriam, who were complaining about Moses. G.o.d, in vindicating Moses before them, shows exactly how prophets other than Moses received their revelation. He says it comes to them in the dark sayings of a dream or vision. The word here for dark sayings is the Hebrew word chidah, which literally means ”a puzzle, riddle, or parable.” That G.o.d likes to communicate using parables is further displayed in His Word through Hosea, when He says, I have also spoken to [you by] the prophets, and I have multiplied visions [for you] and [have appealed to you] through parables acted out by the prophets (Hosea 12:10 AMP).

Not only did G.o.d speak to the prophets in the Old Testament using parables, He also spoke through the prophets by having them act out His Word using parable-type messages. For example, Hosea married a harlot to show Israel's unfaithfulness to G.o.d (see Hos. 1:2); Ezekiel had to dig through a wall in the sight of the house of Israel to convey that they would go into captivity (see Ezek. 12:5); and Jeremiah was to break an earthen flask in the sight of the elders of Jerusalem to show how G.o.d was going to break Jerusalem (see Jer. 19:10-13). Later we find in the Gospels that Jesus Himself used more than 50 parables to teach the truths of the Kingdom of G.o.d. In fact, parables were His preferred teaching method! Should it be a surprise to us that G.o.d is still using parables today?

The Bible says in the last days G.o.d will pour out His Spirit on all flesh, and the result of that outpouring is prophecy, visions, and dreams (see Acts 2:17). Those days did not cease with the death of the 12 apostles, as some think, and those days are not in the distant future. Those days are these days! G.o.d is speaking in dreams and visions today. The countless dreams and visions that G.o.d has allowed the authors to interpret are testament to this fact. The information and counsel disclosed in these dreams in most cases could only be from the Spirit of G.o.d.

Human beings know instinctively that G.o.d is a miracle-working G.o.d. And this is confirmed as we read the Bible. The Bible also says that G.o.d has not changed (see Mal. 3:6) and that He is the same today as He has ever been (see Heb. 13:8). But the truth we really need to take to heart is that He is still the miracle-working G.o.d for those who have ears to hear (see Matt. 13:9).

Are We Hearing What G.o.d Is Saying?

A pastor friend came to me with the following dream, I saw some terrorists on a gallows about to be hung; at the same time I heard commentary about how these terrorists were planning to escape and then attack. I watched as one of the terrorists rolled off the platform with an accompanied explosion, and then I heard gun-fire. There were wounded soldiers sitting in pews looking on; then one of the soldiers (he had his hand in a sling) got up and fired his machine gun back at the terrorists above the heads of the soldiers in the pews. I had some concerns that he may have hit others in the pews because he was careless in shooting back.

This dream is a significant warning. It speaks of potential problems created by false converts (the terrorists) who do not truly come to the cross of Christ. The gallows represent the cross and avoidance of the hangman's noose says that they have not truly died at Calvary and thus avoid its demands on the human heart. These are seen as terrorists because they are used by the enemy to sow discord and strife in the Body of Christ. They are the equivalent to the tares in Christ's parable of the wheat and tares (see Matt. 13:25, 27-28).

The explosion speaks about an incident that is threatening to flare up, which will be followed by words fired back and forth. Soldiers in the pews show the Church as G.o.d's spiritual army. They are shown to be wounded because they have not fully dealt with the hurts and disappointments of the past.

The soldier with a sling firing back is possibly a picture of a leader who is not fully whole himself reacting to the words that follow the incident with the potential of hurting others within the ministry.

This is a warning to be aware of false converts, a reminder to work through past hurts, and also a caution not to react to everything that is said in and around the Church.

(An explanation of the metaphors used to interpret this dream is found in the dream and vision sample section of this book. See dream 43.) If you are in leaders.h.i.+p in the Body of Christ, chances are, because of your busy schedule, G.o.d will take the opportunity to speak to you during your downtime (sleep). Would you have missed this message from G.o.d? Thankfully the ministry involved in the above dream had ears to hear what the Holy Spirit was saying and was subsequently prepared for the potential danger.