Classrooue (1/2)
Epilogue: Each Person's Difference
The final day of the exaun And unlike the time on the uninhabited island, time passes quickly in the luxurious shi+p Furthermore, each day two hours of discussion ti discussed
While both Ryuuen's united front plan and Katsuragi's fortress plan proceeded as usual, Class B's Ichinose Hona able to coies
”Waah I pulled it again! Maybe I' the cards in her hand in front ofthe fifth discussion period we've had, Ichinose once again suggested playing cards I would have questioned this approach, but it see to coroup of people who thought it would be better to play than spend tiames
Manabe and the others' contact with Karuizaas a bit worrying, but it seees worked excellently And now they're obediently steering clear of her Karuizawa also believed in that and acted nor it from Manabe's perspective, the mysterious person who sent the chat must have been either ency staircase incident I did add in the chat that I received the ies from a fellow classmate, but it's clear that either one of the tere present there must have been the one to have taken the pictures
Either that or those pictures must been spread around to theManabeas she cannot ascertain for sure that it was ainstout the identity of the person who took those pictures after all
”Is it ok for me to stay here like this?”
Yukilooloomy, Yukimurkun This is where you play your heart out and shake out your anger Rematch Rematch!”
”I'll pass on that I don't feel like it anyway More i the exa the reins to this group and guiding us all through the dialogue” Yukimura asks Ichinose
And in response to that, Ichinose, whose hands had been holding the cards, briefly stopped
”Isn't that being too convenient for yourself, Yukimurkun? If you really want to win, don't rely on someone else to do it for you and use your oer to win” Ichinose retorts to Yukimura
”I understand that much I understand” Yuki that responsibility thrust onto him, I'm sure Yuki, I suppose he still wanted to change this resigned atrades, would be one of theour acadeifted acade people's spirits up It's not like they can cos in the world that cannot be done si words and equations
Over the summer holidays, the two special exams we've had, even Horikita was forced to confront her powerlessness in the face of that
I wonder whether in this stalemate of a situation, Ichinose and Machida and the others also feel this irritation
However, even that frustration, as long as it does not end up breaking your spirits, can eventually be used to power you
”And with the next s on your side, Ayanokouji-kun?”
I a with Horikita The world outside has already been enveloped by darkness The records of our conversation re face-to-face
”No particular change on et” will be able to safely escape How about you?” I asked her
I had thought I couldn't expect much from Horikita, but
”I in” she briefly replied like that
”So you've found the ”target” then?” I asked ”I don't knoho's listening in on us where so I cannot tell you the details yet, but, I won't o well” Horikita replied to roup's ”target” is Kushi+da Of course, I' in their power to figure her out But it looks like Horikita has successfully navigated the way to safety and survived it
If she's this confident, I'm sure there's not much to worry about We'll just have to wait for 500,000 points to roll in later on It could even be described as a solid victory for us in that case ”Did you perhaps want to consult me?” she asks
”There's no need for that You make your move however you like” I told her Even if she told roup, it's not like I can do much to help her anyways ”So, you said you needed to talk to , what is it? I would like to avoid careless contact if possible” Horikita tells me
Perhaps she's wary of the existence of Ryuuen who has been stalking Horikitaperhaps I don't feel any kindness from her attitude, but it would be troublesome for me even if Horikita suddenly takes a kind attitude towards aze forever you know” I told Horikita ”Judging from that tone, can I assume you have a plan?” she asksmuch from me, since she seemed surprise when I nodded in response to that ”I've pulled Hirata over to our side I believe I can build a cooperative relationshi+p with him in the future” I told Horikita
”I don't really want any of that” she replies ”That's fine I'et involved with Hirata personally I will handle the talk with Hirata so just match my pace” I said ”I don't like this I don't like youaround like that behindlike this
”Then show your face e discuss things then Even if you can't force yourself to say so, you can keep up with the discussion so there's no probleht?” I asked her
”Isuppose so”
It still seeive Horikita the option of participating or not participating, she can't refuse Also, the existence of Hirata is a boon for the class, and after seeing his leadershi+p on the uninhabited island, Horikita will surely understand that too ”Including Hirata too, there's a person I'd like to introduce you to Please free up some time before the end of the exam” I told her
”I still don't like it Don't include more people than needed” she replies ”Please consider it a consequence of you standing on the front lines Besides, that person will surely be useful to us” I told her ”I think I canonbut fine Let's ht after the exa that promise, I look at the time on my phone The last discussion will take place in 30 roups will be decided by traitors?” Horikita said ”I wonder I was surprised that the (Cow) group's exa like that will be repeated I think the likeliest outco with the ti out” I replied ”I suppose so I think that too”
And only for a esture hu ”What's wrong?” I asked her ”Nothing It's just, I just sensed so with the way this exam developed But there shouldn't have been any errors I definitely shouldn't lose” she toldup in her slightly leaked out Even if I offered words of encouragement, I'm sure she'll see it as unnecessary trouble So I decided to siroup, without having coh in the exam, entered the sixth and final discussion Since I wanted to consider my idea calmly and rationally for a bit, I decided to leave the roo for the group discussion room Since there was still around 30 minutes left until the start of the discussion, it was obvious that no one would be there yet
But, those expectations were overturned by the unexpected existence of a person
”a prior arrival huh?”
It was the figure of a girl sleeping on the floor in a room when nobody was supposed to have been there yet Even so, I wonder why her skirt tickles adown, Ichinose's pluhs were even more apparent than usual and towards the skirt which I cannot see the inside of, I found myself unable to take my eyes off them If there was a man here who did not feel that towards Ichinose, then he's either gay or bisexual This is a fate a healthy boy cannot escape froht it was pointless, I couldn't help but look frohs to her feet, then to her face, then to her breasts, and then back down to her thighs My gaze flickers between thee, I was suddenly distracted by so further back to the back of Ichinose's head Na asleep
In the phone assigned by the school, quite a bit of information is recorded And not only does it play an important role in this exam, but it also allows you to determine each individual's points Naturally to confirs such as a personal ID and passwords are required, but to avoid the hassle of having to log in every time one wishes to check this, there aresuch information on a mobile terminal as well That ht noould be able to ascertain Ichinose's living standards and the ao, I've already determined that to bypass her ID and password, Ichinose also stores her infored, I will be able to gain information Slowly and cautiously, I approach her
As the distance between us closes, perhaps the ated and she sensed another person's presence, but Ichinose slightly stirred But then she ied to ain
I wonder what I' information, if anyone sees this, they would only see me as a pervert What if Ichinose wakes up while I haveI shouldn't be doing
Since the discussion starts in 30 minutes, there's no problem even if I ca inside the roouilty about, I should act normal Step by step, I close my distance with Ichinose
This is impossible Every ti up To test this hypothesis, I tryIf Ichinose responds to this, I can infer froht sleeper It's said that people who are light sleepers cautious people
this is pathetic
Why aely, she doesn't talk in her sleep though
But if anyone sees nizedher phone and took ain
Then I sat down at a far distance froe point, there's no risk of accidentally seeing the secrets hidden up her thighs
And I won't accidentally make contact with her as well this way
More importantly, since it's quite early I wonder when exactly Ichinose arrived here
Then, around 20 minutes before the discussion was due to start, cuteout in the room It ca her eyes closed, she reaches out for her phone and operating her phone's screen, she stops the music It seems thesleepy, Ichinose raises herself off the floor and notices the foreign presence, na what to do if she usted face towards my presence, but she wasn't even worried about it at all
”Goooood , Ayanokouji-kun Sorry, did my alarm startle you?” she asked
”No Not particularly Looks like you slept well”
”Ahahahaha Sorry sorry I just suddenly fell asleep You're early, there's still 20 minutes left”
”Sao I just wanted to spend some time quietly If it's inin and out after all” she replied
It seems this was the best place for her to take a nap
”Besides I wanted to collectrefreshed froh she's had a flash of insight
”Did you get any results?” I asked
”More or less”
Then standing up, Ichinose for some reason, walked across the room to me and sat down besidedistance I couldn't hide my nervousness in this situation but it seems Ichinose hasn't noticed at all
”There's still time left before the exa you, that is” she asks
”No It's not annoying in particular If you're ok with it, I'm down to chat” I replied to her
”Then it's decided The truth is, there's so I wanted to ask Ayanokouji-kun I've also asked this of allthe boys like Kanzaki-kun too But I haven't heard the opinions of the other classes too, so I got curious Ayanokouji-kun, have you ever strongly wanted to rise to Class A?” she askswhat question she would choose to hit with ly common question to be asked
”Of course, I do think about that NoMore than wanting to rise to Class A, it's more that I 'have' to aim for Class A That would be ait” I tell her
”In other wordsbecause of the guarantee of a good career and job placement?”
In this school, students are divided into classes A to D and o to any university and gain any eraduation is only afforded to Class A It ritten aht seeraduation you won't be able to keep up with your life and job, especially when it co employed” I said
”I suppose that's true I think so too But having too erous, don't you think? In 999 of the words they say, there are invisible pitfalls that our eyes cannot see” she said
Of course the pitfall that Ichinose is talking about is likely the '999 guaranteed employment rate and educational advancement' touted by the school For instance, if I wanted to become a professional basketball player yet lacks the necessary experience, the school would attempt to find me ways to push me up to the professional level Furtherround for interpersonal connections But just because you play basketball regularly, or have graduated frouarantee your future
The people who achieve the dreams they've stated fro to certain statistics, only one out of six elelance, this seeuous at best and the standards of the statistics are blurred Beco a professional basketball player successfully does notto professional basketball for instance, including trainees, will nu on the regular and coainst your rivals can one achieve their dream In the end, only 100 of those people will have successfully achieved their drea for your drea it has a very low probability In any case, achieving a dream is extre lives over and over while speaking vaguely of their dreams But if one seriously desires to make their dream come true, they would need a lot of effort and luck
”But even so this schoolif you think about it, has massive influence doesn't it? And many people have succeeded in life because of its assistance Or are you saying you're not interested in it, Ichinose?” I asked
”No such thing Even I have a drearaduate from Class A And also a dreah she said it with a s in her eyes
”The school systeraduate from Class A, your prospects are dim Because the school operates on realis you can do about it And ned to classes based on their ht now, between me and Ayanokouji-kun here, only one of us could achieve their drea to the top Aah, but there are also cases where neither of our dreah” she continued
In other words, even though we are sitting here and chatting like friends, only one class can be the winner in the end The re three classes won't share in those rewards
”Did you hear there are also exceptions to those rules?” she finally said
”Hmm? Is that where individuals accumulate 20 million points?” I asked
”Yep It see like that in the history of the school, but there are Ultra C's like that too” Ichinose replied
”Yeah, yeah If we factor that in too, it's possible that the two of us can both graduate from Class A” Ichinose said
”The problem is whether you can save up 20 million points or not in the first place, even if you save up points in the exams, the system's already set so it won't reach 20 million” I replied
If we only look at this special exahout it, it is possible to receive a large amount of points And only two such exams have been conducted so far From this point onwards, it's possible for both the amount of points that can be earned to be narrowed down and for theht If you start saving up your points, by only reaching half of that amount, you would already raise suspicion” Ichinose said
”That's true The financial situation in Class D, especially, is terrible Even though Horikita is doing her best for us, the points earned from the uninhabited island is still far off No, it's even possible that weup points? It doesn't see points” I asked her
”UmmmI wonder I don't know about the others, but I use points soh I'm in Class B, I still don't have that many points you know” she said
In response to my question, Ichinose responds in a very natural tone with no indication that she's hiding so solely from her behaviour
In the next moment, Ichinose suddenly closes the distance withat my face
”Looks like you saw it after all, that ti o It seehyour phone earlier, I just happened to see the screen I got curious and just wanted to ask you” I replied
”Ahahait's not like I'e aht Before even the end of one see aned to le point, I still wouldn't be able to save up that much
”Don't worry I haven't told anyone else There's also the possibility that I sarong after all I won't investigate further” I told her
Even if I investigated, I doubt I would be able to get a satisfactory answer
”Have you been able to find a way to win?” I asked
”Uht there was no way she would answer honestly, but whether it be due to her confidence, Ichinose answered in a relaxed tone It seems like Ichinose is the type to act on her convictions without wasting tihtit becomes a battle to see whether A in or B will end” I said
”I won't know that until the curtains fall The victory I' for is---”
But before she could finish, as the tiin draws closer,one after the other The Class A students were the first ones to arrive, however, without sowith us, they simply took their seats
”What? You're already here, Ayanokouji?”
”Together with Ichinose-dono Just the two of you What kind of secret rendezvous were you planning here?”
Both Yukimura and Sotomura bombarded me unilaterally with those questions as they entered the rooister either anxiety nor depression on their faces, so perhaps they have already given up on victory at this point On the other hand, the students of Class B seemed almost relaxed
”This is the final one, huh? Have you found any hints?” Haroup discussion to start in earnest ”Honestly, I have no idea We haven't been able to establish proper dialogue at all” I answered hiies I had planned out fro the et” had been successfully caet” is Kushi+da, but what happens if, for instance, Kushi+da and Horikita were to swap their phones When looking at that phone, anyone would only suspect Horikita of being the ”target” instead
And if there were a traitor who learned of this fact, by subet”, they would make a mistake and victory would be achieved that way
”Good evening, let's get along” Having briefly said that, Ichinose resumes her stance and smiles as usual But it's still too soon, because there's still no telling what the other
Besides, if everyone were to focus on the subject at hand, it would becoet” I had been waiting for Ichinose to continue speaking earlier, but I decided to cut in now
”If everyone's ok with it”
”There's souchi spoke those words at the sao on ahead Ayanokouji-kun” he says ”Noby alllater” I replied
I never expected this coincidence with this ti A terrible coincidence My plan itself has no flaws, but if an unexpected problem like this occurs, the effect of my plan uchi has to say first before tiain In response to uchi destroyed my expectations in an unexpected manner
”Then, with your permission For the past three days, I've been constantly thinking on how best to achieve the first outco of his plan to the others of (Rabbit) group
Surprisingly, the contents of his proposal were strikingly siy I had planned
”And finally I came up with only one conclusion, that it's possible for the entire group to aiuchi continued
”Is that really true, Hauchi?” To the crestfallen eyes of Yukilimmer of hope had returned ”Of course It's an idea I ca Ichinose-san and Machidkun” Hauchi said
”Unbelievable There's no way the first outcoue alone” The one who objected to this naive, dream-like proposal was of course, Machida ”Let's hear hiuchi-kun isn't the type to speak before thinking” Ichinose followed up for Hauchi and created an environment conducive to discussion
”I will now proceed to show you all my phone Naturally, there is a mail sent toat Since it is prohibited to falsify or alter thedeceived this way That's why it's a si each other our et” is, that is uchi told us
”This is stupid Who would show their mails like this? We still don't know that someone won't betray us thewith this” In response to this plan anyone could have thought up, but no one would agree to, naturally the onlooker Machida was flabbergasted
”Indeed, because they know there is the possibility of betrayal, the ”target” will not show theat it froet”, there is little risk in showing the mail The exam will soon be over, if we don't make our move noill not win If a class were to collaborate to protect the ”target”, none of theet” is possible” Hauchi continued
”Even if you know the identity of the ”target” or the class they belong to, if somebody betrays us it's over The probleay, it is indeed possible to figure out the ”target”'s identity But that's all it can do In the end, it's not like everybody will play fair with each other and answer accordingly
”Then please shut up It'll be fine if Machidkun doesn't participate after all” Ha to succumb to the uncooperative attitude of the others and proceeded to show us the uchi-kun's idea I'll show mine too” And Beppu of the same Class B also followed suit
It seems this is not a random, isolated event but rather, without a doubt Ichinose's strategy in action The developy I had planned But, I don't kno far they have thought this through But if they think everyone will obediently believe those words and show thebut reckless
”I think this is unexpectedly a good idea I have no objections to showingto folloith Ha the actions of the others, Ichinose also reaches into the right pocket of her skirt to take her out phone
”I've been pondering this for a long tiuchi-kun's said Sorry I've kept this hidden until now but” and with those purposeful words, Ichinose brought out her phone
I decided to strike now before Ichinose could coy
”You're serious aren't you, Ichinose? If you're going to bet on that, then I'll take you up on that offer” Before Ichinose could disclose the contents of her mail, I offered up my own phone But this was not ed with a certain person ”Ayanokouji-kunare you fine with that?”
”Yeah After listening to Hauchi, I think there's no other way than this Since I' I can do is show you the truth, so that's what I'll do” I told her ”Wait Ayanokouji I object There's no way this kind of blunt strategy is going to go well” Yukied his words off and simply showed et” And a large amount of water had already accumulated in this invisible dam If even a hole of 1 centimeter were to be opened, the dam would surely collapse and turn into a er to open that hole ”Het” either” ”Then I'll show e crowd of people still laughing at Hairl voiced her approval and consent It was the person anyone would have least expected Ibuki Mio ”Are you insane? There's no profit for us in doing this” It was Manabe who objected to Ibuki's risky actions
But the words Ibuki said in response were indeed, well-reasoned ones ”The ones who are not the ”target” theain no advantage in keeping the status quo Class B understands that too If we do nothing, ill never catch up to the classes above us That's why they are showing their phones And I' as them That's all” Ibuki said
”But that's”
”Or perhaps, are you the ”target” then?” Ibuki said that to Manabe, as supposed to have been her ally, in a hostilean enemy ”N-no t-that's”
”Then you should be able to show it too, your phone that is” Ibuki tells Manabe In a way, her words could have been taken as threats to her own allies, but as though they finally understood, Manabe and the others also brought out their phones The hunt for the ”target” was underway Karuizawa also takes out her phone with a strap on it, and hands it over in front of everyone
”Karuizawa, you're also going with Ayanokouji? Are you going to follow this strategy too?” Yuki this for myself, because I want private points too” Karuizawa replied The et” too Karuizaas considered clear too
”ehhh What should I do?” Sotomura mutters ”Think for yourself, Sotomura This isn't a coet it over with I guess”
In the situation where a lot of students have joined in, having judged that he has no other choice too, Sotomura also moves to show his phone However, before he could, Yuki it is the rightin? Perhaps you're the ”target” then?” In response to Yukiy, Ibuki batters him with that question
At that moment, everyone could see that Yukimura's expression hardened ”Uwayou serious?” ”No Yukiet” I heard so earlier after all” I quickly followed up for hihter came from some of the students ”Do you really expect us to believe just your words? Youdoubt on Yuki to deny that he is the ”target” here will only invite further suspicion on him He should know that as well But I cannot make a move here yet Because Yukimura is---
”It's still too soon to draw a conclusion Because Yuki the series of events unfold, said that as she once again brought out her phone froht up in the flow for a bit, but I'd also like to show ain proves that she is not the ”target” to the group ”Wait, Ichinose Earlier, you said there's so quiet about it the whole tiotten about that statement, Machida presses the question onto her ”That? It's just the fact that I also always had the same idea too, that's all” she replies to Machida
”the same idea?” ”I say the sa having been beaten to the punch by Hauchi-kun” Ichinose replies to Machida In any case, it seems everyone besides Class A and Yukiroup that they are not the ”target”
The students here aren't so i behind Yukimura's silence Machida and the other students of Class A too, at some point had approached Yukimura to stare him down ”fine I understand I'll show you I just have to show you right?” No longer able to bear the peer pressure of everyone being directed at him, Yukimura broke and took out his phone as well ”But before I do so, I want you to pro” he said ”Promise? What do you mean by that, Yukimurkun?”
”That nobody here turn traitor Everyone here Especially Class A, I want you to take out your phones and place them where I can see them No, everyone too Everyone put your phones where I can see them” Yukimura said
He had directed that stateroup here, Machida, but Machida replies to hi at What do youless” Yuki the Yukimura, all the students from Class A took out their phones and placed the confirmed that fact, without even a cloud of doubt on his expression, Yukimura made his hts up its screen, then enters its required 6-digit password and logs into his phone
Then he opens the mail sent to him from the school and lifts the screen up directly for everyone to see ”I'izes as he opens up the mail sent fro the sentence written in the mail would, of course, have to be the et” Yukimura said On the screen was a mail different from what everyone else had received ”W-what Y-Yuki?” Sotomura looks at him with astonished eyes This also means that we have effectively relinquished the 500,000 points that would otherwise have been given to Class D However, this very Yukied phones with in secret
”If I knew things would end up like this, I would have talked from the start” Yukimura said Karuizawa also seemed shocked from the botto at the perspective of those tould have never thought of Yukiet”, it makes sense Machida then stood up and peered at the mail on Yukimura's phone once more ”It seems the mail is real All the other personal mails also see checked even Yukimura's private chats without permission
Towards the Machida who approached the situation with suspicion, Ichinose tried to explain the situation calmly ”There's no way it would be a fake After all, you know the rules the school put in place In regards to thetheas the mail is sent fro fake is zero” Ichinose says Exactly, fro information in this exam is expressly forbidden Since the punishment known as expulsion awaits those who break the rule, everything that's laid out here has to be nothing but the truth
Even if one overco here, the problem will still await them after the end of the exam hence the outcome would be the same either way ”That ree here was the condition that Yuki that phone is indeed the owner of that phone or notis irrelevant In other words,a decision on whether the person in question owns the phone or not is a surprisingly difficult task
Especially for students on guard during the exam, the idea that someone may have switched out their phones with another person is not a particularly unexpected hypothesis to it password and unlocking the phone in front of thes different
There's no way a student can know another student's password They would inevitably draw such a conclusion al it would be so if it were their phone This is not rooted in reasoning but rather a preconception that's been planted in their ht of this as a last resort”
”No I think this is the right thing to do I tried to so I'm sure Ayanokouji and Soto” Yuki that, he made himself out to look like the person who tried to safely secure points only for hiet” is me So you should've all arrived at an answer” he continued
That's right, by clearing the exaroup can earn 500,000 points The first outcome that seemed unachievable at first may be obtained now
Ichinose nods her head once then once again, with th than before, she pleads with Class A
”Please Let's not waste Yukie Please cooperate with us Don't betray us” ”We were just following Katsuragi-san's instructions fro on our own” Machida replies to Ichinose
He did say that, but before the end of the exam, there will be a period in which ill definitely have to disband as a group Before the exam ends, for that blank period of 30 minutes, we must trust in not only our classmates but students of other classes as well
”I want to believeno, I believe in everyone” Yukimura says that as if it were a wish And every class receives that equally I wonder if the students who spent the sa rese a friendshi+p
I wonder if they'll accept Yukiether to victory No, such a thing is impossible I'm sure with this, somebody will definitely turn traitor
And if so, we of Class D who have switched our phones ast each other will surely win
Yukimura ling to keep hihter However, the pleasure heevaporated, when the phone Yuki and resounded in the room Yuki call In his rush to grab the phone back from the table, he stumbled and lost the phone froht side up, it fell right in front of us Since it was in silent h the table as it continued to vibrate
The na the phone up to her ears, looked at Yuki, Ichinose? There's no point in calling Yukimura's phone at a ti at Ichinose with an astonished face Having created a situation where only , Ichinose quietly ends her call
”The school said that 'altering or copying the mail' is forbidden That's e believed the mail in front of our eyes was undoubtedly real Thatyou cannot deceive someone with the phone itself Do you understand what that iving it back not to Yukimura, but to et” mail written on it, it's you isn't it, Ayanokouji-kun? Because just now, I didn't call Yukimurkun's phone, but Ayanokouji-kun's after all” Ichinose said
I exchanged o That's why she knew my number No, even if she didn't know, she would have done her research to figure out e? Yukimura was able to unlock the phone's password in front of our eyes I also checked his private mails and history in front of everyone's eyes” Machida said
”That's faked He could easily know the password just by asking Ayanokouji-kun beforehand Also, all call history, h quite a bit of effort must have been needed for that” Ichinose replied
After having heard that, Machida changed his expression and quickly grabbed the phone that had been returned to me
”People can't lie so easily, you know Especially when the goal is in sight, they will inevitably becos will reveal theestures and attitude appeared different fro co heard her deduction, Yukimura's face had already turned pale No, it's doubtful he even heard it all
”We've also been thinking about it for a while, if the ”target” were in our class there's always the option of si the password to pass oneself off as the ”target” was also one of the things we thought of” Ichinose said
It seeht of by Ichinose and the others
”But you see, there is a weakness in that strategy It's the fact that a phone number exists Even if you can perfectly replicate your history and apps, you can't do anything with your nu out SIM cards, however, the SIM cards ere provided were locked onto our specific terminals so even if apped it, we couldn't use our swapped SIM cards That means if you've swapped your cards too, I wouldn't have been able to call you It doesn't matter itched phones ho, as soon as I call that number, I can easily find out who the real owner is If I couldn't do this, I wouldn't have even come up with the plan to reveal our phones after all” Ichinose continued
In other words, Ichinose and the others only used this sort of forceful tactic to see through the lie The fact that Hauchi suddenly started on this topic too, was naturally a part of their plan So this is the ed our phones co the history went perfectly this far, but you must have never expected that ould use the fact that the SIM cards are locked to specific terminals to check, did you?” Ichinose says Fuuuu~ she then exhaled At that moment, the announcement that that the 1 hour discussion period ends in five roup within five minutes and promptly return to our own rooms
”shi+t!” That scream by Yukimura came from his heart It was a truthful and honest scream without any deception behind it
”Too bad, Yukih” Machida and the others said that while grinning and laughing
They said that so that Yukihly hulanced at me, the person they y But even with the anxious Yukimura and Class D, and the surprised Class C and A There s they wanted to talk about, but the rules now prohibit us fro any further