Classroom Of The Elite 24 Classroom Of The Elite Vol 4 Chapter 1 (2/2)
”Huh? When the hell did I hold the class back, huh? You're really pissing ht of the two of the overwhelmed me and Sotomura and we both fell quiet ”Both of you calm down, firstly Yukimura, your concerns are unfounded The exaative will happen to our team Besides, this exam is not concerned with your attitude in the first place so you won't be scored in that aspect” I intervened quickly ”See? Now you understand, don't you?” Karuizawa looked at Yukimura proudly as if it was her victory On the other hand, Yuki Karuizawa's side But Yukiht silently ”However, Karuizawa, you also need to change your attitude towards teachers, you know? If you keep this up, it could be a stain on your acadeht?” I gently chide Karuizawa This ti at Karuizawa Mashi+ at us like ere a bunch of ele with each other
”Look here, the fact that the 4 of you are in a group cannot be rescinded no ood results for yourselves,here” Mashi+msensei scolds us ”Ahhthis sucks I can't deal with these three guys I wanted Hiratkun!” Karuizawa coether and coood as Hiratdono and for Even if there are 100 or 200 copies of you guys you all still won't be as good as one hair from Hiratkun” Karuizawa sharply retorts I don't particularly care what Karuizawa thinks about us but saying soht But since Karuizawa is also sticking with Hirata I guess it can't be helped once she's separated from him like this ”I'll just call Hiratkun and talk to hilance while sighing in disgust I thought toto be a troublesoht the sa as me ”If there are no more questions I will continue with my explanation” Mashi+msensei asserted ”Yeah, yeah I understand that But why are the four of us the only ones getting this explanation? You said there will be ive the explanation then? If this is some sort of trick or harassment of students then I seriously want you to stop it” Karuizawa fired back at him quickly ”You don't need to be concerned about the sroup if that's what you're worried about, this is neither a trick nor harassroups but 3 to 5 people froroups We run the risk of confusing the students if the exam itself is not explained like this in advance” Mashi+msensei explained So that's the reason this sht
The other three don't seem to have understood Mashi+ it over in silence Naturally, it's not like I could understand it instantly either The ticking sound of the clock once again filled the now-silent roo up with groups fro harder and harder to understand Aren't other classes supposed to be the eneree with Karuizawa, sensei So far we've only been coainst the other classes It's hard to accept that we're supposed to abandon all that and team up with them all of a sudden” I can understand Karuizawa and the others' concerns but it's not like we students have the right to choose, the rules are determined by the school after all ”Don't think that way, Yukih school life has just started Don't always think about cohtful of the future” Mashi+msensei chided Yukiht now you don't need to think about 'understanding' but sined to is the zodiac sign (Rabbit) Here's the list of all the ned to this zodiac You will be required to return the list when you leave the room so feel free to memorize the list if you wish” Mashi+msensei explained further
The postcard sized piece of paper was passed around between the four of us The naroup (Rabbit) ritten as well as the naned to this zodiac And just like Mashi+ students of this zodiac group belonged to classes A, B and C The list was as followed:
Class: Takee Takuro
B-Class: Ichinose Honauchi Tetsuya, Beppu Ryouta
C-Class: Ibuki Mio, Manabe shi+ho, Yabu Nanami, Yamashi+ta Saki
D-Class: Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, Karuizawa Kei, Sotoroup there were several nanized from other classes Ichinose from Class B and Ibuki froned to the (Rabbit) zodiac group Of course I cannot iine what the exam will instruct us to do next, but I do somewhat share Karuizawa and Yukiether after all that ti next to me and saw that she was also just as confused Perhaps she was feeling roup as Ibuki ”Don't worry, all those questions you're probably having right noill answer them now I believe you will be able to understand once I have explained all that Most likely” Mashi+msensei continued Most likely, huh? Perhaps he had doubts about Karuizawa's ability to understand after all the complaints she'd fired at hirouping anyways
”In this exa any differences between classes A to D from the start If you can do so too it will definitely be an easier path to clearing this exanore any differenceswhat do you ain ”Please just shut up for a moment, I can't concentrate on the explanation with you blabbering like that” Yukimura scolded her with an exasperated tone ”Fro to Class D but rather to the (Rabbit) group Whether you pass or fail no longer roup' as a whole now” Mashi+ to understand what this is about although I'er picture yet
”There are four outco this have also been printed onto paper for your perusual, however, you raph them So memorize thehtly crumpled paper was paraded before us, it seems other students have already seen this paper before us as we looked through the paper The basic rules of the exam were as follows:
Explanation of the Special Examination of Different Groups
In this test, the cornerstone will be a ”target” student that is chosen fro skills, you will achieve one of the four possible outcomes by the end of the exam
-8am on the day the exaroups of the fact that you have chosen a ”target” student frost you
-The exam itself will mostly take place between 4pm and 9p the day)
-For one hour each day, twice, you will need to gather together with your assigned groups and talk
-Content of the talk will be left up to the discretion of each group
-At the end of the exaroups This will be done between 9:30 and 10:00PM Only one answer can be subroup
-The answers h a certain address that will be provided to your et” student cannot be the one to send the answers
-You et” student of the group you are assigned Any other ansill be marked as invalid
-Details of the results of the exam will be mailed to students by 11:00PM of the same day
Of course those were the basic rules ould need to follow for this exam There are more detailed rules and explanations provided on the paper as well as prohibited iteulations than the ones ere given for the uninhabited island test And the following are the four possible results we could get:
-Result 1: If the answers of the ”target” student as well as the other group members are all correct, they will all receive private points (including et” student themselves)
-Result 2: If there are incorrect answers or unanswered questions by people other than the ”target” student, only the ”target” student will receive 500,000 private points
But before I could read any further into the rules, I noticed Karuizawa and Soto their heads as if they've understood the contents of the exa all this continued the explanation with a flat, unchanging tone
”For instance, let's just say Yukiroup That et” student only since only one ”target” is allowed for this exaet” that et” na is complete, siroup And between 9:30 and 10:00 PM of the end of the exaroup simply needs to mail the answer ”Yukimura” to the faculty If this is done, the first outcoroup will receive 500,000 private points as coet” student will receive 1 roup to this outcome” Mashi+msensei continued his explanation
”1-1 ets 500,000 points and if you're chosen as the ”target” you get evenanyone in any class would want for theet” student in this case will be receiving twice as much in compensation as points, they will suddenly shoot up to the top of the class in points
”Now for the 2nd possible outcoet” were to be uncovered incorrectly by the end of the exaet” will be receiving the points of 500,000 while the rest will go without points” Mashi+e that the exam was structured this way, the way they put it, there is not much difference between outcoet” will still be receiving a tremendous amount of points There's no reason why anyone would deliberately sabotage their group and go for outcome 2 unless they wish to deny points to other classes and secure the points for their own class ”The position of ”target” certainly is an enviable one I'd say it's even unfair to the other et, they'll still have points and in the first one they even get a million points!” it seeet” student for a chance to get more points
Of course I don't blaiven its privileged status But it's too early to say yet, there are still 2 other possible outcomes yet to be revealed and there must be some trick hidden in those outcoet” ”Sensei, what are the 3rd and 4th possible outcomes You still haven't explained it to us” ”Did you understand the first two outco outcoot it Please tell us the re outcomes are printed on the back of the paper, but be sure to wait before turning the paper over” My hands froze just before we turned the paper to the other side Mashi+radually started to understand the rules of this exam It seems from the un ”W-wait a h Mashi+msensei did make the rules clear to us, it seems Karuizawa is still unable to understand the instructions Her academic abilities were not as bad as Sudou and Ike but since Karuizawa doesn't put much effort into it, it seems her ability to process information is exceptionally bad
”Very well, I shall explain slightly aame? It was trendy for a little while so I have played it before It's pretty interesting” I was slightly puzzled when he first mentioned the name to us ”D-don't tell ame before? Unbelievable” Karuizawa told me Even if you think that it can't be helped, in the first place, the very concept of ”ga I was fa with others” I'ly realized this and instead just lookedeyes ”I don't kno to put it, but not having friends is terrible, isn't it?” Karuizawa said Instead, Karuizawa offered to explain the Jinrou gaether and are split up into two categories: villagers and wolves And the last survivor's group is the one that wins the ga at all, I think internally I'm sure I'd be a God or a Buddha if I could understand it froan to explain in oes like this:
It was an Aaah there is a restriction on the aers and wolves and each player must play one of these roles There aroup hether it's the villagers or the wolves Wolves ahly two hours and in that tiuised wolf and execute the suspect On the other hand, at ”night”, the disguised wolf can 'devour' the villager By doing this, each side can reduce the number of players on the other side When the last survivor is the only one re, victory and defeat will be decided
But I ondering why this exaaers” are being forced to cooperate with each other instead to aim for the most desirable first outcome To put it simply, there is still a trick hidden in this exaer” knows of yet
”Of course, you already know there can only be one ”target” in the group Once the identity of the ”target” is revealed the third and fourth outcoroup” ”And thatis what's written on the other side of this paperis it ok to turn it over now?” Mashi+ether, we turn the paper over to the other side The re two possible outco outcomes, the ansill be accepted by the faculty at any ti the exa answers for these re outcomes 30 minutes after the end of the exa these periods a penalty will apply
-Result 3: In the case that soet” answers the question before waiting for the allocated tis to will receive 50 points each and the answerer themselves will receive 500,000 points for theet” have been identified will receive a penalty of -50 points for their whole class Once this has been achieved, the test will be over for the group However, if a et” answers correctly, the previous result will be roup will continue
-Result 4: In the case that soet” answers the question before waiting for the allocated tis to will receive a penalty of -50 points each but the ”target” will still receive 50,000 private points At the sas also obtains 50 class points If the answer is given incorrectly, the group's exa to the class of the ”target” is the one who answered incorrectly, the ansill be considered invalid and will not be accepted
I see, so the re outcomes paint a more detailed picture of the exaets” will share their ansith everyone in the group and there would be nothing to do but cooperate However, by adding the option to ”betray” one's own group, the dynaet” were to reveal his identity to everyone in their group, they will inevitably be preyed upon by ”traitors” instantly Since there are now more outco The traitors will immediately aiet” thee the other classes' chances for points and increase their own class's chances, will deliberately hide their identity and try to pass off others as the ”target” student Of course, that ' but in return, they will gain the chance to have the other classes penalized
”Naturally, the school will take into consideration issues of privacy and even at the end of the exaroup and each student The naet” and the person who uncovers their identity will not be disclosed It is possible to issue you a temporary ID if you wish However, there need not be fear about having one's identity revealed after the exam Of course, if you do not wish to hide your name, you can proudly display the received points too” Mashi+msensei said I understand now, there is also the possibility that the ”target” can just keep silent about their identity without revealing it to anyone else in the group and secure a lot of points that way, or share their identity with the rest of the group and aim for the best outcoet”, I could theoretically pass off Sotoet” to the members from the other classes and mislead them that way That oodwill' between theand misdirection will be required
It ae of the ”wolves” cannot be said as absolute After all, the ”villagers” also have the option to ets In fact, there is even the possibility of infighting breaking out between the ”villagers” in this case I go over the rules again in roups based on the nu all the 1st year students to their respective groups consisting of a certain nuroup contains aforced to cooperate as ”friends” The nuroup but roughly 14 people are placed into each group it seeroup, there will only be one student et” will be inforet and they are the answer So in other words, even if the ”target” does not actively participate at all in the gauaranteed Therefore, if the rest of the et”, they are the ones ill be unable to answer correctly In other words, that is the basic gist of the exa
The four options available to the group now are:
-Share the identity of the ”target” and clear the exaroup loses but the ”target” still receives points
-A traitor uncovers the identity of the ”target”
-The traitor disregards the judget”
The only difference in those options are the aroup The best outcoet” to be shared with all and wait until the end of the exam to answer correctly to receive 500,000 points each with the ”target” receiving 1for such an outco betrayed from within Since thethis exaet betrayed themselves
Then if soet” in in that case hence the other et” in their own group firstly Most of the students will likely wish to avoid taking risks by cooperating and if they cannot be convinced to work together, will roup Besides, it will be very difficult to aiet” the their identity revealed In either case, the ”target” will be receiving 500,000 points alht as well be considered a ticket to heaven However, there are also downsides to being given this position Once you have been chosen as the ”target” it is up to you to keep silent on thison the circueted at you from other classes or even your own class due to the preferential treater of a traitor uncovering the identity of the ”target” in which case they will no longer have to wait until the end of the exam to roup ends iets 50 points for their own class while getting private points for the another class, one can act to contribute to both themselves and their own class An ideal result for eous position for the group as a whole to be in In this test, the ability to 'think' is certainly a critical factor but it is understandable considering the risks associated with this exaroups for which 12 different outco this test, a ed can easily occur In other words, it's possible for Class A to fall down to D and for Class D to rise to A in one stroke if all goes well in this exam I doubt this will happen here, but the very notion that it is possible in this exam amazed me This must also be why the rules for this exam are much stricter than the uninhabited island test ”The prohibited iteh them too” Mashi+msensei advises
The forbidden actions are, for instance, stealing the mobiles of other students and use of intimidation to coerce the reveal of inforet” students Mailing the answers to the faculty by using another student's reatest punishment for the student known as ”expulsion” These are all strict conditions not present in the uninhabited island test
Furthermore, in the case any suspicious activity is uncovered, a thorough investigation into the matter will be launched by the school to ensure no violations of the rules occur Naturally, in the case you lie about the forbidden actions you've taken, the possibility of ”expulsion” is always there It see will be monitored by the school behind the scenes Once the exaroups will also be forbidden for a certain period of time To break this rule will be to risk ”expulsion” The severity of these rules causes them to be embedded deep inat 1proup discussions The rooroup name written on a plate in front of it Once you have entered that room, you will not be able to leave until the required tiency occurs in that time period, contact your homeroom teacher im time as well” Mashi+msensei says
”What do youe be in there?” ”As is written in the explanation, the time for discussion will be 1 hour each twice a day Other than your self-introduction to other roup, you may use that time however you like Once one hour has passed, you may choose to remain in the room or leave at your discretion” Mashi+msensei continues Does that mean all the contents of the discussion will be left up to the students to decide? ”It's an annoying thing but I do understand it at leastwaah I'd much prefer a fun test to this” Karuizawa says ”Once the ”target” has been decided, the school will not accept any request for changes to this In addition, any actions such as copying, deletion, transferring or alteration of mails to the faculty are strictly forbidden so keep this inthe roup for the benefit of another is absolutely forbidden If you reverse this, then it means that the mail sent to the faculty is 100 certified to have been frohout the whole thing, are you sure you've understood it properly?” It was Yukiuously worried voice froot it mostly If I have any questions I'll make sure to ask you afterwards” I tell hiroup filled with such airheads?” Yukiroup was told to leave and we stand up to leave the room at the same tiroup so it is essential we deepen our unity as a teaet” will be announced tomorrow but why don't we stay and have a chat just the four of us?” Yukinored his words as she took out heraway fro toKaruizawa I was inore him like that, either she has a arded our existence ”AhHiratkun? There's so I'd like to ask you” it seems Karuizaants to complain to Hirata about us She siroup really is full of airheads” Yukih as I turned away too to return to my room It seems our enjoyable cruise has ended and the second round of testing has begun ”This is a very troubleso indeed, to be tea venom at Karuizawa once she left Since Sotoirls in there perfect, a real 3D girl like Karuizaould definitely repulse hih to be honest, it sees the whole way” Yukimura says as Soto bitches” as if to agree with hiet” toht away There's no telling who's listening where The walls have ears Let's report to each other in a secure location” I agreed with that plan as well It is indeed a large shi+p but there's really no telling who has ears where ”Although Karuizawa is gone, I'd still like to discuss the plans for tomorroith just the three of us Please stay with er” Yukimura pleads with us ”I must decline since I will be unable to respond to your expectations You see, froo back to my room to watch the new Love Love Alive anime” Sotomura says as he instantly disappears from us alhs as if he's given up on us Now that this is over, I'd better report this to Horikita I'd like to know if her group received the saroup and send her the details in our chat if necessary Once I receive in to fory
Once I had returned to led to sleep I noticed a noise and looked up although I did not see my roommates Yukimura and Kouneji However ”Sorry, did I wake you up?” It was Hirata who said that as he organized his luggage neatly while looking atto leave the rooies, I wasn't sleeping anyways Just thinking I was about to go out for a drink anyways since I'm thirsty” I tell him Of course, I did not mention this to Hirata, but I was on ht I accompany you? We received the mail from the school and it's almost time anyways” Hirata says to me The time was close to 20:30 the saather for the in, at least that's how I feel” Hirata tells me It seems Hirata already knohat the exa it from a previous student who received the explanation before him ”It's Yukimurkun He told roup and how everyone was receiving explanations one after the other” Hirata admits Yukimura doesn't like Hirata very ht raise the chances of our class's success even by a little? Either way, if you know the contents of the exaather hints fro with a eous to you ”If there's anything you've figured out, Ayanokouji-kun, please do share it with me” Hirata tells me ”I wonder about that, unlike Horikita, you or Yuki much about this exam at allin particular” I reply to him Of course, there was no way I would tell Hirata any o to all the trouble of separating us into groups to explain the sa to us separately” Hirata freely tells me Indeed as Hirata says, it would be farto explain to all athered at once then separately The school is using an obviously inefficient method, but it's most likely not just on a whim There is more likely than not a reason behind thisability' assessed in this exa to ask sensei about it later on though” Hirata adears will turn efficiently in this case I wonder if Hirata, who nominally represents Class D, will be able to work efficiently with students of other classes considering all the rules we have to abide by in this exa place was not as crowded as whenhad occurred Still there were a few students, so on the stairs near the elevator, so around with their phones and so about the explanation they were due to receive ”Idoubt these all going to be part of roup” Hirata mutters Even a cursory inspection showed that there were lanced at each other while playing with their phones sometimes Unfortunately, I was not acquainted with students from other classes and could not identify most of them ”Who's the one we just passed?” ”That's Morimiykun from Class A And the one near the elevator is Tokito-kun of Class C” I see I make sure to remember the names and faces of the students from the other classes Of course, this number is still few co When I ca location, several athered in front of the door of theroom And so we approached the crowd silently
”If I'roup are you not?” The one who asked that with a low voice was Katsuragi of Class A A calm person with a mature attitude that is hard to believe is actually a 1st year student in high school His physique is pretty good as well First ie student There are still quite a few people who favour hi to do with you?” a girl with long black hair answered his inquiry without any hesitation or fear ”No But I just wanted to talk to you all since starting froroup” the girl that Katsuragi made this statement to was none other than Horikita Suzune It seei as well ”You want to talk now? That's funny The other day you brushed us aside e came to talk” Horikita spat back at hii i showed little to no interest in Horikita It seemed to be different now
There were three other students fro froirls who seemed to either be from Class B or Class C ”Honestly I've never paid any attention to Class D before But after the results of the previous exam, it's hard to stay inconspicuous, isn't it?” it seei's attention has been directed towards our class Indeed after the uninhabited island test, our class's total points had risen treirls of the class Also the nus raised between Horikita and the other class with the distrust towards Horikita decreasing at the same time It seemed the class misunderstood Horikita's cold attitude for her silently supporting the class Through this an to interpret Horikita's refusal to interact with them in a different way Also, from the perspective of the other classes Horikita started to look no longer as a student who's ood at academics but also as athe other classes from behind the scenes and it seems thanks to that she's received a fair bit of attention from the other classes as well
”If one day you rise from Class D to Class C, re you into pieces” Katsuragi warns Horikita ”That's a very petty thing to say, after all, between A and the other classes, the point gap is far too wide to bridge” Horikita counters ”Naturally but caution is required every tiher position I would say the sa to Class B or Class C” It alainst Class D But it couldn't be helped, after the last test, ould obviously be recognized as a threat Alathered together to glare at Horikita in an inti after being glared at like that, but Horikita barely showed any reaction at all to this intiirls around us turned into expressions of adoration as a man silently passed by us
It was a student fro for a htforward personality and does not engage much in frivolous activities I don't know much else about Kanzaki in detail but the leader of Class B, Ichinose, see the island test, Kanzaki seems to be aware of Horikita's intellect and i as if to protect Horikita froi, after all, the situation is what it is” Kanzaki said to Horikita ”Don't worry, I' down on Class D” Horikita counters his offer to help ”I see, so this treatment, I must admit I shared the same vieards your class as well But the incident that happened on the island isoot lucky and won once, I'd like you to not get arrogant and think we're equals now” Katsuragi follows up ”What is that supposed toto say is that there is a tie to close the gap a bit But don't get in over your head just because of this one lucky incident The difference between our class points is still a tre the results of one test won't affect the standing of the classes all that much Of course, Horikita surely knows that as well Since none of this was her accomplishment in the first place, Horikita was neither happy nor disoes to her in order to continue hiding h school life, the difference et that it is the school that arbitrarily decided ent to which class and ere distributed to those classes accordingly” Kanzaki interjected in a dignified manner ”Hirata, it looks like you're part of a rather troublesorouped with Katsuragi-kun and Kanzaki-kun, I think” ”Nothat's not it” I muttered ”Hmm?”
”Kukuku It looks like there are quite a lot of weaklings gathered here, let me have some fun here” It was Ryuuen who said that ”Ryuuen, huh?” Katsuragi lost his previously caled to an alert one ”Have you also been allocated to this roo by?” ”Unfortunately I'm with you” Ryuuen instantly replies to that question while three other students obediently walk behind hiard but the context was different It al and his servants The students behind Ryuuen had terrified expressions on their faces and moved quietly with obedient movements ”How about you put on a show for me? Beauty and the Beast could be the title” Ryuuen said as he looked at Horikita and Katsuragi respectively Now having realized the obvious provocation, Katsuragi returns to his norroup would have students with high acade you and your lackeys I can see this claerly isn't going to be the case” Katsuragi fires back ”Acade acade that from you is a sha your future success in life and your ability to impact the future It is even said that japan is built on a society of acadei chides Ryuuen for his earlier reht tolike that to an idiot like Ryuuen would be ineffective Behind him, his three lackeys obediently nod their heads at their leader's words ”I won't forget this insult” ”Huh? Insult? I don't recall having done anything like that, care to refresh i ”It doesn't roup we should have the opportunity to talk at length later” Katsuragi ends the conversation seeing how the explanation for their group was alin ”H here?” It was Kushi+da who called out to us as she approached the group with a strange expression on her face
”Could it be that Kushi+dsan is also in the 20:40 group?” Hirata asks her ”Yeah I don't understand what's going on but I was told to come here at this hour in the roup of people have gathered here” Kushi+da says as she walked around greeting the gathered students here individually ”Are you ok, Hirata? It looks like it's shaping up to be a hard one” I ask Hirata ”Its ok, I don't roup I'll just have to do my best” Hirata as usual answered in a very positive way Kushi+da uy Since I had already received the explanation for this exaathered here I could”U difficult's about to start?” Kushi+da asks ”Yeah it seems like it, you'd better prepare yourself for it” I tell her ”Ahahalike Hiratkun said, I'll just also have to do ot the chance to talk i-kun or Ryuuen-kun, I'd like to be friends with the two of thei and Ryuuen
”I' to stay here for this stupid conversation, I'll be going ahead It's almost time” Horikita simply shook her head and turned her back to us but not before looking coldly at Ryuuen and his group I'd like to praise Horikita on this People with a ill tend to lower their heads and ingratiate theroup and treat themselves as the lower one in the hierarchy Horikita, on the other hand, withouta beat, coldly rejected them all and remained the way she always has been ”It looks like I shouldn't have even bothered worrying” Ishe can keep up that attitude with theThat's ood luck wish in Hirata's direction and decided to leave the scene