Volume 9 Chapter 6 Part4 (1/2)
Classroom of the Elite Volume 9 Chapter 6 Part 4
TL: Graze
ED: Graze and Catalystic
PR: Josh-kun and Catalystic
The provisional exaan despite the traces of the aard, uneasy at within the classroom
It was a critical time for the end of the school year
The content of this provisional exa than that of any of the exams we had taken so far It was really difficult
However, the students who h the previous exah this one smoothly as well On the other hand, the students who have been just barely scraping by fro forward
I had gotten an invitation to study together with everyone in the Ayanokōji Group, but I was already going to be ether with Horikita after school, so I got in touch with them and let them know to start without me Kanzaki didn't appear to want to stand out very ed for us to meet up at Keyaki Mall after the provisional exam was over
After class, I followed Horikita to the spot where Kanzaki aiting It was near the southern entrance to the mall
It was the place on campus furthest away from the school, so students would only rarely be in the area
I had no interest in the inter-class struggles that were going on, but as a friend, I was still a little worried about Ichinose
Getting more information couldn't have hurt as well
Besides, Hashi+ an eye on et into contact with Class B, the loo shadow of Class A would continue to draw even closer
And that was exactly the kind of develop for
In fact, Hashi+moto had tailed me from an appropriate distance all the way to the southern entrance of the mall
”Two days off in a row And you still haven't been able to get in contact with Ichinose-san yourself?”
”It's not that we can't get into contact with her, it's just that she's been slow to respond to us The otten from her was a notification that she's been out sick with a cold”
Recently, Kanzaki has been in a constant state of stress, completely unable to relax Ichinose has probably told hi about it by now, but it doesn't seem like it's that easy for him
Her poor physical condition may be one of the reasons for why she's so reluctant to meet her classmates face to face, but at the same time, she really didn't want to have to talk about the rumors
”What did your ho different froain because she's caught a cold”
Their ho as anyone else
The reason why Kanzaki's expression was heavy was that he couldn't help but question the true reason behind Ichinose's absences Recently, Ichinose has been at the center of a maelstrom of rumors Kanzaki's uncertainty was entirely justified