Volume 1 Chapter 6 intro (1/2)

Welcome to a merit-based world

TheSoon after, Chiyabashi+ra-sensei walked in, holding a poster rolled into a tube Her face is always grim and serious Are you in menopause? If Iat my face

”Sensei~, are you in menopause?”

Ike really asked that out loud However, I'

”Alright,Are there any questions before we start? If there's so on your mind, feel free to speak up”

Chiyabashi+ra-sensei conored Ike and continued to talk She talked as if she was co to ask Immediately, several people raised their hands

”U, and no points were deposited Weren't they supposed to be provided on the first day of the month, every month? I was impatient because I couldn't buy the juice I wanted”

”Hondou, I explained it before, didn't I? Points are wired to student's accounts on the first day of the month, every month They ired without any problems this month as well”

”Uh, but… I didn't get any points”

Hondou and Yaed looks Ike was too surprised to notice their looks Certainly, I went to check ed from yesterday

So I thought they would've been deposited later

”… Are you guys really that stupid?”

Is she angry? Delighted? Chiyabashi+ra-sensei had an o about her

”Stupid? What?”

Chiyabashi+ra-sensei had a sharp glint in her eyes as Hondou repeated her words like an idiot

”Sit, Hondou I'll explain it again”

”S-sae-chan sensei?”

Surprised by her strict tone, Hondou slumped down into his seat

”Points were deposited Without fail The likelihood that this class was left out is very low Do you understand?”

”No, even if I say I do understand, we haven't received our points…

Hondou had a dissatisfied expression on his face

However, if we say that Chiyabashi+ra-sensei is telling the truth…

Isn't there some kind of contradiction? Does that mean zero points have been deposited?

I had a faint doubt, but my suspicions were raised

”Hahaha, I see, it was like that, teacher I've understood this riddle now”

Koenji said in a loud voice while laughing Putting his feet on the table, he pointed at Hondou with his self-important attitude

”We didn't receive any points because we're in class D”

”Hah? What's that supposed to et 100,000 points every month…”

”I don't reht?”

Ser to Chiyabashi+ra-sensei

”Your attitude has soht track Not many people seem to have noticed my hint How sad”

The classroom erupted in uproar and confusion

”… Sensei, can I ask a question? I still don't understand

Hirata raised his hand Rather than being concerned about his own points, it looks like he's asking to help the worried students in the roo the initiative again

”Please tell et any points If that's not possible, we can never understand

After all, ere never given the reason for ere never given points

”98 total absences and tardies 391 incidences of talking or using cell phones in class I counted every infraction In this school, your class performance is reflected in the amount points received As a result your behavior, the 100,000 points you could've gotten went down the drain That's all that happened

I explained this all on the day of the entrance ceremony That this school measures the abilities of its students This ti more than that”

Chiyabashi+ra-sensei talked mechanically, without any expression My initial doubts after co to my school were finally answered The worst way possible, but answered nonetheless

In other words, even though ere given a great advantage of 100,000 points at the beginning, our class D lost all of it in a single month

I heard the sound of a pencil on paper Horikita was calrasp of the situation as she noted the nu class

”Chiyabashi+ra-sensei, I don't re that explanation before…”

”What? Are you people incapable of understanding without any explanations?”

”Naturally There was nothe nu of each month If it was explained before, I'm sure that ould've tried not to be late and not to talk during class”

”An interesting argu the rules about the points received at the beginning of each uys learned not to talk in class and get to class on time since elementary school?”

”That is…”

”I'uys have learned In the 9 years of cos are frowned upon Talking in class and being late to class is bad Also, did you say that you couldn't understand because I didn't explain it? That excuse doesn't fly If you behaved as a student should, your points wouldn't have dropped to 0 It's your own self-responsibility”

Without any roouood and bad behavior, after all

”After becoh schoolers, did you really think that you would get 100,000 points every month without any restrictions? In this school created by the japanese government to train excellent people? That's impossible, just use your common sense Why leave doubts as doubts?”

Although Hirata looked frustrated by her sound argument, he recovered and immediately looked at her in the eye

”Well then, can you at least tell us the details about how points are increased or decreased? We will always try to do our best from now on”

”That's not possible We are not allowed to divulge the details of hoe assess merit to the students It's the same as the real world When all of you enter society, and find work in some kind of business, they probably won't tell you how you're assessed—that's up to the co to be cold, nor do I hate you guys This is such a pitiful sight that I'll tell everyone here one thing”

For the first time today, I saw a faint smile on Chiyabashi+ra-sensei's face

”For argu late and stopped talking in class… your deduction would be zero, but that doesn't et more points

In other words, next month's allowance is also 0 points

Not being late or not talking to class won't help you get back up from the bottom

Keep that in mind—it'll help you”


Hirata's face got even darker A part of the class still failed to understand; her explanation had the opposite effect The students anted to change their bad behavior had their mood dampened That is Chiyabashi+ra-sensei's; no, the school's aim

The bell rang, signaling the end of homeroom

”Looks like we had too much idle chit-chat Hopefully you understood Anyway, let's move onto the main issue at hand”

She spread out the white poster that was rolled into a tube Taking a net, she stuck it onto the board The students looked at the paper, still confused

”Is this… the results of each class?”

Horikita tried to explain the paper even though she was only half sure Perhaps it's true

Classes A to D were listed on the paper, with nuht next to them

Our class D with 0 Class C with 490 Class B with 650 And class A had the highest nuuess 1000 points would mean 100,000 yen? All the classes lost points in some way

”Hey, don't you think this is strange?”

”Yea… the numbers are too clean”

Horikita and I noticed that there was soe about the points

”For the firstas you please Now, the school's not saying that this is prohibited Your actions, such as talking during class and being late to class, just affects the nuet It's the same with how you use points You have the freedom to use points how you want We haven't restricted how you use your points”

”This isn't fair! We can't lead a normal school life like that!”

Ike, who had stayed quiet until now, shouted out