The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Part 17 (1/2)
”Then coround I gained the trifling details which I gave to that imbecile Lestrade, as to the personality of the criain them?”
”You know my method It is founded upon the observation of trifles”
”His height I know that you th of his stride His boots, too, ht be told from their traces”
”Yes, they were peculiar boots”
”But his laht foot was always less distinct than his left He put less weight upon it Why? Because he limped--he was lame”
”But his left-handedness”
”You were yourself struck by the nature of the injury as recorded by the surgeon at the inquest The bloas struck from immediately behind, and yet was upon the left side No can that be unless it were by a left-handedthe intervieeen the father and son He had even sar, which e of tobacco ashes enables ar I have, as you know, devoted soraph on the ashes of 140 different varieties of pipe, cigar, and cigarette tobacco Having found the ash, I then looked round and discovered the stuar, of the variety which are rolled in Rotterdaar-holder?”
”I could see that the end had not been in his mouth Therefore he used a holder The tip had been cut off, not bitten off, but the cut was not a clean one, so I deduced a blunt pen-knife”
”Holmes,” I said, ”you have drawn a net round this man from which he cannot escape, and you have saved an innocent hu him I see the direction in which all this points The culprit is--”
”Mr John Turner,” cried the hotel waiter, opening the door of our sitting-roo in a visitor
The ure His slow, liave the appearance of decrepitude, and yet his hard, deep-lined, craggy features, and his enorth of body and of character His tangled beard, grizzled hair, and outstanding, drooping eyebrows conity and power to his appearance, but his face was of an ashen white, while his lips and the corners of his nostrils were tinged with a shade of blue It was clear to rip of some deadly and chronic disease
”Pray sit down on the sofa,” said Hole-keeper brought it up You said that you wished to see ht people would talk if I went to the Hall”
”And why did you wish to see me?” He looked across at h his question was already answered
”Yes,” said Hol the look rather than the words ”It is so I know all about McCarthy”
The old man sank his face in his hands ”God helpive you ainst hilad to hear you say so,” said Holravely
”I would have spoken now had it not been for irl It would break her heart--it will break her heart when she hears that I am arrested”
”It may not come to that,” said Holent I understand that it was your daughter who requiredin her interests
Young McCarthyman,” said old Turner ”I have had diabetes for years My doctor says it is a question whether I shall live a aol”
Holmes rose and sat down at the table with his pen in his hand and a bundle of paper before him ”Just tell us the truth,” he said ”I shall jot down the facts You will sign it, and Watson here can witness it Then I could produce your confession at the last extre McCarthy I promise you that I shall not use it unless it is absolutely needed”
”It's as well,” said the old man; ”it's a question whether I shall live to the assizes, so it matters little to me, but I should wish to spare Alice the shock And noillti to tell