The Hound of the Baskervilles Part 16 (2/2)
”No; I told my hat to answer and she went down to write it”
In the evening he recurred to the subject of his own accord
”I could not quite understand the object of your questions this , Sir Henry,” said he ”I trust that they do notto forfeit your confidence?”
Sir Henry had to assure hi him a considerable part of his old wardrobe, the London outfit having now all arrived
Mrs Barrymore is of interest to me She is a heavy, solid person, very limited, intensely respectable, and inclined to be puritanical You could hardly conceive a less eht here, I heard her sobbing bitterly, and since then I have more than once observed traces of tears upon her face Sonaws ever at her heart Souilty memory which haunts her, and so a do singular and questionable in this s all my suspicions to a head
And yet it may seem a small matter in itself You are aware that I auard in this house ht, about two in theblack shadoas trailing down the corridor It was thrown by a e with a candle held in his hand He was in shi+rt and trousers, with no covering to his feet I could ht told me that it was Barrymore He walked very slowly and circuuilty and furtive in his whole appearance
I have told you that the corridor is broken by the balcony which runs round the hall, but that it is resumed upon the farther side I waited until he had passed out of sight and then I followed him When I came round the balcony he had reached the end of the farther corridor, and I could see froh an open door that he had entered one of the rooms Now, all these rooms are unfurnished and unoccupied so that his expedition becaht shone steadily as if he were standing e as noiselessly as I could and peeped round the corner of the door
Barryainst the glass His profile was half turned towards id with expectation as he stared out into the blackness of theintently Then he gave a deep groan and with an iht Instantly I made my way back toonceafterwards when I had fallen into a light sleep I heard a key turn somewhere in a lock, but I could not tell whence the sound cauess, but there is solooet to the bottom of I do not trouble you with my theories, for you askedtalk with Sir Henry this n founded upon ht I will not speak about it just now, but it should
Chapter 9 The Light upon the Moor [Second Report of Dr Watson]
Baskerville Hall, Oct 15th MY DEAR HOLMES: If I was co the early days ofup for lost ti thick and fast upon us In my last report I ended upon my top note with Barryet already which will, unless I as have taken a turn which I could not have anticipated In soht hours become much clearer and in some ways they have become e for yourself
Before breakfast on themy adventure I went down the corridor and exaht before The westernthrough which he had stared so intently has, I noticed, one peculiarity above all other s in the house--it co between two trees which enables one froht down upon it, while frolimpse which can be obtained It follows, therefore, that Barrymore, since only this ould serve the purpose,or soht was very dark, so that I can hardly iine how he could have hoped to see anyone It had struck ue was on foot That would have accounted for his stealthy movements and also for the uneasiness of his wife Thefellow, very well equipped to steal the heart of a country girl, so that this theory see of the door which I had heard after I had returned to one out to keep some clandestine appoint, and I tell you the direction of my suspicions, however much the result may have shown that they were unfounded
But whatever the true explanation of Barryht be, I felt that the responsibility of keeping them to myself until I could explain them was more than I could bear I had an intervieith the baronet in his study after breakfast, and I told him all that I had seen He was less surprised than I had expected
”I knew that Barryhts, and I had a mind to speak to him about it,” said he ”Two or three ti, just about the hour you naht to that particular ,” I suggested
”Perhaps he does If so, we should be able to shadow him and see what it is that he is after I wonder what your friend Holmes would do if he were here”
”I believe that he would do exactly what you now suggest,” said I ”He would follow Barryether”
”But surely he would hear us”
”The man is rather deaf, and in any case we ht and wait until he passes” Sir Henry rubbed his hands with pleasure, and it was evident that he hailed the adventure as a relief to his somewhat quiet life upon the moor
The baronet has been in communication with the architect who prepared the plans for Sir Charles, and with a contractor froin here soon There have been decorators and furnishers up froe ideas and randeur of his family When the house is renovated and refurnished, all that he will need will be a wife to ns that this will not be wanting if the lady is willing, for I have seldom seen a man more infatuated with a wohbour, Miss Stapleton And yet the course of true love does not run quite as smoothly as one would under the circumstances expect Today, for example, its surface was broken by a very unexpected ripple, which has caused our friend considerable perplexity and annoyance
After the conversation which I have quoted about Barryo out As a , Watson?” he asked, looking at oing on the moor,” said I
”Yes, I am”
”Well, you knohat my instructions are I am sorry to intrude, but you heard how earnestly Holmes insisted that I should not leave you, and especially that you should not go alone upon the moor”
Sir Henry put his hand upon my shoulder with a pleasant smile