The Hound of the Baskervilles Part 8 (1/2)
”My dear fellow, you exaggerate I have so your boys a lad naation”
”Yes, sir, he is still with us”
”Could you ring hie of this five-pound note”
A lad of fourteen, with a bright, keen face, had obeyed the sureat reverence at the famous detective
”Let me have the Hotel Directory,” said Holht, there are the nahbourhood of Charing Cross Do you see?”
”Yes, sir”
”You will visit each of these in turn”
”Yes, sir”
”You will begin in each case by giving the outside porter one shi+lling
Here are twenty-three shi+llings”
”Yes, sir”
”You will tell him that you want to see the waste-paper of yesterday
You will say that an i for it You understand?”
”Yes, sir”
”But what you are really looking for is the centre page of the Times with some holes cut in it with scissors Here is a copy of the Tinize it, could you not?”
”Yes, sir”
”In each case the outside porter will send for the hall porter, to who Here are twenty-three shi+llings You will then learn in possibly twenty cases out of the twenty-three that the waste of the day before has been burned or removed In the three other cases you will be shown a heap of paper and you will look for this page of the Ti it There are ten shi+llings over in case of eencies LetAnd now, Watson, it only remains for us to find out by wire the identity of the cabman, No 2704, and then ill drop into one of the Bond Street picture galleries and fill in the time until we are due at the hotel”
Chapter 5 Three Broken Threads
Sherlock Hol his e business in which we had been involved appeared to be forgotten, and he was entirely absorbed in the pictures of thebut art, of which he had the crudest ideas, froallery until we found ourselves at the Northumberland Hotel
”Sir Henry Baskerville is upstairs expecting you,” said the clerk ”He asked me to show you up at once when you caister?” said Holmes
”Not in the least”
The book showed that two names had been added after that of Baskerville
One was Theophilus Johnson and family, of Newcastle; the other Mrs