Volume VI Part 76 (1/2)

I lifted the bandage and saw everything, but they pretended not to suspect anything

They treated me in the same way, no doubt to see what it was that they felt when they fell upon ame went on; till exhausted, nature would not allow me to play it any more I put myself in a state of decency, and then told thees

They did so and sat beside , perhaps, that they would be able to, disavow everything on the score of the bandage

It seeood care not to tell her so; but Arin She was reat eyes shone as voluptuously but more modestly

I would have snatched a kiss froh she squeezed my hands tenderly I was astonished at this refusal after the liberties I had taken with her

We had talked about balls, and they were both extree with all the young Ro years the Pope Rezzonico had deprived the, he allowed gaanelli, his successor, had other views, and forbade ga

So much for papal infallibility; what one condeht it better to let his subjects skip than to give the suicide, or of becoands; but Rezzonico did not see the irls I would take them to the ball as soon as I could discover one where I was not likely to be recognized

Three o'clock struck, and I took theress I had h I had only increased my passion I was surer than ever that Armelline was born to exercise an irresistible sway over every eone and the censer of no value

I could not help reflecting on the sort of glamour which made me fall in love with one who seemed all new to me, while I loved her in exactly the same manner as I had loved her predecessor But in reality there was no real novelty; the piece was the saht be altered

But when I had hat I coveted, did I realize that I was going over old ground? Did I complain? Did I think myself deceived?

Not one whit; and doubtless for this reason, that whilst I enjoyed the piece I kept my eyes fixed on the title which had so taken my fancy If this be so, of what use is title at all? The title of a book, the name of a dish, the name of a town--of what consequence are all these hat one wants is to read the book, to eat the dish, and to see the town

The coh the senses, which, touch excepted, all reside in the head In love a beautiful face is a reatest ht well excite a h the head were covered, but never to real love If at thewere taken away, and a face of hideous, revolting ugliness disclosed, one would fly in horror, in spite of the beauties of the woood If aface, and succeeds in lifting the veil of the sanctuary only to find deformities there, still the face wins the day, atones for all, and the sacrifice is consummated

The face is thus parareed that women's bodies shall be covered and their faces disclosed; while ed in such a way that wouess at what they cannot see

This arrangee of women; art can conceal the imperfections of the face, and even ly breast, stomach, or any other part of the man body

In spite of this, I confess that the phenoh they possess a fine figure, have a repulsive face; in spite of the beauty of the piece, the title drives spectators away Still an interesting face is an inseparable accident of love

Thrice happy are they who, like Arot hoarita in a deep sleep

I took care not to awake her, and went to bed with as little noise as possible I was in want of rest, for I no longer enjoyed the vigour of youth, and I slept till twelve

When I awoke, Margarita toldman had called on me at ten o'clock, and that she had a to awake me