Volume VI Part 50 (1/2)
”Not at all; to bed with you, I shall love you all theof the kind”
The count took her in his ared her to do him this favour, not so much for the twenty-five Louis, as to convince ar prejudices His caresses becah fir that she would never consent, and that he had already won the bet, which was the case; in fine the poor girl besought hie her to do a deed which she thought infamous
Her words, and the pathetic voice hich they were uttered, should have shae He repulsed her, calling her the vilest na her that she was a hypocrite, and he felt certain she had already granted rew pale as death, and furious in my turn, I ran for h, if the infamous scoundrel had not fled into the next room, where he locked hi Betty's distress, of which I had been the innocent cause, and I didstate Her breath came with difficulty, her eyes seemed ready to start out of her head, her lips were bloodless and treether Everyone in the inn was asleep I could not call for help, and all I could do was to dash water in her face, and speak soothing words
At last she fell asleep, and I remained beside her for more than two hours, attentive to her least thened and refreshed
At day-break I heard l'Etoile going off, and I was glad of it The people of the inn knocked at our door, and then Betty awoke
”Are you ready to go, my dear Betty?”
”I am much better, but I should so like a cup of tea”
The Italians cannot ave me, and went to prepare itthe freshair at theShe seemed calm, and I hoped I had cured her She drank a few cups of tea (of which beverage the English are very fond), and soon regained her good looks
She heard some people in the room where we had supped, and asked me if I had taken up the purse which I had placed on the table I had forgotten it co the words, ”bill of exchange for three thousand crowns” The i his bet, and had forgotten it It was dated at Bordeaux, drawn on a wine ht, and was for six ular
I took it to Betty, who toldmore about that infaive no idea,--
”For pity's sake do not abandon a poor girl, more worthy of coain to have all a father's care for her, and soon after we proceeded on our journey
The poor girl fell asleep, and I followed her exareatly to our astonishment, that ere at Monterosi We had slept for six hours, and had done eighteen miles
We had to stay at Monterosi till four o'clock, and ere glad of it, for we needed time for reflection
In the first place I asked about the wretched deceiver, and was told that he hadto spend the night at La Storta
Weup a spirit said we must consider the case of her infamous betrayer, but for the last time
”Be a father to me,” said she; ”do not advise but coive you any further particulars, for you have guessed all except the horror hich the thought of my betrayer now inspires ed me into an abyss of shaiving you?”
”I think so”
”Then we h to follow this counsel? I warn you that if you approve of it, it , pretty, and virtuous as you are, you need not io by yourself, or in the coers If you think I love you, and find ard for me I will live with you like a father, if you are not in a position to give me marks of a more ardent affection
Be sure I will keep faith with you, for I want to redeem your opinion of men, and to shew you that there are men as honourable as your seducer was vile”