Volume VI Part 45 (2/2)
”Yes, and a little Italian too”
”I congratulatecoratulate me”
”I heard you came to Sienna on horseback”
”Yes, but I will never do such a foolish thing again”
”I think your husband would have been wise to sell his horse and buy a carriage”
”He hired it; it does not belong to hi to drive to Naples”
”You like travelling?”
”Very reater coirl, whose white skin did not look as if it could contain a drop of blood, blushedof her secret, and begged pardon; and for aze at the scenery, but in reality thinking of her, for she began to inspire h the position ofcompanion was more than equivocal, I determined to see my way clearly before I took any decisive step; and I waited patiently till we got to Bon Couvent, where we expected to dine and ot there at ten o'clock
In Italy the carriages never go faster than a walk; a man on foot can outstrip them, as they rarely exceed three miles an hour The tediu dreadful, and in the hot months one has to stop five or six hours in theill
My coacho beyond St Quirico, where there was an excellent inn, that night, so he proposed waiting at Bon Couvent till four o'clock We had therefore six hours wherein to rest
The English girl was astonished at not finding her husband, and looked for him in all directions I noticed her, and asked the landlord what had become of him He informed us that he had breakfasted and baited his horse, and had then gone on, leaving word that he would await us at St
Quirico and order supper there
I thought it all very strange, but I said nothing The poor girl begged ivento be offended at”
The landlord asked me if the vetturino paid irl then told hi for her
Theher with ave her a paper which she handed to ned ”Co coed me only to order dinner for myself
I understood her delicacy, and this made her all the dearer to me
”Madame,” said I, ”you uess you have no money about you, and that you wish to fast from motives of delicacy Your husband shall repay me, if he will have it so If I told the landlord to only prepare dinner forthe count, yourself possibly, and ht sir Let dinner be served for two, then; but I cannot eat, for I feel ill, and I hope you will noton the bed for a moment”