Volume VI Part 22 (2/2)

On our way I explained to my two conazia asked o and see her She seeative

A common and to my mind a ridiculous question is which of the two sexes enjoys the generative act theon this point Tiresias, as once a wo decision on the point A laconic answer has it that a woman enjoys the act the most because with her it is sharper, repeated ht in her field She is at the saent, while action is indispensable to the pleasure of the man But the most conclusive reason is that if the woreater nature would be unjust, and she never is or can be unjust Nothing in this universe is without its use, and no pleasure or pain is without its compensation or balance If woans than he The greater nervous power planted in the fean is demonstrated by the andromania to which some women are subject, and whichat all siiven to women this special enjoyo What man would expose hinancy and the dangers of childbed? But woain; so it must be concluded that they believe the pleasure to outbalance the pain; and so it is clearly the woman who has the better share in the enjoyain as a woman, I should say no; for in spite of my voluptuousness, a h, indeed, rather than not be born again, I would be a woman, and even a brute, provided always that I had er be myself

We had some ices, and my two companions returned hoiven thenazia, as delighted withthe day, and apparently afraid of its not lasting, begged reed, and even did so with pleasure

The cousin was ugly, and also a fool, but she had a great heart and was synazia had told her all, and as she was no restraint on nazia looked upon her as a safeguard

The table had been laid for three, when I heard a step co up the stairs It was the father, and I asked hio was a pleasant man, as I have said, but what amused me most of all about him was his hter, though in an honourable way; he thought uard If he had suspected what had really happened, I do not think he would ever have allowed us to be together

He sat beside his niece and facing his daughter, and did rave, is eloquent, and fond of hearing the fine harue

It was very hot, so I asked hihter to do just as she would if only he and his wife had been present

Donna Ignazia had not to be entreated long before she took off her kerchief, but the poor cousin did not like having to shew us her bones and swarthy skin

Donna Ignazia told her father how much she had enjoyed herself, and how they had seen the duchess of Villadorias, who had asked an to philosophise and to jest on her erirls pretended not to understand

The good wine of La Mancha kept us at table till a late hour, and the tio told his niece that she could sleep with his daughter, in the rooh for two I hastened to add that if the ladies would do so I should be delighted; but Donna Ignazia blushed and said it would not do, as the roolass door At this I shter in a manner which amused me extremely He told her that I was at least twenty years older than herself, and that in suspecting reater sin than if she allowed ht liberty

”I ao to confession next Sunday you will forget to accuse yourself of having wrongfully suspected Don Jainazia looked at me affectionately, asked my pardon, and said she would do whatever her father liked The cousin said nothing, and the father kissed his daughter, bade ue he had delivered

I suspected that Donna Ignazia expectedsure that she would resist for the sake of appearance, I deterot up and went into their roo some trick on them

However, the birds were flown, and I had no doubt that they had gone to hear nazia came home by herself at ten o'clock She foundShe told me she had been in the church for three hours

”You have been to confession, I suppose?”

”No; I went last Sunday, and I shall wait till next Sunday”

”I athened by any sins I have helped you to co? I understand; but youto be damned for mere desires I do not wish to torranted me has made me fall deeply in love with you, and it ine that our love has becoht; and it is tiet you, but to bring about that effect I will see you no longer I will keep on the house, but I will not live in it If your religion is an intelligent one, you will approve of my idea Tell your confessor of it next Sunday, and you will see that he will approve it”

”You are right, but I cannot agree to it You can go away if you like, and I shall say nothing, but I shall be the irl in all Madrid”

As she spoke these words, two big tears rolled down her cheeks, and her face dropped; I was profoundly nazia, and I hope not to be da you and to this love some positive proof is essential; otherwise, I ao you say you will be unhappy, and if I stay it is I that will be unhappy, my health will be ruined But tell o? Say”


”Then youand tender as you were before”