Volume VI Part 11 (2/2)

”And if the father and o, leaving theh, and weep, and moan, bewail parental tyranny, call Heaven to witness the innocency of going to a ball, and finally go into convulsions”

This oration, which was uttered in the ay, for I scented an intrigue from afar I thanked the masked (who spoke Italian very well) and promised to follow his advice and to let hihted to hear of your success, and you will find lad if you will follow me now, to be introduced to the lady who is my constant companion”

I was astonished at so much politeness, and told him my name and followed him He took me into a box where there were two ladies and an elderlyabout the ball, so I put in a remark or two on the same topic, which seemed to meet with approval One of the two ladies, who retained some traces of her former beauty, asked me, in excellent French, what circles I moved in

”I have only been a short ti been presented at Court I really know no one”

”Really! I quite pity you Come and see me, you will be welcome My name is Pichona, and anybody will tell you where I live”

”I shall be delighted to pay my respects to you, madam”

What I liked best about the spectacle was a wonderful and fantastic dance which was struck up at o, of which I had often heard, but of which I had absolutely no idea I had seen it danced on the stage in France and Italy, but the actors were careful not to use those voluptuous gestures which make it the most seductive in the world It cannot be described Each couple only dances three steps, but the gestures and the attitudes are theis represented, froh of desire to the final ecstasy; it is a very history of love I could not conceive a wo after this dance, for it seemed made to stir up the senses I was so excited at this Bacchanalian spectacle that I burst out into cries of delight The masker who had taken o danced by the Gitanas with good partners

”But,” I remarked, ”does not the Inquisition object to this dance?”

Madame Pichona told me that it was absolutely forbidden, and would not be danced unless the Count of Aranda had given permission

I heard afterwards that, on the count forbidding the fandango, the ball-room was deserted with bitter co withdrawn everyone was loud in his praise

The next day I told et ht ave e adht me all the steps so well that, by the confession of the Spaniards themselves, I danced it to perfection

For the next ball I determined to carry the masker's advice into effect, but I did not want to take a courtesan or a married wo lady of family would acco the Church of the Soledad I went in, with the doublea partner for the next day's ball

I noticed a fine-looking girl co out of the confessional, with contrite face and lowered eyes, and I noted where she went She knelt down in the middle of the church, and I was so attracted by her appearance that I registered a mental vow to the effect that she should be my first partner She did not look like a person of condition, nor, so far as I could see, was she rich, and nothing about her indicated the courtesan, though woo to confession in Madrid like everybody else When mass was ended, the priest distributed the Eucharist, and I saw her rise and approach humbly to the holy table, and there receive the communion She then returned to the church to finish her devotions, and I was patient enough to wait till they were over

At last she left, in coirl, and I followed her at a distance At the end of a street her co her steps, turned into another street and entered a sh I noted the house and the street (Calle des Desinjano) and then walked up and down for half an hour, that I e and walked in, and, ona bell, I heard a voice,

”Who is there?”

”Honest folk,” I answered, according to the custom of the country; and the door was opened I founddevotee I had followed, and another girl, soood enough to express , and, hat in hand, I infor no partner to take to the ball, I had cohter for hter I assured hiirl should be returned to him after the ball in the same condition as when she started

”Senor,” said he, ”there is hter, but I don't know you, and I don't knohether she wants to go”

”I should like to go, if my parents will allow me”