Volume V Part 100 (1/2)

”Very good We are aware, sir, that you have a separate room, but that makes no difference”

Thereupon one of the police hi at your bed, and I can see you have not slept in it

That's enough”

”The devil! What business have you here at all, and who authorizes such disgraceful proceedings?”

He made no reply, but returned to Madame Blasin's room, where they both ordered her to leave Vienna in the course of twenty-four hours, and then they both left us

”Dress yourself,” said I to her, ”and tell the French ambassador the whole story Tell him that you are a o fro, and fro I ordered a carriage and a servant to be in attendance She returned in an hour's time, and said the ambassador had assured her that she would be left alone, and need not leave Vienna till she thought fit I took her to mass in triumph, and then, as the weather was bad, we spent the rest of the day in eating and drinking and sitting by the fire

At eight o'clock in the evening the landlord came up and said very politely that he had been ordered by the police to give the lady a rooed to obey

”I ae my room,” said Madame Blasin, with a smile

”Is the lady to sup alone?” I asked

”I have received no instructions on that point”

”Then I will sup with her, and I hope you will treat us well”

”You shall be well served, sir”

In spite of the detestable and tyrannical police we spent the last four days and nights together in the closest intimacy When she left I wanted her to take fifty Louis; but she would only have thirty, saying that she could travel to Montpellier on that suot there Our parting was an affecting one She wrote to ain when I describe my visit to Montpellier