Volume V Part 96 (1/2)
”Never ht”
”The face is the essential part for me,” I replied, ”and the rest I look upon as an accessory”
He did not understand this However, they were uncovered, but none of their faces excited ly; a beauty is a miracle, and a pretty wo and weariness, I returned to Warsaw
In this manner I saw Podolia and Volkynia, which were rebaptized a few years later by the names of Galicia and Lodomeria, for they are now part of the Austrian Empire It is said, however, that they are more prosperous than they ever were before
At Warsaw I found Madame Geoffrin the object of universal ad hat simplicity she was dressed As for myself, I was received not coldly, but positively rudely People said to ain Why did you come back?”
”To pay usted ed towards me I was still invited to dinner, but no one spoke to me However, Prince Adam's sister asked me very kindly to coht I found , who did not speak one word to me the whole time He had never behaved to me thus before
The next day I dined with the Countess Oginski, and in the course of dinner the countess asked where the king had supper the night before; nobody see, General Roniker came in, and the question was repeated
”At Princess Strasnikowa's,” said the general, ”and M Casanova was there”
”Then why did you not answer my question?” said the countess to me
”Because I am very sorry to have been there His majesty neither spoke to race, but for the life ofthe house I went to call on Prince Augustus Sulkowski, elcomed me as of old, but toldto Warsaw as public opinion was against ; but the Poles are always inconstant and changeable
'Sarmatarum virtus veluti extra ipsos' This inconstancy will cost us dear sooner or later Your fortune was made, but you o”
”I will certainly do so, but it seeave me a letter which some unknown person had left at my door I opened it and found it to be anonymous, but I could see it came froot the ears of the king, and that I was no longer a persona grata at Court, as he had been assured that the Parisians had burntwith the lotteryplayer in Italy and little better than a vagabond
Such calun country At all Courts hatred, born of envy, is ever at work I ht have despised the slanders and left the country, but I had contracted debts and had not sufficient ht I er saw any company, with the exception of Campioni, who seemed more distressed than myself I wrote to Venice and everywhere else, where there was a chance of eneral, who had been present at the duel, called on h he see requested me to leave the ban in the course of a week
Such a piece of insolence ht tell the king that I did not feel inclined to obey such an unjust order, and that if I left I would let all the world know that I had been compelled to do so by brute force
”I cannot take such a eneral, kindly ”I shall si that I have executed his orders, and no nation I wrote to the king that I could not obey his orders and keep my honour I said in ivemy debts, when they learn that I have only done so because yourhow I could ensure this letter reaching the king, ho should arrive but Count Moszczinski I told hiest anytire letter ”Give it to 's hands”
As soon as he had gone I went out to take the air, and called on Prince Sulkowski, as not at all astonished at my news As if to sweeten the bitter pill I had to s, he told me how the Empress of Austria had ordered him to leave Vienna in twenty-four hours, merely because he had complimented the Archduchess Christina on behalf of Prince Louis of Wurteht , who said thater which I could not expect to escape eventually
This referred to five or six challenges I had received, and to which I had not even taken the trouble to reply My ene did not care to be constantly anxious on my account Count Moszczinski added that the order to leave carried no dishonour with it, considering by whoave me to make my preparations