Volume V Part 78 (1/2)

”Is that conclusion the result of a mathematical calculation?”

”Yes, sire”

”Such calculations often prove deceptive”

”Not so, may it please your ot to do with it?”

”Well, sire, ill call it destiny or chance”

”Good! I may possibly be of your opinion as to the calculation, but I don't like your Genoese Lottery It see more to do with it, even if it were positively certain that I should never lose”

”Your ht, for the confidence which makes the people risk their money in a lottery is perfectly fallacious”

This was the end of our strange dialogue, and stopping before a building he looked me over, and then, after a short silence, observed,--

”Do you know that you are a fine man?”

”Is it possible that, after the scientific conversation we have had, your majesty should select the least of the qualities which adorn your life guards smiled kindly, and said,--

”As you know Marshal Keith, I will speak to him of you”

With that he took off his hat, and bade me farewell I retired with a profound bow

Three or four days after the reeable news that I had found favour in the king's eyes, and that hisme

I was curious to learn the nature of this e in no kind of hurry I resolved to await events in Berlin The tii, Baron Treidel, or my landlady, and when these resources failedover the events ofpermission to continue the lottery on his own account, and he boldly announced that henceforward he would conduct the lottery on his own risk His audacity was croith success, and he obtained a profit of a hundred thousand crowns With this he paid ave histhe docu it was easy to find guarantors, and the lottery went on successfully for two or three years

Nevertheless Calsabigi ended by becoht be coot the more he spent His e and returned to Paris, where she lived in co, the duchess of Brunswick, the king's sister, cahter whoyear

I saw the king in a suit of lustring tris He looked truly co He came into the hall with his sister on his arm and attracted universal attention, for only very oldhim without his uniform and top-boots

I was not aware that the fareeable surprise toa pas seul in an exquisite manner We were old friends, and I resolved to pay her a visit the next day

II ever have one), that when I was about twelve years old I went to the theatre with irl of eight who danced aadancer, as the pantaloon's daughter, char to her dressing-room to compliment her on her performance I wore the cassock in those days, and she was astonished when she heard her father order her to get up and kiss race, and though I received the cohted, that I could not help buying her a little ring froreat gratitude and enthusiasm

The pleasantest part about this was that the sequin I had given for the ring belonged to Dr Gozzi, and so when I went back to him I was in a pitiable state, for I had not only spentto me, but I had spent it for so small a favour as a kiss

I knew that the next day I should have to give an account of thethe least idea as to what I should say, I had a bad night of it The nextcah nohen I think of this childish piece of gallantry, which was an omen of the extent to which my heart was to be swayed by the fair sex

The toy-wo came the next day at dinner-tis and trinkets which were judged too dear, she began to praiseI had given to pretty Jeannette too dear This didnot to do such a thing again But when I uttered the word love, everybody roared with laughter, and began to istered an interior resolve never to confess ain The reader knoell I kept hter was hts were full of her My mother, who loved irl to be asked to supper My granded to her