Volume V Part 59 (1/2)
When the slut saw allant, whom I caned soundly until he escaped in the confusion consequent on the servants,into the roo on the Charpillon, half-naked, re lest the blows should begin to descend on her Then the three hags set upon me like furies; but their abuse only irritated lass, the china, and the furniture, and as they still howled and shrieked I roared out that if they did not cease I would break their heads At this they began to calm
I threw myself upon the fatal sofa, and bade the e; but just then the watchman came in
There is only one watchht with a lantern in one hand and a staff in the other On these reat city depends I put three or four crowns into his hand and said ”Go away,” and so saying shut the door upon hiain for the bills of exchange:
”I have not got thehter keeps them”
”Call her”
The twothe china she had escaped by the street door, and that they did not knohat had becoan to shriek, weep, and exclaihter alone in the streets of London at ht! My dear niece, alas! alas! she is lost Cursed be the hour when you cae had evaporated, and I tre about the streets at such an hour
”Go and look for her at the neighbours' houses,” I said to the servants, ”no doubt you will find her When you tell uinea apiece”
When the three Gorgons saas interested, their tears, coor, while I kept silence as ht I awaited the return of the servants with impatience, and at last at one o'clock they came back with looks of despair
”We have looked for her everywhere,” said they, ”but we can't find her”
I gave theuineas as if they had succeeded, whilst I sat er How foolish is h to express ed them to seek for her everywhere when dawn appeared, and to letpardon, and never see her face again I also proive thee
After these acts, done to the everlasting shay hed at uineas to the servant who should bringthe house I found the watch to see me home It o o'clock I threw h troubled by fearful dreaht o'clock I heard a knock at the door, and on opening thefound it was one of the servants from the house of ain on hearing that Miss Charpillon had just arrived in a sedan-chair in a pitiable condition, and that she had been put to bed
”Iuineas, but because I saw you were so unhappy” This duped uineas, andher to tell me all about her mistress's return I did not drea the whole of this period I was deprived of the right use ofmistress loved me, and had only deceived me in accordance with her mother's orders
”I know that,” I said, ”but where did she pass the night?”
”At a shop which she found open, and where she was known froht various articles there She is in bed with a fever, and I am afraid it may have serious consequences as she is in her ht her in the act with her hairdresser”
”Oh, that proves nothing! the poor young s very closely”
”But she is in love with hih she has spent several hours in his company”
”And you say that she lovesto do with it! It is only a whim of hers with the hairdresser”
”Tell her that I a irl if you like”